id: name: GitOps.PullRequestIssueManagement description: GitOps.PullRequestIssueManagement primitive owner: resource: repository disabled: false where: configuration: resourceManagementConfiguration: scheduledSearches: - description: frequencies: - hourly: hour: 1 filters: - isIssue - isOpen - hasLabel: label: 'Needs: Author Feedback' - hasLabel: label: 'Status: No Recent Activity' - noActivitySince: days: 3 - isNotLabeledWith: label: Service Bug actions: - closeIssue - description: frequencies: - hourly: hour: 1 filters: - isIssue - isOpen - hasLabel: label: 'Needs: Author Feedback' - noActivitySince: days: 4 - isNotLabeledWith: label: 'Status: No Recent Activity' - isNotLabeledWith: label: Service Bug actions: - addLabel: label: 'Status: No Recent Activity' - addReply: reply: This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has been marked as requiring author feedback but has not had any activity for **4 days**. It will be closed if no further activity occurs **within 3 days of this comment**. - description: frequencies: - hourly: hour: 1 filters: - isIssue - isOpen - hasLabel: label: duplicate - noActivitySince: days: 1 actions: - addReply: reply: This issue has been marked as duplicate and has not had any activity for **1 day**. It will be closed for housekeeping purposes. - closeIssue - description: frequencies: - hourly: hour: 1 filters: - isOpen - hasLabel: label: 'API: Graph' - noActivitySince: days: 14 actions: - addLabel: label: Service issue - addReply: reply: >- Hello @${issueAuthor} Thank you for reporting your concern. If you report this issue in the Microsoft Q&A forum, it will get routed to the appropriate team for them to triage. eventResponderTasks: - if: - payloadType: Issues - and: - isOpen - not: and: - isAssignedToSomeone - isLabeled then: - addLabel: label: 'ToTriage' - if: - payloadType: Issue_Comment - isAction: action: Created - isActivitySender: issueAuthor: True - hasLabel: label: 'Needs: Author Feedback' then: - addLabel: label: "Needs: Attention \U0001F44B" - removeLabel: label: 'Needs: Author Feedback' description: - if: - payloadType: Issues - not: isAction: action: Closed - hasLabel: label: 'Status: No Recent Activity' then: - removeLabel: label: 'Status: No Recent Activity' description: - if: - payloadType: Issue_Comment - activitySenderHasAssociation: association: Contributor - bodyContains: pattern: '?' isRegex: False - bodyContains: pattern: '@' isRegex: False then: - addLabel: label: 'Needs: Author Feedback' description: - if: - payloadType: Issue_Comment - hasLabel: label: 'API: Graph' then: - addReply: reply: >- Hello @${issueAuthor} Thank you for reporting your concern. If you report this issue in the Microsoft Q&A forum, it will get routed to the appropriate team for them to triage. This issue will now be closed. If you encounter any issues in the future, please feel free to open an issue. - addLabel: label: Service issue - closeIssue description: onFailure: onSuccess: