# Guard::RailsAssets Guard::RailsAssets compiles the assets within Rails 3.1 application whenever those change. Tested on MRI 1.9.2 (please report if it works on your platform). If you have any questions please contact me [@dnagir](http://www.ApproachE.com). ## Install Please be sure to have [Guard](https://github.com/guard/guard) installed. Add it to your `Gemfile`, preferably inside the test and development group: ```ruby gem 'guard-rails-assets' ``` Add guard definition to your `Guardfile` by running: ```bash $ bundle exec guard init rails-assets ``` ## Options In addition to the guard configuration, `guard-rails-assets` has options to specify when exacly to precompile assets. - `:start` - compile assets when the guard starts (enabled by default) - `:change` - compile assets when watched files change (enabled by default) - `:reload` - compile assets when the guard quites (Ctrl-C) (not enabled by default) - `:all` - compile assets when running all the guards (Ctrl-/) (not enabled by default) Also you can set the `:runner` option: - `:cli` - compile assets using the rake task - the most correct method, but slow. - `:rails` - compile assets by loading rails environment (default) - fast, but does not pick up changes. Additionally it relies on a single instance of your app to be loaded, so you can't have multiple guards with different rails configurations. `:rails_env` option is available that allows you to specify the Rails environment to use (defaults to 'test'). For example: ```ruby # This is the default behaviour guard 'rails-assets', :run_on => [:start, :change], :runner => :rails, :rails_env => 'test' do watch(%r{^app/assets/.+$}) end # compile ONLY when something changes guard 'rails-assets', :run_on => :change do watch(%r{^app/assets/.+$}) end # compile when something changes and when starting guard 'rails-assets', :run_on => [:start, :change] do watch(%r{^app/assets/.+$}) end ``` ## Development - Source hosted at [GitHub](https://github.com/dnagir/guard-rails-assets) - Report issues and feature requests to [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/dnagir/guard-rails-assets/issues) Pull requests are very welcome! ## Licensed under WTFPL ``` DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, December 2004 Copyright (C) 2011 Dmytrii Nagirniak Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. ```