module RelatonOasis class DataFetcher # # Initialize a new DataFetcher # # @param [Strin] output directory to save files, default: "data" # @param [Strin] format format of output files (xml, yaml, bibxml); default: yaml # def initialize(output, format) @output = output @format = format @ext = @format.sub(/^bib|^rfc/, "") @files = [] end # # Initialize fetcher and run fetch # # @param [Strin] output directory to save files, default: "data" # @param [Strin] format format of output files (xml, yaml, bibxml); default: yaml # def self.fetch(output: "data", format: "yaml") t1 = puts "Started at: #{t1}" FileUtils.mkdir_p output unless Dir.exist? output new(output, format).fetch t2 = puts "Stopped at: #{t2}" puts "Done in: #{(t2 - t1).round} sec." end # # Fetch and save all the documents from OASIS # def fetch agent = resp = agent.get "" doc = Nokogiri::HTML resp.body doc.xpath("//details").map do |item| save_doc fetch_parts item end end # # Fetch and save parts of document # # @param [Nokogiri::HTML::Element] item document node # def fetch_parts(item) parts = item.xpath("./div/div/div[contains(@class, 'standard__grid--cite-as')]/p[strong or span/strong]") return unless parts.size > 1 parts.each do |part| save_doc end end # # Save document to file # # @param [RelatonOasis::OasisBibliographicItem] doc # def save_doc(doc) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength c = case @format when "xml" then doc.to_xml(bibdata: true) when "yaml" then doc.to_hash.to_yaml else doc.send("to_#{@format}") end file = file_name doc if @files.include? file warn "File #{file} already exists. Document: #{doc.docnumber}" else @files << file end File.write file, c, encoding: "UTF-8" end # # Generate file name # # @param [RelatonOasis::OasisBibliographicItem] doc # # @return [String] file name # def file_name(doc) name = doc.docnumber.gsub(/[\s,:\/]/, "_").squeeze("_").upcase File.join @output, "#{name}.#{@ext}" end end end