--- layout: table_wrappers --- {% include head.html %} Skip to main content {% include icons/icons.html %} {% comment %} This is a bandaid fix to properly render breadcrumbs; as of now, there is some variable leakage between the sidebar component (which computes parents, grandparents) and the breadcrumbs component. We plan to remove this in a future release to deduplicate code. For more context, see https://github.com/just-the-docs/just-the-docs/pull/1058#discussion_r1057014053 {% endcomment %} {% capture nav %} {% assign pages_top_size = site.html_pages | where_exp:"item", "item.title != nil" | where_exp:"item", "item.parent == nil" | where_exp:"item", "item.nav_exclude != true" | size %} {% if pages_top_size > 0 %} {% include nav.html pages=site.html_pages key=nil %} {% endif %} {% if site.just_the_docs.collections %} {% assign collections_size = site.just_the_docs.collections | size %} {% for collection_entry in site.just_the_docs.collections %} {% assign collection_key = collection_entry[0] %} {% assign collection_value = collection_entry[1] %} {% assign collection = site[collection_key] %} {% if collection_value.nav_exclude != true %} {% include nav.html pages=collection key=collection_key %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endcapture %}
{% include components/breadcrumbs.html %}
{% if site.heading_anchors != false %} {% include vendor/anchor_headings.html html=content beforeHeading="true" anchorBody="" anchorClass="anchor-heading" anchorAttrs="aria-labelledby=\"%html_id%\"" %} {% else %} {{ content }} {% endif %} {% if page.has_children == true and page.has_toc != false %} {% include components/children_nav.html toc_list=toc_list %} {% endif %} {% include components/footer.html %}
{% if site.mermaid %} {% include components/mermaid.html %} {% endif %}