module Resourceful
module Default
# This file contains various methods to make URL helpers less painful.
# They provide methods analogous to the standard foo_url and foo_path helpers.
# However, they use make_resourceful's knowledge of the structure of the controller
# to allow you to avoid figuring out which method to call and which parent objects it should be passed.
module URLs
# This returns the path for the given object,
# by default current_object[link:classes/Resourceful/Default/Accessors.html#M000012].
# For example, in HatsController the following are equivalent:
# object_path #=> "/hats/12"
# hat_path(@hat) #=> "/hats/12"
def object_path(object = current_object); object_route(object, 'path'); end
# Same as object_path, but with the protocol and hostname.
def object_url (object = current_object); object_route(object, 'url'); end
# This is the same as object_path,
# unless a parent exists.
# Then it returns the nested path for the object.
# For example, in HatsController where Person has_many :hats and params[:person_id] == 42,
# the following are equivalent:
# nested_object_path #=> "/person/42/hats/12"
# person_hat_path(@person, @hat) #=> "/person/42/hats/12"
def nested_object_path(object = current_object); nested_object_route(object, 'path'); end
# Same as nested_object_path, but with the protocol and hostname.
def nested_object_url (object = current_object); nested_object_route(object, 'url'); end
# This returns the path for the edit action for the given object,
# by default current_object[link:classes/Resourceful/Default/Accessors.html#M000012].
# For example, in HatsController the following are equivalent:
# edit_object_path #=> "/hats/12/edit"
# edit_person_hat_path(@person, @hat) #=> "/hats/12/edit"
def edit_object_path(object = current_object); edit_object_route(object, 'path'); end
# Same as edit_object_path, but with the protocol and hostname.
def edit_object_url (object = current_object); edit_object_route(object, 'url'); end
# This returns the path for the collection of the current controller.
# For example, in HatsController where Person has_many :hats and params[:person_id] == 42,
# the following are equivalent:
# objects_path #=> "/people/42/hats"
# person_hats_path(@person) #=> "/people/42/hats"
def objects_path; objects_route('path'); end
# Same as objects_path, but with the protocol and hostname.
def objects_url ; objects_route('url'); end
# This returns the path for the new action for the current controller.
# For example, in HatsController where Person has_many :hats and params[:person_id] == 42,
# the following are equivalent:
# new_object_path #=> "/people/42/hats/new"
# new_person_hat_path(@person) #=> "/people/42/hats/new"
def new_object_path; new_object_route('path'); end
# Same as new_object_path, but with the protocol and hostname.
def new_object_url ; new_object_route('url'); end
# This returns the path for the parent object.
def parent_path(object = parent_object)
instance_route(parent_class_name.underscore, object, 'path')
# Same as parent_path, but with the protocol and hostname.
def parent_url(object = parent_object)
instance_route(parent_class_name.underscore, object, 'url')
# This prefix is added to the Rails URL helper names
# before they're called.
# By default, it's the underscored list of namespaces of the current controller,
# or nil if there are no namespaces defined.
# However, it can be overridden if another prefix is needed.
# Note that if this is overridden,
# the new method should return a string ending in an underscore.
# For example, in Admin::Content::PagesController:
# url_helper_prefix #=> "admin_content_"
# Then object_path is the same as admin_content_page_path(current_object).
def url_helper_prefix
namespaces.empty? ? nil : "#{namespaces.join('_')}_"
# This prefix is added to the Rails URL helper names
# for the make_resourceful collection URL helpers,
# objects_path and new_object_path.
# By default, it's the parent name followed by an underscore if a parent
# is given, and the empty string otherwise.
# See also url_helper_prefix.
def collection_url_prefix
parent? ? "#{parent_class_name.underscore}_" : ''
def object_route(object, type)
instance_route(current_model_name.underscore, object, type)
def nested_object_route(object, type)
return object_route(object, type) unless parent?
send("#{url_helper_prefix}#{parent_class_name.underscore}_#{current_model_name.underscore}_#{type}", parent_object, object)
def edit_object_route(object, type)
instance_route(current_model_name.underscore, object, type, "edit")
def objects_route(type)
collection_route(current_model_name.pluralize.underscore, type)
def new_object_route(type)
collection_route(current_model_name.underscore, type, "new")
def instance_route(name, object, type, action = nil)
send("#{action ? action + '_' : ''}#{url_helper_prefix}#{collection_url_prefix unless shallow?}#{name}_#{type}", *(parent? && !shallow? ? [parent_object, object] : [object]))
def collection_route(name, type, action = nil)
send("#{action ? action + '_' : ''}#{url_helper_prefix}#{collection_url_prefix}#{name}_#{type}",
*(parent? ? [parent_object] : []))