# # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "shared/a_generated_file" require "chef-cli/command/generator_commands/repo" describe ChefCLI::Command::GeneratorCommands::Repo do let(:argv) { %w{new_repo} } let(:stdout_io) { StringIO.new } let(:stderr_io) { StringIO.new } let(:expected_cookbook_file_relpaths) do %w{ LICENSE } end let(:file) { "" } let(:file_path) { File.join(repo_path, file) } let(:file_contents) { File.read(file_path) } let(:repo_path) { File.join(tempdir, "new_repo") } let(:expected_cookbook_files) do expected_cookbook_file_relpaths.map do |relpath| File.join(tempdir, "new_repo", relpath) end end subject(:generator) { described_class.new(argv) } def generator_context ChefCLI::Generator.context end before do ChefCLI::Generator.reset end describe "when given invalid arguments" do before do allow(generator).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) allow(generator).to receive(:stderr).and_return(stderr_io) end context "when conflicting --roles and --policy are given" do let(:argv) { %w{ new-repo --roles --policy } } it "emits an error saying that the options are exclusive" do expected_message = "Roles and Policyfiles are exclusive. Please only select one." expect(generator.run).to eq(1) expect(stderr_io.string).to include(expected_message) end end end context "when given the name of the repo to generate" do before do reset_tempdir end it "configures the generator context" do generator.read_and_validate_params generator.setup_context expect(generator_context.repo_root).to eq(Dir.pwd) expect(generator_context.repo_name).to eq("new_repo") end it "creates a new repo" do Dir.chdir(tempdir) do allow(generator.chef_runner).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) generator.run end generated_files = Dir.glob(File.join(tempdir, "new_repo", "**", "*"), File::FNM_DOTMATCH) expected_cookbook_files.each do |expected_file| expect(generated_files).to include(expected_file) end end describe "generated files" do before do Dir.chdir(tempdir) do allow(generator.chef_runner).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout_io) expect(generator.run).to eq(0) end end describe "LICENSE" do let(:file) { "LICENSE" } context "all_rights" do it "is the default" do expect(file_contents).to match(/Copyright \d\d\d\d/) expect(file_contents).to match(/All rights reserved, do not redistribute/) end context "with copyright_holder" do let(:argv) { ["new_repo", "-C", "Adam Jacob"] } it "includes the name" do expect(file_contents).to match(/Copyright \d\d\d\d Adam Jacob/) end end end context "apache2" do let(:argv) { ["new_repo", "-I", "apache2" ] } it "is the apache license" do expect(file_contents).to match(/Apache License/) expect(file_contents).to match(/Version 2.0/) end end context "apachev2" do let(:argv) { ["new_repo", "-I", "apachev2" ] } it "is the apache license" do expect(file_contents).to match(/Apache License/) expect(file_contents).to match(/Version 2.0/) end end context "mit" do let(:argv) { ["new_repo", "-I", "mit" ] } it "is the mit license" do expect(file_contents).to match(/The MIT License \(MIT\)/) end context "with copyright_holder" do let(:argv) { ["new_repo", "-I", "mit", "-C", "Adam Jacob"] } it "includes the name" do expect(file_contents).to match(/Copyright \(c\) \d\d\d\d Adam Jacob/) end end end context "gplv2" do let(:argv) { ["new_repo", "-I", "gplv2" ] } it "is the GPL version 2 license" do expect(file_contents).to match(/GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE/) expect(file_contents).to match(/Version 2, June 1991/) end end context "gplv3" do let(:argv) { ["new_repo", "-I", "gplv3" ] } it "is the GPL version 2 license" do expect(file_contents).to match(/GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE/) expect(file_contents).to match(/Version 3, 29 June 2007/) end end end describe "README.md" do let(:file) { "README.md" } it "is the standard readme" do expect(file_contents).to match(/Every Chef Infra installation needs a Chef Repository/) end end describe "chefignore" do let(:file) { "chefignore" } it "has the preamble" do expect(file_contents).to match(%r{Put files/directories that should be ignored in this file when uploading}) end end describe ".gitignore" do let(:file) { ".gitignore" } it "has the right contents" do expect(file_contents).to match(/\.rake_test_cache/) expect(file_contents).to match(%r{\.chef/\*\.pem}) expect(file_contents).to match(%r{\.chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret}) expect(file_contents).to_not match(%r{cookbooks/\*\*}) end context "with --policy-only" do let(:argv) { ["new_repo", "--policy-only" ] } it "blocks cookbooks" do expect(file_contents).to match(%r{cookbooks/\*\*}) expect(file_contents).to match(%r{cookbooks/README\.md}) end end end describe ".chef-repo.txt" do let(:file) { ".chef-repo.txt" } it "explains why it's there" do expect(file_contents).to include("This file gives the Chef CLI's generators a hint") end end describe "cookbooks" do describe "README.md" do let(:file) { "cookbooks/README.md" } it "has the right contents" do expect(file_contents).to match(/This directory contains the cookbooks/) end context "with --policy-only" do let(:argv) { ["new_repo", "--policy-only" ] } it "tells you whats up" do expect(file_contents).to match(/This directory typically contains Chef cookbooks/) end end end describe "example/metadata.rb" do let(:file) { "cookbooks/example/metadata.rb" } it "has the right contents" do expect(file_contents).to match(/name 'example'/) end end describe "example/attributes/default.rb" do let(:file) { "cookbooks/example/attributes/default.rb" } it "has the right contents" do expect(file_contents).to match(/default\['example'\]\['name'\] = 'Sam Doe'/) end end describe "example/recipes/default.rb" do let(:file) { "cookbooks/example/recipes/default.rb" } it "has the right contents" do expect(file_contents).to match(/log "Welcome to Chef Infra Client, \#\{node\['example'\]\['name'\]\}!" do/) end end end describe "data_bags" do describe "README.md" do let(:file) { "data_bags/README.md" } it "has the right contents" do expect(file_contents).to match(/This directory contains directories of the various data bags/) end end describe "example_item.json" do let(:file) { "data_bags/example/example_item.json" } it "has the right contents" do expect(file_contents).to match(/"id": "example_item"/) end end end context "when Policyfiles are enabled" do let(:argv) { %w{ new_repo --policy } } it "does not create a roles directory" do expect(File).to_not exist(File.join(repo_path, "roles")) end it "does not create an environments directory" do expect(File).to_not exist(File.join(repo_path, "environments")) end describe "policyfiles" do describe "README.md" do let(:file) { "policyfiles/README.md" } let(:expected_content) do <<~README Create Policyfiles here. When using a chef-repo, give your Policyfiles the same filename as the name set in the policyfile itself, and use the `.rb` file extension. README end it "has the right contents" do expect(file_contents).to include(expected_content) end end end end context "when roles/environments are enabled" do let(:argv) { %w{new_repo --roles} } it "does not create a policyfiles directory" do expect(File).to_not exist(File.join(repo_path, "policyfiles")) end describe "roles" do describe "README.md" do let(:file) { "roles/README.md" } let(:expected_content) do <<~README Create roles here, in either the Role Ruby DSL (.rb) or JSON (.json) files. To install roles on the server, use knife. For example, in this directory, you'll find an example role file called `example.json` which can be uploaded to the Chef Infra Server: knife role from file roles/example.json For more information on roles, see the Chef docs site: https://docs.chef.io/roles.html README end it "has the right contents" do expect(file_contents).to include(expected_content) end end end describe "environments" do describe "README.md" do let(:file) { "environments/README.md" } let(:expected_content) do <<~README Create environments here, in either the Role Ruby DSL (.rb) or JSON (.json) files. To install environments on the Chef Infra Server, use the knife command. For example, in this directory, you'll find an example environment file called `example.json` which can be uploaded to the Chef Infra Server: knife environment from file environments/example.json For more information on environments, see the Chef docs site: https://docs.chef.io/environments.html README end it "has the right contents" do expect(file_contents).to include(expected_content) end end end end end end end