Beebotte ruby gem ================= **THIS IS ALPHA SOFTWARE - USE AT YOUR OWN PERIL** Basic Usage ----------- Install the gem: `gem install beebotte` In your ruby code: ``` require 'beebotte' ``` There are two main classes: `Connector` and `Stream`. The Connector class implements the REST API and the Stream class implements the MQTT connection to Beebotte. Please see the Beebotte document here: for more details on their implmentation. **Currently the Connector class only works with API and Secret key, Token authentication is not yet supported.** Full api examples: ------------------------ ``` b ="", "", '', 443) channel_name = SecureRandom.hex(8) resource_name = SecureRandom.hex(8) resource_name2 = SecureRandom.hex(8) puts "\n\n---------\nadd_channels:" channel = {"name":channel_name, "resources": [{"name":resource_name, "vtype":"any"}]} b.add_channel(channel) {|r, code| puts "(#{code}) #{r.inspect}" } puts "\n\n---------\nwrite:" b.write(channel_name, resource_name, { id: rand(1000000), status:"A sample write message"}) puts "\n\n---------\npublish:" b.publish(channel_name, resource_name, { id: rand(1000000), status:"A sample publish message"}) puts "\n\n---------\nread:"{channel: channel_name, resource: resource_name, limit: 1}) {|r, code| puts "(#{code}) #{r.inspect}"} puts "\n\n---------\nadd_resource:" resource2 = {"name":resource_name2, "vtype":"any"} b.add_resource(channel_name, resource2) {|r, code| puts "(#{code}) #{r.inspect}"} puts "\n\n---------\ndel_resource:" b.del_resource(channel_name, resource_name2) {|r, code| puts "(#{code}) #{r.inspect}"} puts "\n\n---------\nget_channels:" b.get_channels {|r, code| puts "(#{code}) #{r.inspect}"} puts "\n\n---------\nget_channel:" b.get_channel(channel_name) {|r, code| puts "(#{code}) #{r.inspect}"} puts "\n\n---------\nget_connections:" b.get_connections {|r, code| puts "(#{code}) #{r.inspect}"} puts "\n\n---------\nget_resources:" b.get_resources(resource_name) {|r, code| puts "(#{code}) #{r.inspect}"} puts "\n\n---------\ndel_channel:" b.del_channel(channel_name) {|r, code| puts "(#{code}) #{r.inspect}"} s ={token: "yourChannelToken"}) s.connect() s.subscribe("#{channel_name}/#{resource_name}") s.publish(channel_name, resource_name, {status: 456}) s.write(channel_name, resource_name, {status: 789}) s.get { |topic, message| puts "\n\nTopic: #{topic}\nMessage: #{message}" } ``` TODO: ----- 1. Documentation 1. Testing 1. Token authentication for REST API 1. Bulk API License ------- The Beebotte ruby gem is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the file LICENSE for details.