module Mousetrap class Customer < Resource attr_accessor \ :id, :code, :email, :first_name, :last_name, :company, :notes, :subscription, :charges, :items def update_tracked_item_quantity(item_code, quantity = 1) tracked_item_resource = if quantity == quantity.abs 'add-item-quantity' else 'remove-item-quantity' end attributes = { :itemCode => item_code, :quantity => quantity.abs } response = self.class.put_resource 'customers', tracked_item_resource, code, attributes raise response['error'] if response['error'] response end def add_item_quantity(item_code, quantity = 1) update_tracked_item_quantity(item_code, quantity) end def remove_item_quantity(item_code, quantity = 1) update_tracked_item_quantity(item_code, -quantity) end def add_custom_charge(item_code, amount = 1.0, quantity = 1, description = nil) attributes = { :chargeCode => item_code, :eachAmount => amount, :quantity => quantity, :description => description } response = self.class.put_resource 'customers', 'add-charge', code, attributes raise response['error'] if response['error'] response end def subscription_attributes=(attributes) self.subscription = attributes end def attributes { :id => id, :code => code, :email => email, :first_name => first_name, :last_name => last_name, :company => company, :notes => notes, :charges => charges, :items => items } end def attributes_for_api # TODO: superclass? self.class.attributes_for_api(attributes, new_record?) end def attributes_for_api_with_subscription raise "Must have subscription" unless subscription a = attributes_for_api a[:subscription] = subscription.attributes_for_api a end def cancel member_action 'cancel' unless new_record? end def new? if api_customer = self.class[code] = return false else return true end end def save new? ? create : update end def switch_to_plan(plan_code) raise "Can only call this on an existing CheddarGetter customer." unless exists? attributes = { :planCode => plan_code } self.class.put_resource('customers', 'edit-subscription', code, attributes) # TODO: Refresh self with reload here? end def self.all response = get_resources 'customers' if response['error'] if response['error'] =~ /No customers found/ return [] else raise response['error'] end end build_resources_from response end def self.create(attributes) object = new(attributes) object.send(:create) object end def self.new_from_api(attributes) customer = new(attributes_from_api(attributes)) subscription_attrs = attributes['subscriptions']['subscription'] customer.subscription = Subscription.new_from_api(subscription_attrs.kind_of?(Array) ? subscription_attrs.first : subscription_attrs) customer end def self.update(customer_code, attributes) customer = new(attributes) customer.code = customer_code customer.send :update end protected def self.plural_resource_name 'customers' end def self.singular_resource_name 'customer' end def self.attributes_for_api(attributes, new_record = true) mutated_hash = { :email => attributes[:email], :firstName => attributes[:first_name], :lastName => attributes[:last_name], :company => attributes[:company], :notes => attributes[:notes] } mutated_hash.merge!(:charges => attributes[:charges]) if attributes[:charges] mutated_hash.merge!(:items => attributes[:items]) if attributes[:items] mutated_hash.merge!(:code => attributes[:code]) if new_record mutated_hash end def self.attributes_from_api(attributes) { :id => attributes['id'], :code => attributes['code'], :first_name => attributes['firstName'], :last_name => attributes['lastName'], :company => attributes['company'], :email => attributes['email'], :notes => attributes['notes'] } end def create response = self.class.post_resource 'customers', 'new', attributes_for_api_with_subscription raise response['error'] if response['error'] returned_customer = self.class.build_resource_from response = response end def update if subscription response = self.class.put_resource 'customers', 'edit', code, attributes_for_api_with_subscription else response = self.class.put_resource 'customers', 'edit-customer', code, attributes_for_api end raise response['error'] if response['error'] end end end