###### (Automatically generated documentation) # Roof Thermal Properties Percent Change ## Description Change Roof by altering the thermal resistance, density, and solar absorptance of the wall constructions by a Percent Change ## Modeler Description Change Roof by altering the thermal resistance, density, and solar absorptance of the wall constructions by a Percent Change ## Measure Type ModelMeasure ## Taxonomy ## Arguments ### Roof total R-value Percent Change **Name:** r_value_perc_change, **Type:** Double, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false ### Roof solar absorptance Percent Change **Name:** solar_abs_perc_change, **Type:** Double, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false ### Roof thermal mass Percent Change **Name:** thermal_mass_perc_change, **Type:** Double, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false