require 'uuidtools' require 'active_support/concern' require_relative 'uuidify_exception' # Mixin to add uuids to an active record model. module Uuidify::UuidifyConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do before_destroy :destroy_uuid scope :with_raw_uids, -> { joins("INNER JOIN uuidify_uuids ON uuidify_uuids.model_id = #{self.table_name}.id"). where("uuidify_uuids.model_name = '#{}'"). select("#{self.table_name}.*, uuidify_uuids.model_uuid AS raw_uid") } end module ClassMethods # .find_by_uuid. Used lookup so we know it's not rails magic. def lookup_uuid(uuid) uuid = Uuidify::Uuid.where(:model_uuid => uuid.raw, :model_name => self.to_s).first uuid ? find(uuid.model_id) : nil end # Delete entries where we don't have a model that can be instantiated anymore. def garbage_collect_uuids Uuidify::Uuid.where(:model_name => self.to_s).find_each do |uuid| if !where(:id => uuid.model_id).first uuid.destroy end end end end # Return a UUID, creating it if needed. def uuid abort_if_unsaved! model_name = self.class.to_s model_id = uuid = Uuidify::Uuid.where(:model_name => model_name, :model_id => model_id).first if uuid.nil? new_uuid = UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create.raw uuid = Uuidify::Uuid.create(:model_name => model_name, :model_id =>, :model_uuid => new_uuid)! end UUIDTools::UUID.parse_raw(uuid.model_uuid) end # Assign a UUID that came from an external source. def uuid= new_uuid abort_if_unsaved! Uuidify::Uuid.where(:model_name => self.class.to_s, :model_id =>!.update_column(:model_uuid, new_uuid.raw) end private def abort_if_unsaved! if raise Uuidify::UuidifyException, "This model hasn't been persisted yet and Uuidify doesn't want to implicitly do that. Won't create uuid" end end def destroy_uuid model_name = self.class.to_s model_id = uuid = Uuidify::Uuid.where(:model_name => model_name, :model_id => model_id).first uuid.destroy if uuid end end