require_relative '../y_support' require 'gtk2' # Assets related to X windows control. # module YSupport::X # ================================================================== # # Notice: Assets related to X windows control do not really belong # to YSupport. I should keep them somewhere else. I will keep this # file in YSupport 2.x for historical reasons. Module YSupport::X # will be removed in YSupport 3.0, which will no longer cover tools # for X windows control. # warn "YSupport::X is obsolete!" # # ================================================================== # Echo a string to the primary X clip; `xsel -b -i`. # def echo_primary_clipboard string s = 'echo -n ' + string.inspect + ' | xsel -b -i' system s end # Echo a string to the secondary X clip; `xsel -b -i`. # def echo_secondary_clipboard string s = 'echo -n ' + string.inspect + ' | xsel -s -i' system s end # Dialog box querying for a string. # def query_box( dialog_text, prompt: '> ', title_bar: 'User input required', &block ) title_bar_text = title_bar prompt_label_text = prompt w = Gtk::Window::TOPLEVEL ) w.set_title( title_bar_text ) w.border_width = 10 w.signal_connect 'delete_event' do Gtk.main_quit end # cc tlabel_widget = dialog_text ) plabel_widget = prompt_label_text ) ebox_widget = ebox_widget.visibility = true # cc hbox =, 5) # cc hbox.pack_start_defaults( plabel_widget ) # cc hbox.pack_start_defaults( ebox_widget ) vbox =, 5) vbox.pack_start_defaults( tlabel_widget ) vbox.pack_start_defaults( hbox ) w.add(vbox) memo = "" memo_closure = -> txt { memo << txt } ebox_widget.signal_connect "key-release-event" do |sender, event| # cc kn = Gdk::Keyval.to_name( event.keyval ) if kn == "Return" memo_closure.( sender.text ) block.( sender.text ) if block Gtk.main_quit end end memo.tap { w.show_all; Gtk.main } end # Message box. # def message_box( message="Press any key to close this window!" ) w = w.add_events Gdk::Event::KEY_PRESS w.add message ) w.signal_connect "key-release-event" do Gtk.main_quit end w.set_default_size( 600, 120 ) w.show_all Gtk.main end alias popup message_box extend self end # module YSupport::X