require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Knjappserver" do it "should be able to start a sample-server" do require "rubygems" require "knjappserver" require "knjrbfw" require "tmpdir" db_path = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/knjappserver_rspec.sqlite3" File.unlink(db_path) if File.exists?(db_path) require "knj/knjdb/libknjdb.rb" require "sqlite3" db = :type => "sqlite3", :path => db_path, :return_keys => "symbols" ) erbhandler = $appserver = :debug => false, :autorestart => false, :autoload => false, :verbose => false, :title => "knjTasks", :port => 1515, :host => "", :default_page => "index.rhtml", :doc_root => "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../lib/pages", :hostname => false, :default_filetype => "text/html", :engine_knjengine => true, :locales_gettext_funcs => true, :locale_default => "da_DK", :max_requests_working => 5, :filetypes => { :jpg => "image/jpeg", :gif => "image/gif", :png => "image/png", :html => "text/html", :htm => "text/html", :rhtml => "text/html", :css => "text/css", :xml => "text/xml", :js => "text/javascript" }, :handlers => [ { :file_ext => "rhtml", :callback => erbhandler.method(:erb_handler) },{ :path => "/fckeditor", :mount => "/usr/share/fckeditor" } ], :db => db ) $appserver.vars[:test] = "kasper" $appserver.define_magic_var(:_testvar1, "Kasper") $appserver.define_magic_var(:_testvar2, "Johansen") $appserver.update_db $appserver.start end it "should be able to mount FCKeditor dir to /usr/share/fckeditor" do end it "should be able to handle a GET-request." do require "knj/http" $http ="host" => "localhost", "port" => 1515) data = $http.get("/spec.rhtml") raise "Unexpected HTML: '#{data["data"]}'." if data["data"].to_s.strip != "Test" end it "should be able to handle a HEAD-request." do data = $http.head("/spec.rhtml") raise "HEAD-request returned content - it shouldnt?" if data["data"].to_s.length > 0 end it "should be able to handle a POST-request." do data = $"/spec.rhtml", { "postdata" => "Test post" }) raise "POST-request did not return expected data: '#{data["data"]}'." if data["data"].to_s.strip != "Test post" end it "should be able to join the server so other tests can be made manually." do begin Timeout.timeout(1) do $appserver.join raise "Appserver didnt join." end rescue Timeout::Error #ignore. end end it "it should be able to use the header-methods." do data = $http.get("/spec.rhtml") raise "Normal header data could not be detected." if data["response"].header["testheader"] != "NormalHeader" raise "Raw header data could not be detected." if data["response"].header["testraw"]!= "RawHeader" end it "should be able to stop." do $appserver.stop end end