require "ruby-spacy" require "terminal-table" nlp ="en_core_web_sm") doc ="bright red apples on the tree") puts "Text: " + doc.text puts "Words to the left of 'apple': " + Spacy.generator_to_array(doc[2].lefts).to_s puts "Words to the right of 'apple': " + Spacy.generator_to_array(doc[2].rights).to_s puts "Num of the words to the left of 'apple': " + doc[2].n_lefts.to_s puts "Num of the words to the right of 'apple': " + doc[2].n_rights.to_s # Text: bright red apples on the tree # Words to the left of 'apple': [bright, red] # Words to the right of 'apple': [on] # Num of the words to the left of 'apple': 2 # Num of the words to the right of 'apple': 1