### 2.2.1 (2018-09-09) Changes: - Fix `OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher` deprecation warning in `EenyMeeny::Encryptor`. - Update Travis configuration to include Ruby version 2.2 to 2.5. ### 2.2.0 (2018-07-24) Features: - Let `Eeny::Meeny::Middleware` remove deprecated experiment cookies (for undefined and inactive experiements) Changes: - Renamed `EenyMeeny::Cookie::COOKIE_PREFIX` to `EenyMeeny::Cookie::EXPERIMENT_PREFIX` ### 2.1.4 (2017-10-04) Changes: - Update gem dependencies for Rails 5 support. ### 2.1.3 (2017-08-15) Bugfixes: - Fix issue where the global cookie configuration is not applied to smoke test cookies. ### 2.1.2 (2017-04-14) Bugfixes: - Fix validation regex for the 'smoke_test_id' query parameter. Other Changes: - Clean up the way cookies are written to the HTTP_COOKIE header. - Added Travis CI and build status badge. ### 2.1.1 (2016-10-06) Bugfixes: - Fix bug in `participates_in?` helper that prevented it from working when the `variation_id` was sent as a symbol. - Fix bug in `EenyMeeny::ExperimentConstraint` that prevented it from working when the `variation_id` was sent as a symbol. ### 2.1.0 (2016-10-02) Features: - Trigger experiment variations with query parameters - Trigger smoke tests with query parameters Bugfixes: - Fixed error that caused 'participates_in?' to throw error when the given experiment_id did not exist. Other Changes: - Reduced size of experiment cookies. Now only the picked variation_id is stored in the cookie itself. ### 2.0.0 (2016-09-11) Features: - Added helper and route constraint for smoke tests. - Added rake tasks for creating eeny-meeny cookies from the commandline. Bugfixes: - Fixed experiment start_at and end_at logic. Breaking Changes: - Changed the way the gem is configured. - Replaced EenyMeeny::RouteConstraint with EenyMeeny::ExperimentConstraint and EenyMeeny::SmokeTestConstraint. Other Changes: - Changed default cookie expires header from '1.year.from_now' to '1.month.from_now'. - Improve docuemtation. ### 1.0.0 (2016-07-03) Features: - Initial version of split testing tool. Includes: - Experiment helpers for Rails - Run any number of experiments at the same time. - Have any number of variations in each experiment. - Set the weight (likelyhood of participants excountering) each experiment variation customly. - Encrypt experiment cookies. - Route constraint for full page split tests.