require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/transient_shared_spec') require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/single_active_transient_shared_spec') describe "Transient" do describe "having ActiveRecord extensions" do it "should respond to phone_number" do ActiveRecord::Base.respond_to?( :acts_as_transient ).should be_true end end describe "having models descending from ActiveRecord" do describe "that are not single active" do before(:each) do @instance = :name => 'John Smith', :effective_at => ( - 1.days), :expiring_at => DateTime.end_of )! end it_should_behave_like "Any transient" it "should agree that the InstanceMethods module is included" do User.included_modules.include?( Transient::ActiveRecordExtensions::InstanceMethods ).should be_true end it "should agree that the SingleActive module is not included" do User.included_modules.include?( Transient::ActiveRecordExtensions::SingleActive ).should be_false end end describe "that are single active" do before(:each) do @klass = ContactNumber @instance = :number => '012345678901', :location => 'home', :effective_at => ( - 1.days) )! end it_should_behave_like "Any transient" it_should_behave_like "Any transient that is single active" it "should expire the current active before saving a new one" do @new_contact = :number => '019876543210', :location => 'home', :effective_at => )! @instance.reload @instance.expired?.should be_true end end describe "that are single active with check exists" do before(:each) do @klass = Address @instance = :street => '26 street', :location => 'home', :effective_at => ( - 1.days) )! end it_should_behave_like "Any transient" it_should_behave_like "Any transient that is single active" it "should expire the current active before saving a new one" do @new_address = :street => '27 street', :location => 'home', :effective_at => )! @instance.reload @instance.expired?.should be_true end end end end