# CHANGELOG ### 0.14.0 - [Support 3D Secure 2.0 for credit card payments](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/121) ### 0.13.0 - [Add `last-update` to OrderResponse](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/118) ### 0.12.0 - [Add Parameter `delivery_info_required` to purchase method for Epsilon Link Payment](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/116) ### 0.11.0 - [Add void mehotd for Epsilon Link Payment](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/114) ### 0.10.0 * [Capture authorized payments](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/112) ### 0.9.4 * [Support Epsilon Link Payment instead of GMO Payment After Delivery](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/110) ### 0.9.3 * [Fix API version for GMO Payment After Delivery](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/108) ### 0.9.2 * [Support GMO Payment After Delivery](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/106) ### 0.9.1 * [Add amount to response parameters when find order](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/99) ### 0.9.0 * [Support virtual account payment](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/97) * [Support to find order](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/96) ### 0.8.0 * GMO IDに登録されているクレジットカードで決済できるようにしました。 * [GMO ID決済の機能を追加した by ryuchan00](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/93) ### 0.5.9 * 都度課金、定期課金、コンビニ決済で memo1, memo2 を送信できるようにした #83 * [イプシロン開発者向け情報:都度課金](http://www.epsilon.jp/developer/each_time.html) * [イプシロン開発者向け情報:定期課金](http://www.epsilon.jp/developer/subscription.html) * [イプシロン開発者向け情報:コンビニ決済(決済~入金通知)](http://www.epsilon.jp/developer/conv.html) ### 0.5.8 * [Add encoding setting](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/82) * According to the Epsilon specification, the request parameters must be encode in EUC-JP or Shift_JIS. For the specification, this pull request add encoding setting. ### 0.5.7 * [Fix response parser method by ku00](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/81) ### 0.5.6 * [Add company_code to response parameters by ku00 #80](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/80) ### 0.5.5 * [Should be able to specify response keys by Joe-noh #79](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/79) ### 0.5.4 * [Add validation of accepting only number to phone_number column by woshidan #76](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/76) ### 0.5.3 * [Add other convenience store codes by woshidan #75](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/75) ### 0.5.2 * [モジュール名 Code をつけないと NameError になるので valid_code? の中の定数にモジュール名をつける by woshidan #71](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/71) ### 0.5.1 * [Add change recurring amount method by kurotaky #66](https://github.com/pepabo/active_merchant-epsilon/pull/66) * 月次課金の金額変更をできるようにしました * 送信パラメータ、受信パラメータに関しては、GMO イプシロンAPI利用マニュアル Ver.1.2.9 - 取引の金額変更 API を参照して下さい ### 0.5.0 * Separate ConvenienceStorePayment from EpsilonGateway and Create new gateway * Require user_name in detail for purchase method * Rename number_of_payments to payment_time * Remove ActiveMerchant::Epsilon::InvalidActionError * Remove ActiveMerchant::Epsilon::InvalidPaymentMethodError ### 0.4.0 * Support credit card installment payment * Support credit card revolving payment * Fix response of credit card payment with 3D secure * Remove raw_ssl_request method ### 0.3.0 * Support credit card payment with 3D secure * Disable to specify contract_code with purchase_detail ### 0.2.0 * Specification user_name with purchase_detail ### 0.1.0 * CreditCard verification_value is required by default