require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' module NoPeepingTomsSpec class Person < ActiveRecord::Base; end class PersonObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer def before_update(person) $observer_called_names.push end end class AnotherObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer observe Person def before_update(person) $calls_to_another_observer += 1 end end describe Person, " when changing a name" do before(:each) do $observer_called_names = [] $calls_to_another_observer = 0 @person = Person.create! :name => "Pat Maddox" end it "should not register a name change" do @person.update_attribute :name, "Name change" $observer_called_names.pop.should be_blank $calls_to_another_observer.should == 0 end it "should register a name change with the person observer turned on by name" do ActiveRecord::Observer.with_observers("NoPeepingTomsSpec::PersonObserver") do @person.update_attribute :name, "Name change" $observer_called_names.pop.should == "Name change" end @person.update_attribute :name, "Man Without a Name" $observer_called_names.pop.should be_blank $calls_to_another_observer.should == 0 end it "should register a name change with the person observer turned on by class reference" do ActiveRecord::Observer.with_observers(NoPeepingTomsSpec::PersonObserver) do @person.update_attribute :name, "Name change" $observer_called_names.pop.should == "Name change" end @person.update_attribute :name, "Man Without a Name" $observer_called_names.pop.should be_blank $calls_to_another_observer.should == 0 end it "should register a name change with an anonymous observer" do observer = do observe NoPeepingTomsSpec::Person def before_update(person) $observer_called_names.push end end ActiveRecord::Observer.with_observers(observer) do @person.update_attribute :name, "Name change" $observer_called_names.pop.should == "Name change" end @person.update_attribute :name, "Man Without a Name" $observer_called_names.pop.should be_blank $calls_to_another_observer.should == 0 end it "should handle multiple observers" do ActiveRecord::Observer.with_observers("NoPeepingTomsSpec::PersonObserver", "NoPeepingTomsSpec::AnotherObserver") do @person.update_attribute :name, "Name change" $observer_called_names.pop.should == "Name change" end @person.update_attribute :name, "Man Without a Name" $observer_called_names.pop.should be_blank $calls_to_another_observer.should == 1 end it "should handle multiple anonymous observers" do observer1 = do observe NoPeepingTomsSpec::Person def before_update(person) ; $observer_called_names.push "#{} 1" ; end end observer2 = do observe NoPeepingTomsSpec::Person def before_update(person) ; $observer_called_names.push "#{} 2" ; end end ActiveRecord::Observer.with_observers(observer1, observer2) do @person.update_attribute :name, "Name change" $observer_called_names.pop.should == "Name change 2" $observer_called_names.pop.should == "Name change 1" end @person.update_attribute :name, "Man Without a Name" $observer_called_names.pop.should be_blank $calls_to_another_observer.should == 0 end it "should ensure peeping toms are reset after raised exception" do lambda { ActiveRecord::Observer.with_observers(NoPeepingTomsSpec::PersonObserver) do raise ArgumentError, "Michael, I've made a huge mistake" end }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) ActiveRecord::Observer.peeping_toms.should == [] end end end