(function() {
window.Sandbox = {
views: {},
collections: {},
models: {}
Luca.Collection.namespace = Sandbox.collections;
(function() {
Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {});
Luca.templates["builder"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('
Luca.JS Component Builder
\nThis is coming soon. The Luca.JS sandbox application will provide interactive examples of various components and explain the architectural pieces that go into a well designed single page application.
\n');}return __p.join('');};
(function() {
Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {});
Luca.templates["builder/component_list"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('\n');}return __p.join('');};
(function() {
Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {});
Luca.templates["main"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('\n
Want to build apps with Backbone?
This is a collection of application design components that you should use to build your next large backbone.js application.
It combines the elegance and simplicity of backbone.js and bootstrap.css, with the experience of developers who have been building single page javascript apps since you were a baby.
\n Download\n \n
\n Build an App\n \n
\n');}return __p.join('');};
(function() {
Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {});
Luca.templates["sandbox"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('Hi
\n');}return __p.join('');};
(function() {
Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {});
Luca.templates["sandbox/docs_index"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('Documentation
\n');}return __p.join('');};
(function() {
Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {});
Luca.templates["sandbox/navigation"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('\n');}return __p.join('');};
(function() {
Luca.templates || (Luca.templates = {});
Luca.templates["sandbox/readme"] = function(obj){var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('\n
Component Driven Architecture with Luca.JS
Luca is a component architecture framework based on Backbone.js, which includes
\n many development helpers, classes, patterns, and tools needed to build scalable\n and clean single page applications.\n
It uses twitter bootstrap compatible markup and css naming conventions,
\n making it possible to generate completely styled user interfaces with JSON alone.\n
Luca combines the functionality of other open source libraries as well, but you are not
\n required to use any of them if you don\'t like.\n
Development Tool Dependencies
\n');}return __p.join('');};
(function() {
name: "builder",
id: "builder",
defaultCanvasPosition: 'below',
componentEvents: {
"editor_container toggle:search:option": "toggleSearchOption"
components: [
ctype: "container",
name: "editor_container",
additionalClassNames: 'row-fluid',
className: "builder-editor-container",
styles: {
position: "absolute"
bottomToolbar: {
buttons: [
group: true,
align: "left",
buttons: [
eventId: "toggle:search:option",
icon: "search",
classes: "search-options component-search"
}, {
eventId: "toggle:search:option",
icon: "list-alt",
classes: "search-options saved-components"
}, {
eventId: "toggle:settings",
icon: "cog",
align: 'right'
components: [
ctype: "builder_editor",
name: "builder_editor",
className: "builder-editor",
styles: {
position: "relative",
width: "100%",
top: "0",
left: "0"
}, {
type: "project_browser",
className: "project-browser",
name: "project_browser",
styles: {
position: "relative",
width: "30%",
top: "0",
left: "0"
initialize: function(options) {
var canvas,
_this = this;
this.options = options != null ? options : {};
Luca.core.Container.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
_.bindAll(this, "toggleSearchOption");
canvas = {
type: "builder_canvas",
className: "builder-canvas"
this.state = new Backbone.Model({
canvasLayout: "horizontal-split",
canvasPosition: this.defaultCanvasPosition || "above",
ratio: 0.4
this.state.bind("change:canvasLayout", function() {
return _this.$el.removeClass().addClass(_this.state.get("canvasLayout"));
if (this.state.get('canvasPosition') === "above") {
return this.components.unshift(canvas);
} else {
return this.components.push(canvas);
canvas: function() {
return Luca("builder_canvas");
editor: function() {
return Luca("builder_editor");
componentList: function() {
return Luca("component_list");
toggleSearchOption: function(button) {
return button.toggleClass('active');
fitToScreen: function() {
var filterHeight, half, toolbarHeight, viewportHeight;
this.$el.addClass("canvas-position-" + (this.state.get('canvasPosition')));
viewportHeight = $(window).height();
half = viewportHeight * this.state.get('ratio');
toolbarHeight = 0;
toolbarHeight += this.$('.toolbar-container.top').height() * this.$('.toolbar-container.top').length;
filterHeight = 0;
filterHeight += this.$('.component-list-filter-form').height();
this.canvas().$el.height(half - toolbarHeight - 40);
this.componentList().$el.height(half - filterHeight - 50);
return this.editor().setHeight(half);
activation: function() {
return this.fitToScreen();
deactivation: function() {},
afterRender: function() {
var componentList;
this._super("afterRender", this, arguments);
componentList = Luca("component_list");
componentList.on("selected", function(component) {
return Luca("builder_editor").state.set('currentMode', 'coffeescript');
this.$('.component-list-filter-form input[type="text"]').on("keydown", function() {
return componentList.filterByName($(this).val());
return this.$('.component-list-filter-form input[type="text"]').on("keyup", function() {
var val;
val = $(this).val();
if (val.length === 0) return componentList.filterByName('');
beforeRender: function() {
var _ref;
if ((_ref = Luca.core.Container.prototype.beforeRender) != null) {
_ref.apply(this, arguments);
return this.$el.removeClass().addClass(this.state.get("canvasLayout"));
(function() {
name: "builder_canvas",
bodyTemplate: "builder"
(function() {
name: "builder_editor",
toggleSource: function() {
return this._super("toggleMode", this, arguments);
(function() {
name: "component_list",
id: "component_list",
collection: "components",
itemTagName: "div",
autoBindEventHandlers: true,
events: {
"click div.collection-item a": "clickHandler"
itemRenderer: function(item, model, index) {
return Luca.util.make("a", {
"data-index": index
}, model.className());
filterByName: function(name) {
var models;
models = this.collection.query({
className: {
$likeI: name
this.collection.reset(models, {
silent: true
if ((name != null ? name.length : void 0) === 0) {
return this.resetToDefault();
resetToDefault: function() {
this.collection.reset(this.initialComponents, {
silent: true
return this.refresh();
beforeRender: function() {
var success,
_this = this;
success = function(collection, response) {
return _this.initialComponents = response;
return this.collection.fetch({
success: success
clickHandler: function(e) {
var component, me, my;
me = my = $(e.target);
component = this.collection.at(my.data('index'));
return this.trigger("selected", component);
(function() {
className: "project-browser",
components: [
type: "text_field",
name: "component_list_filter",
additionalClassNames: "well",
className: "component-list-filter-form",
placeHolder: "Find a component",
hideLabel: true,
prepend: "?"
}, {
type: "component_list",
name: "component_list"
(function() {
name: "docs",
defaultCard: "docs_index",
components: [
name: "docs_index",
bodyTemplate: "sandbox/docs_index"
(function() {
name: "application_inspector",
additionalClassNames: ["modal"],
toggle: function(options) {
if (options == null) {
options = {
backdrop: false
if (this.rendered !== true) this.render();
return this.$el.modal(options);
components: [
ctype: "instance_filter"
(function() {
name: "instance_filter",
well: true,
horizontal: true,
inline: true,
toolbar: false,
components: [
ctype: "type_ahead_field",
label: "Find by name",
source: function() {
var names;
names = _(Luca.registry.instances()).pluck('name');
return _.uniq(_(names).compact());
}, {
ctype: "type_ahead_field",
label: "Find by class",
source: function() {
return Luca.registry.classes(true);
(function() {
(function() {
brand: "Luca",
name: "top_navigation",
template: "sandbox/navigation"
(function() {
Sandbox.Router = Luca.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "default",
"build": "build",
"intro": "intro",
"application": "inspector",
"docs": "docs",
"docs/:section": "docs"
"default": function() {
return this.app.navigate_to("pages").navigate_to("main");
build: function() {
return this.app.navigate_to("pages").navigate_to("build");
docs: function(section) {
if (section == null) section = "docs_index";
return this.app.navigate_to("docs").navigate_to(section);
intro: function() {
return this.app.navigate_to("pages").navigate_to("intro");
inspector: function() {
var inspector;
inspector = Luca("application_inspector", new Sandbox.views.ApplicationInspector());
return inspector.toggle();
(function() {
autoBoot: true,
name: 'SandboxApp',
router: "Sandbox.Router",
el: '#viewport',
fluid: true,
topNav: 'top_navigation',
useKeyHandler: false,
keyEvents: {
meta: {
forwardslash: "developmentConsole"
collectionManager: {
initialCollections: ["components"]
components: [
ctype: 'controller',
name: 'pages',
components: [
name: "main",
className: "marketing-content",
bodyTemplate: 'main'
}, {
name: "intro",
className: "marketing-content",
bodyTemplate: "readme"
}, {
name: "build",
ctype: "builder"
}, {
name: "docs",
ctype: "docs_controller"
developmentConsole: function() {
var container;
this.developmentConsole = Luca("coffeescript-console", function() {
return new Luca.tools.DevelopmentConsole({
name: "coffeescript-console"
if (!this.consoleContainerAppended) {
container = this.make("div", {
id: "devtools-console-wrapper",
"class": "devtools-console-container modal",
style: "width:1000px"
}, this.developmentConsole.el);
this.consoleContainerAppended = true;
return $('#devtools-console-wrapper').modal({
backdrop: false,
show: true
$(function() {
return new Sandbox.Application();
(function() {