module SportDb module Model class GameCursor def initialize( games ) @games = games end def each state = @games.each do |game| game ) yield( game, state ) # e.g. lets you use state.new_date? or state.new_week? or state.new_year? etc. end end # method each end # class GameCursor class GameCursorState def initialize @last_play_at = 1971, 1, 1 ) @new_date = true @new_year = true @new_week = true @index = -1 # zero-based index; thus start off with -1 (e.g. -1+=1 => 0) end attr_reader :index def new_date?() @new_date; end def new_year?() @new_year; end def new_week?() @new_week; end ## add new league ? ## add new round ? ## add new time ? def next( game ) @index += 1 # zero-based index; start off with -1 (undefined/uninitialized) game_play_at = game.play_at # cache play_at value ref if @last_play_at.year == game_play_at.year && @last_play_at.month == game_play_at.month && == @new_date = false else @new_date = true # check for new_year if @last_play_at.year == game_play_at.year @new_year = false else @new_year = true end # check for new_week # -- todo: find a method for week number; do NOT use strftime; there must be something easier # -- check if activesupport adds .week or similar ??? use it if it exists if @last_play_at.strftime('%V') == game_play_at.strftime('%V') @new_week = false else @new_week = true end end @last_play_at = game.play_at end # method next end # class GameCursorState end # module Model end # module SportDb