require 'ostruct' require 'spec_helper' module Alchemy describe Admin::PagesController do let(:user) { editor_user } before { sign_in(user) } describe '#index' do let(:language) { build_stubbed(:language) } let(:language_root) { build_stubbed(:language_root_page) } context 'with existing language root page' do before do Language.should_receive(:current_root_page).and_return(language_root) end it "assigns @page_root variable" do get :index assigns(:page_root).should be(language_root) end end context 'without language root page' do before do Language.should_receive(:current_root_page).and_return(nil) Language.stub(find_by: language) Language.stub(all: [language]) Language.stub(with_root_page: [language]) end it "it assigns current language" do get :index assigns(:language).should be(language) end end end describe "#flush" do let(:language) { mock_model('Language', code: 'en', pages: double(flushables: [page_1, page_2])) } let(:page_1) { build_stubbed(:page) } let(:page_2) { build_stubbed(:page) } before do Language.stub(current: language) end it "should remove the cache of all pages" do page_1.should_receive(:publish!) page_2.should_receive(:publish!) xhr :post, :flush end end describe '#new' do context "pages in clipboard" do let(:clipboard) { session[:clipboard] = } let(:page) { mock_model(Alchemy::Page, name: 'Foobar') } before { clipboard[:pages] = [{id:, action: 'copy'}] } it "should load all pages from clipboard" do xhr :get, :new, {page_id:} assigns(:clipboard_items).should be_kind_of(Array) end end end describe '#show' do let(:page) { mock_model(Alchemy::Page, language_code: 'nl') } before do Page.should_receive(:find).with("#{}").and_return(page) Page.stub(:language_root_for).and_return(mock_model(Alchemy::Page)) end it "should assign @preview_mode with true" do get :show, id: expect(assigns(:preview_mode)).to eq(true) end it "should store page as current preview" do Page.current_preview = nil get :show, id: Page.current_preview.should == page end it "should set the I18n locale to the pages language code" do get :show, id: expect(::I18n.locale).to eq(:nl) end it "renders the application layout" do get :show, id: expect(response).to render_template(layout: 'application') end end describe "#configure" do render_views context "with page having nested urlname" do let(:page) { create(:page, name: 'Foobar') } it "should always show the slug" do xhr :get, :configure, {id:} response.body.should match /value="foobar"/ end end end describe '#create' do let(:language) { mock_model('Language', code: 'kl') } let(:parent) { mock_model('Page', language: language) } let(:page_params) { {parent_id:, name: 'new Page'} } context "a new page" do before do Page.any_instance.stub(:set_language_from_parent_or_default) Page.any_instance.stub(save: true) end it "is nested under given parent" do controller.stub(:edit_admin_page_path).and_return('bla') xhr :post, :create, {page: page_params} expect(assigns(:page).parent_id).to eq( end it "redirects to edit page template" do page = mock_model('Page') controller.should_receive(:edit_admin_page_path).and_return('bla') post :create, page: page_params response.should redirect_to('bla') end context "if new page can not be saved" do it "renders the create form" do Page.any_instance.stub(:save).and_return(false) post :create, page: {name: 'page'} response.should render_template('new') end end context "with redirect_to in params" do let(:page_params) do {name: "Foobar", page_layout: 'standard', parent_id:} end it "should redirect to given url" do post :create, page: page_params, redirect_to: admin_pictures_path response.should redirect_to(admin_pictures_path) end context "but new page can not be saved" do render_views it "should render the `new` template" do Page.any_instance.stub(:save).and_return(false) xhr :post, :create, page: {name: 'page'}, redirect_to: admin_pictures_path response.body.should match /form.+action=\"\/admin\/pages\"/ end end end context 'with page redirecting to external' do it "redirects to sitemap" do Page.any_instance.should_receive(:redirects_to_external?).and_return(true) post :create, page: page_params response.should redirect_to(admin_pages_path) end end end context "with paste_from_clipboard in parameters" do let(:page_in_clipboard) { mock_model(Alchemy::Page) } before do Page.stub(:find_by).with(id: "#{}").and_return(parent) Page.stub(:find).with("#{}").and_return(page_in_clipboard) end it "should call Page#copy_and_paste" do Page.should_receive(:copy_and_paste).with( page_in_clipboard, parent, 'pasted Page' ).and_return( mock_model('Page', save: true, name: 'pasted Page', redirects_to_external?: false) ) xhr :post, :create, {paste_from_clipboard:, page: {parent_id:, name: 'pasted Page'}} end end end describe '#copy_language_tree' do let(:params) { {languages: {new_lang_id: '2', old_lang_id: '1'}} } let(:language_root_to_copy_from) { build_stubbed(:language_root_page) } let(:copy_of_language_root) { build_stubbed(:language_root_page) } let(:root_page) { mock_model('Page') } before do Page.stub(copy: copy_of_language_root) Page.stub(root: root_page) Page.stub(language_root_for: language_root_to_copy_from) Page.any_instance.stub(:move_to_child_of) Page.any_instance.stub(:copy_children_to) controller.stub(:store_current_language) Language.stub(:current).and_return(mock_model('Language', language_code: 'it', code: 'it')) end it "should copy the language root page over to the other language" do Page.should_receive(:copy).with(language_root_to_copy_from, {language_id: '2', language_code: 'it'}) post :copy_language_tree, params end it "should move the newly created language-root-page below the absolute root page" do copy_of_language_root.should_receive(:move_to_child_of).with(root_page) post :copy_language_tree, params end it "should copy all childs of the original page over to the new created one" do controller.stub(language_root_to_copy_from: language_root_to_copy_from) controller.stub(copy_of_language_root: copy_of_language_root) language_root_to_copy_from.should_receive(:copy_children_to).with(copy_of_language_root) post :copy_language_tree, params end it "should redirect to admin_pages_path" do controller.stub(:copy_of_language_root) controller.stub_chain(:language_root_to_copy_from, :copy_children_to) post :copy_language_tree, params expect(response).to redirect_to(admin_pages_path) end end describe '#edit' do let!(:page) { create(:page) } let!(:other_user) { create(:author_user) } context 'if page is locked by another user' do before { page.lock_to!(other_user) } context 'that is signed in' do before { DummyUser.any_instance.stub(logged_in?: true) } it 'redirects to sitemap' do get :edit, id: expect(response).to redirect_to(admin_pages_path) end end context 'that is not signed in' do before { DummyUser.any_instance.stub(logged_in?: false) } it 'renders the edit view' do get :edit, id: expect(response).to render_template(:edit) end end end context 'if page is locked by myself' do before do Page.any_instance.stub(locker: user) user.stub(logged_in?: true) end it 'renders the edit view' do get :edit, id: expect(response).to render_template(:edit) end end context 'if page is not locked' do before do Page.any_instance.stub(locker: nil) end it 'renders the edit view' do get :edit, id: expect(response).to render_template(:edit) end it "lockes the page to myself" do Page.any_instance.should_receive(:lock_to!) get :edit, id: end end end describe '#destroy' do let(:clipboard) { session[:clipboard] = } let(:page) { FactoryGirl.create(:public_page) } before { clipboard[:pages] = [{id:}] } it "should also remove the page from clipboard" do xhr :post, :destroy, {id:, _method: :delete} clipboard[:pages].should be_empty end end describe '#publish' do let(:page) { stub_model(Page, published_at: nil, public: false, name: "page", parent_id: 1, urlname: "page", language: stub_model(Language), page_layout: "bla") } before do @controller.stub(:load_page).and_return(page) @controller.instance_variable_set("@page", page) end it "should publish the page" do page.should_receive(:publish!) post :publish, { id: } end end describe '#visit' do let(:page) { mock_model(Alchemy::Page, urlname: 'home') } before do Page.stub(:find).with("#{}").and_return(page) page.stub(:unlock!).and_return(true) @controller.stub(:multi_language?).and_return(false) end it "should redirect to the page path" do expect(post :visit, id: redirect_to(show_page_path(urlname: 'home')) end end describe '#fold' do let(:page) { mock_model(Alchemy::Page) } before { Page.stub(:find).and_return(page) } context "if page is currently not folded" do before { page.stub(:folded?).and_return(false) } it "should fold the page" do page.should_receive(:fold!).with(, true).and_return(true) xhr :post, :fold, id: end end context "if page is already folded" do before { page.stub(:folded?).and_return(true) } it "should unfold the page" do page.should_receive(:fold!).with(, false).and_return(true) xhr :post, :fold, id: end end end describe '#sort' do before { Page.stub(:language_root_for).and_return(mock_model(Alchemy::Page)) } it "should assign @sorting with true" do xhr :get, :sort expect(assigns(:sorting)).to eq(true) end end describe '#unlock' do let(:page) { mock_model(Alchemy::Page, name: 'Best practices') } before do Page.stub(:find).with("#{}").and_return(page) Page.stub_chain(:from_current_site, :all_locked_by).and_return(nil) page.should_receive(:unlock!).and_return(true) end it "should unlock the page" do xhr :post, :unlock, id: "#{}" end context 'requesting for html format' do it "should redirect to admin_pages_path" do expect(post :unlock, id: redirect_to(admin_pages_path) end context 'if passing :redirect_to through params' do it "should redirect to the given path" do expect(post :unlock, id:, redirect_to: 'this/path').to redirect_to('this/path') end end end end describe "#switch_language" do let(:language) { build_stubbed(:klingonian)} before do Language.stub(:find_by).and_return(language) end it "should store the current language in session" do get :switch_language, {language_id:} expect(session[:alchemy_language_id]).to eq( end it "should redirect to sitemap" do expect(get :switch_language, {language_id:}).to redirect_to(admin_pages_path) end context "coming from layoutpages" do before { request.stub(:referer).and_return('admin/layoutpages') } it "should redirect to layoutpages" do expect(get :switch_language, {language_id:}).to redirect_to(admin_layoutpages_path) end end end end end