require 'tengine/support/config/definition' module Tengine::Support::Config::Definition::HasManyChildren def children @children ||= [] end def child_by_name(__name__) __name__= __name__.to_sym if __name__.respond_to?(:to_sym) children.detect{|child| child.__name__ == __name__} end def find(name_array) name_array = Array(name_array) head = name_array.shift if child = child_by_name(head) name_array.empty? ? child : child.find(name_array) else nil end end def add(__name__, klass, options = {}, &block) result = result.__parent__ = self result.__name__ = __name__ result.instantiate_children dependencies = options[:dependencies] || {} klass.definition_reference_names.each do |res_name| name_array = dependencies[res_name] raise "missing dependency of #{__name__.inspect} in :dependencies options to add(#{__name__.inspect}, #{}...)" unless name_array obj = root.find(Array(name_array)) raise "#{name_array.inspect} not found" unless obj result.send("#{res_name}=", obj) end defaults = options[:defaults] || {} defaults.each do |key, value| child = result.child_by_name(key) raise "child not found for #{key.inspct} in #{result.__name__}" unless child child.default = value if value end children << result (class << self; self; end).class_eval{ define_method(__name__){ result } } result.instance_eval(&block) if block result end def group(__name__, options = {}, &block) result =, options) result.__parent__ = self (class << self; self; end).class_eval{ define_method(__name__){ result } } children << result result.instance_eval(&block) if block result end def field(__name__, *args, &block) attrs = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} attrs[:description] = args.first unless args.empty? attrs.update({ :__name__ => __name__, :__parent__ => self, :__block__ => block, :__type__ => attrs[:__type__] || :field, }) if field = children.detect{|child| child.__name__ == __name__} new_field = field.dup new_field.update(attrs) idx = self.children.index(field) self.children[idx] = new_field field = new_field else field = self.children << field end (class << self; self; end).module_eval do attr_accessor field.__name__ end end def action(__name__, *args, &block) attrs = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} attrs.update({ :__name__ => __name__, :__parent__ => self, :__block__ => block, :__type__ => :action, }) attrs[:description] = args.first unless args.empty? field = self.children << field end alias_method :__action__, :action def action?; false; end def separator(description) attrs = { :description => description, :__name__ => :"separator#{children.count + 1}", :__parent__ => self, :__type__ => :separator, } field = self.children << field end def separator?; false; end def load_config(name, *args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} options[:type] = :load_config args << options field(name, *args) end def to_hash children.inject({}) do |dest, child| unless child.action? || child.separator? value = child.to_hash unless value.is_a?(Hash) && value.empty? dest[child.__name__] = child.to_hash end end dest end end def load(hash) hash.each do |__name__, value| child = child_by_name(__name__) raise "child not found for #{__name__.inspect} on #{__name__}" unless child if child.is_a?(Tengine::Support::Config::Definition::Field) self.send("#{__name__}=", value) else child.load(value) end end end def accept_visitor(visitor) visitor.visit(self) end def name_array (__parent__ ? __parent__.name_array : []) + [__name__] end def get_value(obj) obj.is_a?(Proc) ? self.instance_eval(&obj) : obj end end