module Crucible module Tests class ConnectathonAuditEventAndProvenanceTrackTest < BaseSuite def id 'ConnectathonAuditEventAndProvenanceTrackTest' end def description 'Connectathon AuditEvent and Provenance Track Test focuses on server-created AuditEvents and Provenance resources.' end def initialize(client1, client2=nil) super(client1, client2) @category = {id: 'connectathon', title: 'Connectathon'} end def setup @resources = end def teardown @client.destroy(FHIR::Provenance, @provenance1.xmlId) if @provenance1 && !@provenance1.xmlId.nil? @client.destroy(FHIR::Provenance, @provenance2.xmlId) if @provenance2 && !@provenance2.xmlId.nil? @client.destroy(FHIR::Provenance, @provenance3.xmlId) if @provenance3 && !@provenance3.xmlId.nil? @client.destroy(FHIR::Provenance, @provenance4.xmlId) if @provenance4 && !@provenance4.xmlId.nil? @client.destroy(FHIR::Patient, @patient.xmlId) if @patient && !@patient.xmlId.nil? @client.destroy(FHIR::Patient, @patient1.xmlId) if @patient1 && !@patient1.xmlId.nil? @client.destroy(FHIR::Patient, @patient2.xmlId) if @patient2 && !@patient2.xmlId.nil? FHIR::ResourceAddress::DEFAULTS.delete('X-Provenance') # just in case end # Create a Patient then check for AuditEvent test 'CAEP1','Create a Patient then check for AuditEvent' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#create" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/patient.html" links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#search" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/auditevent.html" links '' requires resource: 'Patient', methods: ['create'] requires resource: 'AuditEvent', methods: ['search'] validates resource: 'Patient', methods: ['create'] validates resource: 'AuditEvent', methods: ['search'] validates resource: nil, methods: ['Audit Logging', 'audit event'] } @patient = @resources.minimal_patient @patient.xmlId = nil # clear the identifier reply = @client.create(@patient) assert_response_ok(reply) @patient.xmlId = options = { :search => { :flag => false, :compartment => nil, :parameters => { 'reference' => "Patient/#{@patient.xmlId}" } } } reply =, options) assert_response_ok(reply) assert_bundle_response(reply) assert_equal(1, reply.resource.entry.size, 'There should only be one AuditEvent for the test Patient currently in the system.', reply.body) assert(reply.resource.entry[0].try(:resource).try(:object).try(:reference).include?(@patient.xmlId), 'The correct AuditEvent was not returned.', reply.body) warning { assert_equal('110110', reply.resource.entry[0].try(:resource).try(:event).try(:type).try(:code), 'Was expecting an AuditEvent.event.type.code of 110110 (Patient Record).', reply.body) } end # Create a Patient with Provenance as a transaction test 'CAEP2','Create a Patient with Provenance as transaction' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#create" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/patient.html" links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#search" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/provenance.html" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/provenance.html#" # submit as transaction links '' requires resource: 'Patient', methods: ['create'] requires resource: 'Provenance', methods: ['search'] validates resource: 'Patient', methods: ['create'] validates resource: 'Provenance', methods: ['search'] validates resource: nil, methods: ['transaction-system', 'provenance'] } @patient1 = @resources.minimal_patient @patient1.xmlId = 'foo' @provenance1 = = [ ][0].reference = "Patient/#{@patient1.xmlId}" @provenance1.recorded ="%Y-%m-%dT%T.%LZ%z") @provenance1.reason = [ ] @provenance1.reason[0].text = 'New patient' @client.begin_transaction @client.add_transaction_request('POST',nil,@patient1) @client.add_transaction_request('POST',nil,@provenance1) reply = @client.end_transaction # set the patient id as nil, until we know that the transaction was successful, so teardown doesn't try # to delete something that wasn't created @patient1.xmlId = nil assert_response_ok(reply) assert_bundle_response(reply) # set the patient id back from nil to whatever the server created @patient1.xmlId = FHIR::ResourceAddress.pull_out_id('Patient',reply.resource.entry[0].try(:response).try(:location)) @provenance1.xmlId = FHIR::ResourceAddress.pull_out_id('Provenance',reply.resource.entry[1].try(:response).try(:location)) options = { :search => { :flag => false, :compartment => nil, :parameters => { 'target' => "Patient/#{@patient1.xmlId}" } } } reply =, options) assert_response_ok(reply) assert_bundle_response(reply) assert_equal(1, reply.resource.entry.size, 'There should only be one Provenance for the test Patient currently in the system.', reply.body) assert(reply.resource.entry[0].try(:resource).try(:target).try(:first).try(:reference).include?(@patient1.xmlId), 'The correct Provenance was not returned.', reply.body) end # Create a Patient with a Provenance header: # Grahame says: "json format, in the X-Provenance header - I'll pick it up and store it after fixing the target reference (just leave target blank)" test 'CAEP2X','Create a Patient with X-Provenance header' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#create" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/patient.html" links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#search" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/provenance.html" links '' requires resource: 'Patient', methods: ['create'] requires resource: 'Provenance', methods: ['search'] validates resource: 'Patient', methods: ['create'] validates resource: 'Provenance', methods: ['search'] } @patient2 = @resources.minimal_patient @patient2.xmlId = nil # clear the identifier @provenance2 = = [ ] #[0].reference = "Patient/#{@patient2.xmlId}" @provenance2.recorded ="%Y-%m-%dT%T.%LZ%z") @provenance2.reason = [ ] @provenance2.reason[0].text = 'New patient' FHIR::ResourceAddress::DEFAULTS['X-Provenance'] = @provenance2.to_fhir_json reply = @client.create(@patient2) FHIR::ResourceAddress::DEFAULTS.delete('X-Provenance') assert_response_ok(reply) @patient2.xmlId = options = { :search => { :flag => false, :compartment => nil, :parameters => { 'target' => "Patient/#{@patient2.xmlId}" } } } reply =, options) assert_response_ok(reply) assert_bundle_response(reply) assert_equal(1, reply.resource.entry.size, 'There should only be one Provenance for the test Patient currently in the system.', reply.body) assert(reply.resource.entry[0].try(:resource).try(:target).try(:first).try(:reference).include?(@patient2.xmlId), 'The correct Provenance was not returned.', reply.body) @provenance2.xmlId = FHIR::ResourceAddress.pull_out_id('Provenance',reply.resource.entry[0].try(:response).try(:location)) end # Update a Patient and check for AuditEvent test 'CAEP3','Update a Patient then check for AuditEvent' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#update" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/patient.html" links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#search" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/auditevent.html" links '' requires resource: 'Patient', methods: ['create','update'] requires resource: 'AuditEvent', methods: ['search'] validates resource: 'Patient', methods: ['update'] validates resource: 'AuditEvent', methods: ['search'] } @patient.gender = 'male' reply = @client.update(@patient,@patient.xmlId) assert_response_ok(reply) options = { :search => { :flag => false, :compartment => nil, :parameters => { 'reference' => "Patient/#{@patient.xmlId}" } } } reply =, options) assert_response_ok(reply) assert_bundle_response(reply) assert_equal(2, reply.resource.entry.size, 'There should be two AuditEvents for the test Patient currently in the system.', reply.body) reply.resource.entry.each do |entry| assert(entry.try(:resource).try(:object).try(:reference).include?(@patient.xmlId), 'An incorrect AuditEvent was returned.', reply.body) warning { assert_equal('110110', entry.try(:resource).try(:event).try(:type).try(:code), 'Was expecting an AuditEvent.event.type.code of 110110 (Patient Record).', reply.body) } end end # Update a Patient with Provenance as a transaction test 'CAEP4','Update a Patient with Provenance as transaction' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#update" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/patient.html" links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#search" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/provenance.html" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/provenance.html#" # submit as transaction links '' requires resource: 'Patient', methods: ['create','update'] requires resource: 'Provenance', methods: ['search'] validates resource: 'Patient', methods: ['update'] validates resource: 'Provenance', methods: ['search'] validates resource: nil, methods: ['transaction-system', 'provenance'] } @patient1.gender = 'male' @provenance3 = = [ ][0].reference = "Patient/#{@patient1.xmlId}" @provenance3.recorded ="%Y-%m-%dT%T.%LZ%z") @provenance3.reason = [ ] @provenance3.reason[0].text = 'Update Gender' @client.begin_transaction @client.add_transaction_request('PUT',nil,@patient1) @client.add_transaction_request('POST',nil,@provenance3) reply = @client.end_transaction assert_response_ok(reply) assert_bundle_response(reply) @provenance3.xmlId = FHIR::ResourceAddress.pull_out_id('Provenance',reply.resource.entry[1].try(:response).try(:location)) options = { :search => { :flag => false, :compartment => nil, :parameters => { 'target' => "Patient/#{@patient1.xmlId}" } } } reply =, options) assert_response_ok(reply) assert_bundle_response(reply) assert_equal(2, reply.resource.entry.size, 'There should be two Provenance resources for the test Patient currently in the system.', reply.body) reply.resource.entry.each do |entry| assert(entry.try(:resource).try(:target).try(:first).try(:reference).include?(@patient1.xmlId), 'An incorrect Provenance was returned.', reply.body) end end # Update a Patient with a Provenance header: # Grahame says: "json format, in the X-Provenance header - I'll pick it up and store it after fixing the target reference (just leave target blank)" test 'CAEP4X','Update a Patient with X-Provenance header' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#create" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/patient.html" links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#search" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/provenance.html" links '' requires resource: 'Patient', methods: ['create'] requires resource: 'Provenance', methods: ['search'] validates resource: 'Patient', methods: ['create'] validates resource: 'Provenance', methods: ['search'] validates resource: nil, methods: ['provenance'] } @patient2.gender = 'male' @provenance4 = = [ ][0].reference = "Patient/#{@patient2.xmlId}" @provenance4.recorded ="%Y-%m-%dT%T.%LZ%z") @provenance4.reason = [ ] @provenance4.reason[0].text = 'Update Gender' FHIR::ResourceAddress::DEFAULTS['X-Provenance'] = @provenance4.to_fhir_json reply = @client.update(@patient2,@patient2.xmlId) FHIR::ResourceAddress::DEFAULTS.delete('X-Provenance') assert_response_ok(reply) options = { :search => { :flag => false, :compartment => nil, :parameters => { 'target' => "Patient/#{@patient2.xmlId}" } } } reply =, options) assert_response_ok(reply) assert_bundle_response(reply) assert_equal(2, reply.resource.entry.size, 'There should be two Provenance resources for the test Patient currently in the system.', reply.body) reply.resource.entry.each do |entry| assert(entry.try(:resource).try(:target).try(:first).try(:reference).include?(@patient2.xmlId), 'An incorrect Provenance was returned.', reply.body) end @provenance3.xmlId = FHIR::ResourceAddress.pull_out_id('Provenance',reply.resource.entry[0].try(:response).try(:location)) @provenance4.xmlId = FHIR::ResourceAddress.pull_out_id('Provenance',reply.resource.entry[1].try(:response).try(:location)) end # Read a Patient and check for AuditEvent test 'CAEP5','Read a Patient and check for AuditEvent' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#read" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/patient.html" links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#search" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/auditevent.html" links '' requires resource: 'Patient', methods: ['create','read'] requires resource: 'AuditEvent', methods: ['search'] validates resource: 'Patient', methods: ['read'] validates resource: 'AuditEvent', methods: ['search'] validates resource: nil, methods: ['Audit Logging', 'audit event'] } reply =,@patient.xmlId) assert_response_ok(reply) options = { :search => { :flag => false, :compartment => nil, :parameters => { 'reference' => "Patient/#{@patient.xmlId}" } } } reply =, options) assert_response_ok(reply) assert_bundle_response(reply) assert_equal(3, reply.resource.entry.size, 'There should be three AuditEvents for the test Patient currently in the system.', reply.body) reply.resource.entry.each do |entry| assert(entry.try(:resource).try(:object).try(:reference).include?(@patient.xmlId), 'An incorrect AuditEvent was returned.', reply.body) warning { assert_equal('110110', entry.try(:resource).try(:event).try(:type).try(:code), 'Was expecting an AuditEvent.event.type.code of 110110 (Patient Record).', reply.body) } end end end end end