# frozen_string_literal: true describe 'spotlight/search_configurations/_facets', type: :view do let(:exhibit) { FactoryBot.create(:exhibit) } let!(:custom_field) { FactoryBot.create(:custom_field, exhibit: exhibit, label: 'Foobar', field_type: 'vocab') } let(:config) do exhibit.blacklight_configuration end let(:field_metadata) { double('field_metadata') } let(:empty_facet) { { document_count: 0, value_count: 0, terms: [] } } let(:nonempty_facet) { { document_count: 1, value_count: 3, terms: %w[a b c] } } let(:f) do form_helper = nil controller.view_context.bootstrap_form_for(config, url: '/update') do |f| form_helper = f end form_helper end before do assign(:blacklight_configuration, config) allow(view).to receive_messages(current_exhibit: exhibit, blacklight_config: config.blacklight_config) allow(field_metadata).to receive(:field).with(any_args).and_return(nonempty_facet) allow(field_metadata).to receive(:field).with('genre_ssim').and_return(empty_facet) allow(field_metadata).to receive(:field).with(custom_field.field).and_return(empty_facet) assign(:field_metadata, field_metadata) render partial: 'spotlight/search_configurations/facets', locals: { f: f } end it 'shows the config for the non-empty personal name facet' do expect(rendered).to have_content 'Personal names' end it 'shows the config for the empty custom facet' do expect(rendered).to have_content 'Foobar' end it 'hides the config for the empty genre facet' do expect(rendered).not_to have_content 'Genre' end describe do before do original_config = Spotlight::Engine.blacklight_config.deep_dup allow(Spotlight::Engine).to receive(:blacklight_config).and_return(original_config) original_config.add_facet_field 'some_hidden_field', if: ->(*_args) { false } end it 'hides the config facets configured not to display' do expect(rendered).not_to have_content 'Some hidden field' end end end