# Change Log
## 0.11.0
- Upgrade to glimmer 2.0.0
- Support Shine syntax for basic widgets (no support for table, tree, shapes, custom widgets, or custom shells)
- Update samples to use Shine syntax
## 0.10.3
- Upgrade to glimmer 1.0.10
- Improvements to row_layout and grid_layout
- Adding launch/shutdown class methods to Custom Shells
## 0.10.2
- Support multiple dialogs/message_box'es opened from a listener, handling correct ordering of display with a queue scheduler
## 0.10.1
- Delaying shell rendering till `#open` method is called as per the right expectation
- When nesting dialogs on top of each other, disable all previously opened ones leaving only the top-most dialog active
## 0.10.0
- Hello, Dialog! Sample
- Support `dialog` widget
- Support `width` and `height` on `layout_data` for `row_layout`
- Support `center` for `row_layout`
## 0.9.3
- Extracted pure Ruby Struct to pure-struct gem (since it's also used by YASL)
- Alpha experimental incomplete implementation of Net::HTTP.post_form
- Fixed issue with not being able to interact with a shell proxy (LatestShellProxy) after opening (made class autoupgradable to attached ShellProxy after document ready)
## 0.9.2
- Fixed issue with opening message_box after internalizing the Document.ready? block
- Fixed issue with replacing newlines with HTML newlines in `label` and `message_box` text
## 0.9.1
- Log errors to error stream ($stderr) instead of standard out (STDOUT)
- Fixed issue with opening shell caused by internalizing the Document.ready? block
## 0.9.0
- Support `menu_bar`
- Hello, Menu Bar! Sample
- Remove the need to call Document.ready? before opening a Glimmer shell
- Support opening a message_box before creating a shell
## 0.8.0
- Hello, Pop Up Context Menu! Sample
- Hello Message Box!
- Update hello list samples
- Support context menus `menu`/`menu_item` directly under a widget (using jQuery UI)
- Support generating new lines when entering `label` `text` with \n (auto-converting to
- Support generating new lines when entering `message_box` `message` with \n (auto-converting to
- Support having any widget contribute static CSS to ShellProxy
- Add Kernel#include_package shim to allow running JRuby include_package from Glimmer DSL for SWT without failing
- Add WidgetProxy#swt_widget to allow running include_package from Glimmer DSL for SWT without failing
## 0.7.5
- Update login sample from Glimmer DSL for SWT's latest changes
- Update contact_manager sample from Glimmer DSL for SWT's latest changes
- Fixed issue regarding unavailable localStorage data when accessed by custom_widget_expression in hello_checkbox_group, hello_radio_group, and hello_custom_widget
## 0.7.4
- Hello, Button! Sample
- Fix issue with aligning label as :left, :center, or :right via style style when fill_layout is used
- Fix Hello, Browser sample by accessing https ssl website
- Fix issue with filling space horizontally when using grid layout
- Fix broken embedded `calendar` widget data-binding for hello_date_time.rb sample
- Fix broken message_box after opening multiple shells
- Fix issue with opening custom shells in new tabs/windows when CustomShell subclass is required conditionally
## 0.7.3
- Refactor to use to_collection gem
- Fix issue with breaking `date`/`date_drop_down` data-binding as table editor on focus lost
- Fix issue with requiring OS, File, and Display class after they've been extracted out
## 0.7.2
- `date_drop_down` `table_column` `editor`
- `date` `table_column` `editor`
- `time` `table_column` `editor`
- Implement `on_focus_gained`, `on_focus_lost` universally on all widgets
- Add support for Struct keyword_init to Opal
- Fix issue with hello_table button/combo not being centered (yet stretched)
- Fix issue with table item selection for booking not working after editing has been added
- Fix escape keyboard event handling for combo table editor
## 0.7.1
- Combo table editor (enabled in Hello, Table! sample)
- Fix issue with table cell selection for editing not working
- Remove widget from parent upon dispose
- Remove listeners upon widget dispose
## 0.7.0
- Hello, Table! Sample
- `table` :editable style to enable auto-editing
- `table` `header_visible` property to hide header when false
- `table` `item_count` property to set minimum item count (fill empty rows when below in table items)
- `table` selection data-binding
- `table` built-in sorting support
- `table_column` left text alignment and padding of 5px by default
- `table` sort property and direction in GUI
- `table_column` sort_property
- `table_column` sort_by block
- `table_column` sort block
- `table` default sort via property, compare block, and property block
- `table` additional sort properties
- Prevent `table` unnecessary updates by comparing data to previous data and not updating when it's the same
- Contact Manager sample support for on_key_pressed in text widgets upon hitting ENTER
- Fix issue with edit table item error on sorting table
## 0.6.1
- Fix issue with rendering date_time without a block
- Made listener event handling async to improve performance when triggering multiple events
- Brought Tic Tac Toe sample up-to-date with changes in Glimmer DSL for SWT
- Fixed silent error encountered in rendering custom widgets
## 0.6.0
- Hello, Date Time! Sample
- Support `date_time`, `date`, `date_drop_down`, `time`, `calendar` keywords
- Format Date/Time correctly as per SWT implementation by default
- Make glimmer-dsl-opal gem into a Rails engine to support importing default static assets like CSS styles and images
- Show drop down icon next to `date_drop_down` and `time`
## 0.5.1
- Fixed issue with Hello, Combo!, Hello, List...! samples
## 0.5.0
- Add `margin_top`, `margin_right`, `margin_bottom`, and `margin_left` to RowLayoutProxy
- `radio`
- Hello, Radio! Sample
- `radio_group`
- Hello, Radio Group! Sample
- `checkbox`
- Hello, Checkbox! Sample
- `checkbox_group`
- Fix issue with `label` `alignment` property
- Fix issues with default `composite` `grid_layout` not getting its styles removed when setting `row_layout`
- `button(:radio)` alias for `radio`
- `check` alias for `checkbox`
- `button(:check)` alias for `checkbox`
- Hello, Group! Sample
- Group widget
## 0.4.0
- Support `display` keyword representing an SWT Display
- Support display `on_swt_keydown` event listener (display-wide widget observer)
- Support `DisplayProxy#shells` method keeping track of open shell
- Make a custom shell open in the same window if there is no shell open already
- Support `sync_exec` keyword as just an alias to `async_exec`
- Provide a makeshift require for 'glimmer-dsl-swt' that requires 'glimmer-dsl-opal' instead
- Fake APIs on the web for OS.os?, File.read, Display.setAppName, Display.setAppVersion
- Provide a minimal URI class that supports URI::encode_www_form_component and URI::decode_www_form_component from Ruby
## 0.3.0
- Support opening a custom shell in a browser tab/window by passing in query parameters to URL (e.g. ?custom_shell=keyword+option1=value1 etc...)
- Make custom shells automatically open in a new tab/window (while standard shells continue to open in the same window by replacing its content)
- Hello, Custom Shell! Sample
## 0.2.0
- Color support
- Font support
- Custom Widget Support
- Hello, Custom Widget! sample
- Updated Hello, Combo! sample to match the latest changes in Glimmer DSL for SWT
- `SWT` full re-implementation in Opal as `Glimmer::SWT` with all the `SWT` style constants
## 0.1.0
- Code redesign to better match the glimmer-dsl-swt APIs
- opal-jquery refactoring
- opal-rspec test coverage
## 0.0.9
- Upgraded to glimmer gem v0.9.3
- Fixed issue with missing Glimmer::Opal::ElementProxy#id=(value) method breaking Contact Manager sample Find feature
## 0.0.8
- Contact Manager sample support
## 0.0.7
- Tic Tac Toe sample support
- Login sample support
## 0.0.6
- Hello, Tab! sample support
## 0.0.5
- Hello, Browser! sample support
## 0.0.4
- Hello, List Single Selection! sample support
- Hello, List Multi Selection! sample support
## 0.0.3
- Hello, Computed! sample support
## 0.0.2
- Hello, Combo! sample support
## 0.0.1
- Initial support for webifying Glimmer SWT apps
- Support for Shell and Label widgets (text property only).
- Hello, World! sample support