require 'active_support/core_ext/array/wrap'
require 'uri'

module ActiveModel
  module Validations

    # Public: Uses `URI.regexp` to validate URLs, by default only allows
    # the http and https protocols.
    # Examples
    #    validates :url, :url => true
    #    # => only allow http, https
    #    validates :url, :url => %w{http https ftp ftps}
    #    # => allow http, https, ftp and ftps
    class UrlValidator < EachValidator

      # Public: Creates a new instance, overrides `:protocols` if either
      # `:with` or `:in` are defined, to allow for shortcut setters.
      # Examples:
      #     validates :url, :url => { :protocols => %w{http https ftp} }
      #     # => accepts http, https and ftp URLs
      #     validates :url, :url => 'https'
      #     # => accepts only https URLs (shortcut form of above)
      #     validates :url, :url => true
      #     # => by default allows only http and https
      # Raises an ArgumentError if the array with the allowed protocols
      # is empty.
      # Returns a new instance.
      def initialize(options)
        options[:protocols] ||= options.delete(:protocol) || options.delete(:with) || options.delete(:in)

      # Public: Validate URL, if it fails adds an error.
      # Returns nothing.
      def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
        uri = as_uri(value)
        tld_requirement_fullfilled = check_tld_requirement(value)
        record.errors.add(attribute) unless uri && value.to_s =~ uri_regexp && tld_requirement_fullfilled

      # Internal: Ensures that at least one protocol is defined. If the protocols
      # are empty it throws an ArgumentError.
      # Raises ArgumentError if protocols is empty.
      # Returns nothing.
      def check_validity!
        raise ArgumentError, "At least one URI protocol is required" if protocols.empty?

      # Internal: Returns an array of protocols to use with the URI regexp.
      # The default protocols are `http` and `https`.
      # Returns the Array with the allowed protocols.
      def protocols
        Array.wrap(options[:protocols] || %w{http https})

      # Internal: Constructs the regular expression to check
      # the URI for the configured protocols.
      # Returns the Regexp.
      def uri_regexp
        @uri_regexp ||= /\A#{}\z/

      # Internal: Checks if the tld requirements are fullfilled
      # When :require_tld option is set to true, the url will be searched for
      # a dot anywhere inside the host except the first or last position
      # Returns a boolean value.
      def check_tld_requirement(value)
        host = URI.parse(value.to_s).host rescue value
        options[:require_tld] === true ? host =~ /.(\.)\w+/ : true

      # Internal: Tries to convert supplied string into URI,
      # if not possible returns nil => invalid URI.
      # Returns the URI or nil.
      def as_uri(value)
        URI.parse(value.to_s) rescue nil if value.present?