module Footnotes class Filter @@no_style = false @@multiple_notes = false @@klasses = [] # Default link prefix is textmate @@prefix = 'txmt://open?url=file://%s&line=%d&column=%d' # Edit notes @@notes = [ :partials, :controller, :view, :layout, :stylesheets, :javascripts ] # Show notes @@notes += [ :session, :cookies, :params, :filters, :routes, :env, :queries, :log, :general ] # :no_style => If you don't want the style to be appended to your pages # :notes => Class variable that holds the notes to be processed # :prefix => Prefix appended to FootnotesLinks # :multiple_notes => Set to true if you want to open several notes at the same time cattr_accessor :no_style, :notes, :prefix, :multiple_notes class << self # Method called to start the notes # It's a before filter prepend in the controller # def before(controller) Footnotes::Filter.start!(controller) end # Method that calls Footnotes to attach its contents # def after(controller) filter = filter.add_footnotes! filter.close!(controller) end # Calls the class method start! in each note # Sometimes notes need to set variables or clean the environment to work properly # This method allows this kind of setup # def start!(controller) @@klasses = [] each_with_rescue(@@notes.flatten) do |note| klass = "Footnotes::Notes::#{note.to_s.camelize}Note".constantize klass.start!(controller) if klass.respond_to?(:start!) @@klasses << klass end end # Process notes, discarding only the note if any problem occurs # def each_with_rescue(notes) delete_me = [] notes.each do |note| begin yield note rescue Exception => e # Discard note if it has a problem log_error("Footnotes #{note.to_s.camelize}Note Exception", e) delete_me << note next end end delete_me.each{ |note| notes.delete(note) } return notes end # Logs the error using specified title and format # def log_error(title, exception) RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error "#{title}: #{exception}\n#{exception.backtrace.join("\n")}" end # If none argument is sent, simply return the prefix. # Otherwise, replace the args in the prefix. # def prefix(*args) if args.empty? @@prefix else format(@@prefix, *args) end end end def initialize(controller) @controller = controller @template = controller.instance_variable_get(:@template) @body = controller.response.body @notes = [] end def add_footnotes! add_footnotes_without_validation! if valid? rescue Exception => e # Discard footnotes if there are any problems self.class.log_error("Footnotes Exception", e) end # Calls the class method close! in each note # Sometimes notes need to finish their work even after being read # This method allows this kind of work # def close!(controller) each_with_rescue(@@klasses) do |klass| klass.close!(controller) end end protected def valid? performed_render? && valid_format? && valid_content_type? && @body.is_a?(String) && !component_request? && !xhr? end def add_footnotes_without_validation! initialize_notes! insert_styles unless @@no_style insert_footnotes end def initialize_notes! each_with_rescue(@@klasses) do |klass| note = @notes << note if note.respond_to?(:valid?) && note.valid? end end def performed_render? @controller.instance_variable_get(:@performed_render) end def valid_format? [:html,:rhtml,:xhtml,:rxhtml].include?(@template.template_format.to_sym) end def valid_content_type? c = @controller.response.headers['Content-Type'].to_s (c.empty? || c =~ /html/) end def component_request? @controller.instance_variable_get(:@parent_controller) end def xhr? @controller.request.xhr? end # # Insertion methods # def insert_styles insert_text :before, /<\/head>/i, <<-HTML <!-- Footnotes Style --> <style type="text/css"> #footnotes_debug {margin: 2em 0 1em 0; text-align: center; color: #444; line-height: 16px;} #footnotes_debug a {text-decoration: none; color: #444; line-height: 18px;} #footnotes_debug table {text-align: center;} #footnotes_debug table td {padding: 0 5px;} #footnotes_debug tbody {text-align: left;} #footnotes_debug legend {background-color: #FFF;} #footnotes_debug fieldset {text-align: left; border: 1px dashed #aaa; padding: 0.5em 1em 1em 1em; margin: 1em 2em; color: #444; background-color: #FFF;} /* Aditional Stylesheets */ #{"\n")} </style> <!-- End Footnotes Style --> HTML end def insert_footnotes # Fieldsets method should be called first content = fieldsets footnotes_html = <<-HTML <!-- Footnotes --> <div style="clear:both"></div> <div id="footnotes_debug"> #{links} #{content} <script type="text/javascript"> var Footnotes = function() { function hideAll(){ #{close unless @@multiple_notes} } function hideAllAndToggle(id) { hideAll(); toggle(id) } function toggle(id){ var el = document.getElementById(id); if ( == 'none') {; } else { Footnotes.hide(el); } location.href = '#footnotes_debug'; } function show(element) { = 'block' } function hide(element) { = 'none' } return { show: show, hide: hide, toggle: toggle, hideAllAndToggle: hideAllAndToggle } }(); /* Additional Javascript */ #{"\n")} </script> </div> <!-- End Footnotes --> HTML if @body =~ %r{<div[^>]+id=['"]footnotes_holder['"][^>]*>} # Insert inside the "footnotes_holder" div if it exists insert_text :after, %r{<div[^>]+id=['"]footnotes_holder['"][^>]*>}, footnotes_html else # Otherwise, try to insert as the last part of the html body insert_text :before, /<\/body>/i, footnotes_html end end # Process notes to gets their links in their equivalent row # def links links =[]) order = [] each_with_rescue(@notes) do |note| order << note.row links[note.row] += [link_helper(note)] end html = '' order.uniq! order.each do |row| html << "#{row.is_a?(String) ? row : row.to_s.camelize}: #{links[row].join(" | \n")}<br />" end html end # Process notes to get their content # def fieldsets content = '' each_with_rescue(@notes) do |note| next unless note.has_fieldset? content << <<-HTML <fieldset id="#{note.to_sym}_debug_info" style="display: none"> <legend>#{note.legend}</legend> <div>#{note.content}</div> </fieldset> HTML end content end # Process notes to get javascript code to close them. # This method is only used when multiple_notes is false. # def close javascript = '' each_with_rescue(@notes) do |note| next unless note.has_fieldset? javascript << close_helper(note) end javascript end # # Helpers # # Helper that creates the javascript code to close the note # def close_helper(note) "Footnotes.hide(document.getElementById('#{note.to_sym}_debug_info'));\n" end # Helper that creates the link and javascript code when note is clicked # def link_helper(note) onclick = note.onclick unless href = href = '#' onclick ||= "Footnotes.hideAllAndToggle('#{note.to_sym}_debug_info');return false;" if note.has_fieldset? end "<a href=\"#{href}\" onclick=\"#{onclick}\">#{note.title}</a>" end # Inserts text in to the body of the document # +pattern+ is a Regular expression which, when matched, will cause +new_text+ # to be inserted before or after the match. If no match is found, +new_text+ is appended # to the body instead. +position+ may be either :before or :after # def insert_text(position, pattern, new_text) index = case pattern when Regexp if match = @body.match(pattern) match.offset(0)[position == :before ? 0 : 1] else @body.size end else pattern end @body.insert index, new_text end # Instance each_with_rescue method # def each_with_rescue(*args, &block) self.class.each_with_rescue(*args, &block) end end end