module RSpec # Consistent implementation for "cleaning" the caller method to strip out # non-rspec lines. This enables errors to be reported at the call site in # the code using the library, which is far more useful than the particular # internal method that raised an error. class CallerFilter RSPEC_LIBS = %w[ core mocks expectations support matchers rails ] ADDITIONAL_TOP_LEVEL_FILES = %w[ autorun ] LIB_REGEX = %r{/lib/rspec/(#{(RSPEC_LIBS + ADDITIONAL_TOP_LEVEL_FILES).join('|')})(\.rb|/)} # rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb isn't actually part of rspec (obviously) but we want # it ignored when we are looking for the first meaningful line of the backtrace outside # of RSpec. It can show up in the backtrace as the immediate first caller # when `CallerFilter.first_non_rspec_line` is called from the top level of a required # file, but it depends on if rubygems is loaded or not. We don't want to have to deal # with this complexity in our `RSpec.deprecate` calls, so we ignore it here. IGNORE_REGEX = Regexp.union(LIB_REGEX, "rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb") if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0.0' def self.first_non_rspec_line # `caller` is an expensive method that scales linearly with the size of # the stack. The performance hit for fetching it in chunks is small, # and since the target line is probably near the top of the stack, the # overall improvement of a chunked search like this is significant. # # See benchmarks/caller.rb for measurements. # Initial value here is mostly arbitrary, but is chosen to give good # performance on the common case of creating a double. increment = 5 i = 1 line = nil until line stack = caller(i, increment) raise "No non-lib lines in stack" unless stack line = stack.find { |l| l !~ IGNORE_REGEX } i += increment increment *= 2 # The choice of two here is arbitrary. end line end else # Earlier rubies do not support the two argument form of `caller`. This # fallback is logically the same, but slower. def self.first_non_rspec_line caller.find { |line| line !~ IGNORE_REGEX } end end end end