# danger-jira_issue_links ### Plugin for [Danger](https://danger.systems/) This plugin collects issue mentions from git commit messages and obtains info from Jira issue tracker.
Commit message should start with pattern `[TASK-123]`, where TASK is Jira project Id and 123 is issue number. For example, for commit message: ``` [JSGLK-1145] Resolve bug with incorrect price calculation ``` Results are passed out as a table in the Danger comment for merge request. ![Screenshot](resources/danger-screenshot.png) ## Installation If you use Bundler, add next line to `Gemfile` and execute `bundle install` gem 'danger-jira_issue_links' Or install manually $ gem install danger-jira_issue_links ## Usage In `Dangerfile` add next lines: Configure connection to you Jira instance ``` jira_issue_links.jira_username = "email" jira_issue_links.jira_password = "password" jira_issue_links.jira_site = "https://your-company.atlassian.net" ``` Option to include in output report phrase `Resolves TASK-123`, it help GitLab Jira plugin automatically close issues (see: [GitLab Jira integration](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/integrations/jira.html#closing-jira-issues)). ``` jira_issue_links.include_resolves_keyword = true ``` Find all issue mentions in commit messages, obtain info from Jira and make table of links ``` jira_issue_links.print_links_with_titles ``` Find all issue mentions in commit messages and make links.
Not required access to Jira, needs only base url - `jira_site`. ``` jira_issue_links.print_links_only ``` ## Development 1. Clone this repo 2. Run `bundle install` to setup dependencies. 3. Run `bundle exec rake spec` to run the tests. 4. Use `bundle exec guard` to automatically have tests run as you make changes. 5. Make your changes.