it: export: Esporta export_all: Esporta Tutti export_found: Esporta i Filtrati export_selected: Esporta i Selezionati delete_selected: Elimina i Selezionati yes: Si no: Annulla error: Errore question: Domanda root_actions: "Operazioni" admin: misc: root_navigation: Azioni flash: error: "Impossibile eseguire l'azione %{action} (%{name})" model_not_found: Impossibile trovare il modello '%{model}' noaction: Impossibile eseguire l'azione object_not_found: "Impossibile trovare il modello %{model} con id '%{id}'" successful: "Azione eseguita con successo: %{action} (%{name})" actions: thecore_sidekiq_monitor: menu: Monitoraggio Attività breadcrumb: Monitoraggio Attività title: Monitoraggio Attività thecore_blazer_bi: menu: Business Intelligence breadcrumb: Business Intelligence title: Business Intelligence index: link: Mostra tutti gli Elementi label: "Impostazioni" advanced: label: Avanzate logging: label: Logging registries: label: Anagrafiche operations: label: Operatività master_data_set: label: Dati js: true: Vero false: Falso is_present: Is present is_blank: Is blank date: Date ... between_and_: Between ... and ... today: Today yesterday: Yesterday this_week: This week last_week: Last week number: Number ... contains: Contains is_exactly: Is exactly starts_with: Starts with ends_with: Ends with too_many_objects: "Too many objects, use search box above" no_objects: "No objects found" loading: "Loading..." toggle_navigation: Toggle navigation