# # Ralefile for releasing tDiary. # STABLE = `git tag | sort -r | head -1`.chomp REPOS = %w(tdiary-core tdiary-theme tdiary-blogkit tdiary-contrib) DEST_DIR = "/var/www/tdiary.org/htdocs/download" TARBALLS = [] def fetch_files( repo ) Dir.chdir("tmp") do rm_rf repo rescue true sh "git clone --depth 10 https://github.com/tdiary/#{repo}.git #{repo}" end end def make_tarball( repo, version = nil ) suffix = version ? "-#{version}" : '-snapshot' dest = "#{repo == 'tdiary-core' ? 'tdiary' : repo}#{suffix}" if version then Dir.chdir repo do sh "git checkout #{version}" end end rm_rf "#{repo}/.git" sh "find #{repo} -type f | xargs chmod 644" sh "find #{repo} -type d | xargs chmod 755" if repo == 'tdiary-core' then Dir.chdir 'tdiary-core' do sh "chmod +x index.rb index.fcgi update.rb update.fcgi" sh 'rake doc' Bundler.with_clean_env do sh 'bundle --path .bundle --without coffee:memcached:redis:gfm:server:development:test' end Dir.chdir 'misc/lib' do sh 'gem unpack bundler' end end end mv repo, dest sh "tar zcf #{dest}.tar.gz #{dest}" mv dest, repo TARBALLS << "#{dest}.tar.gz" end def make_full_package(version = nil) suffix = version ? "-#{version}" : '-snapshot' Dir.chdir("tmp") do TARBALLS.clear REPOS.each do |repo| make_tarball( repo, version ) end Dir["tdiary-theme/*"].each do |d| mv d, "tdiary-core/theme/" rescue true end mv "tdiary-core", "tdiary#{suffix}" sh "tar zcf tdiary-full#{suffix}.tar.gz tdiary#{suffix}" TARBALLS << "tdiary-full#{suffix}.tar.gz" rm_rf "tdiary#{suffix}" REPOS.each {|repo| rm_rf repo rescue true } end end task :default => :snapshot desc 'fetching all files from GitHub.' task :fetch do REPOS.each{|r| fetch_files(r) } end desc 'releasing all files' task :release do Dir.chdir("tmp") do TARBALLS = Dir["*.tar.gz"] if TARBALLS.empty? TARBALLS.each do |tgz| sh "scp -P 443 #{tgz} www.tdiary.org:#{DEST_DIR}" end end end desc 'making packages of snapshot.' task :snapshot => :fetch do make_full_package end desc 'making packages of stable.' task :stable => :fetch do make_full_package(STABLE) end desc 'cleanup all files.' task :clean do Dir.chdir("tmp") do REPOS.each {|repo| rm_rf repo rescue true } sh "rm *.tar.gz" rescue true end end # Local Variables: # mode: ruby # indent-tabs-mode: t # tab-width: 3 # ruby-indent-level: 3 # End: # vim: ts=3