package org.embulk.spi; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue; import org.embulk.spi.type.Type; public class Schema { public static class Builder { private final ImmutableList.Builder columns = ImmutableList.builder(); private int index = 0; // next version of Guava will have ImmutableList.Builder.size() public synchronized Builder add(String name, Type type) { columns.add(new Column(index++, name, type)); return this; } public Schema build() { return new Schema(; } } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } private final ImmutableList columns; @JsonCreator public Schema(List columns) { this.columns = ImmutableList.copyOf(columns); } /** * Returns the list of Column objects. * * It always returns an immutable list. */ @JsonValue public List getColumns() { return columns; } public int size() { return columns.size(); } public int getColumnCount() { return columns.size(); } public Column getColumn(int index) { return columns.get(index); } public String getColumnName(int index) { return getColumn(index).getName(); } public Type getColumnType(int index) { return getColumn(index).getType(); } public void visitColumns(ColumnVisitor visitor) { for (Column column : columns) { column.visit(visitor); } } public boolean isEmpty() { return columns.isEmpty(); } public Column lookupColumn(String name) { for (Column c : columns) { if (c.getName().equals(name)) { return c; } } throw new SchemaConfigException(String.format("Column '%s' is not found", name)); } public int getFixedStorageSize() { int total = 0; for (Column column : columns) { total += column.getType().getFixedStorageSize(); } return total; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof Schema)) { return false; } Schema other = (Schema) obj; return Objects.equals(columns, other.columns); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(columns); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder(); sbuf.append("Schema{\n"); for (Column c : columns) { sbuf.append(String.format(" %4d: %s %s%n", c.getIndex(), c.getName(), c.getType())); } sbuf.append("}"); return sbuf.toString(); } }