Rails Debug Toolkit


rails_dt gem gives you DT.p() method you can use anywhere in your project to print your debug messages.

It’s somewhat similar to Ruby’s native p() with output being sent to log, console and web.

For example, DT.p "hello, world!" invoked in RootController will give you a:

[DT app/controllers/root_controller.rb:3] hello, world!

The Ideas Behind It

Express Setup (Rails 3)

In your Gemfile, add:

gem "rails_dt"

Then do a bundle install.

This gives you an express (zero-conf) setup, which outputs messages to log, log/dt.log and console.

Express Setup (Rails 2)

$ gem sources --add http://rubygems.org
$ gem install rails_dt

In your config/environment.rb, add:

config.gem "rails_dt"

Setting Up Web Output (Both Rails 3 and Rails 2)

In your application root, do a:

$ rails generate rails_dt     # Rails 3
$ script/generate rails_dt    # Rails 2

Follow the instructions the generator gives you then. They are listed below.

Inside your ApplicationController class, add:


Inside your app/views/layouts/application.html.erb <head> section, add:

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "dt" %>

Inside your app/views/layouts/application.html.erb <body> section, add:

<div class="DT">
  <%= DT.web_messages_as_html %>

Checking Setup

Somewhere in your app/views/layouts/application.html.erb, add:

<% DT.p "hello, world!" %>

Refresh the page. You should see “hello, world!”:



def before_save
  DT.p "in before_save"


def action
  DT.p "hi, I'm #{action_name}"


<div class="body">
  <% DT.p "@users", @users %>


Insert debugging code:

before_filter do
  DT.p "in before_filter xyz"

after_filter do
  DT.p "in after_filter xyz"

See it in action:

$ tail -f log/dt.log


Just use DT.p anywhere you want.

Customizing Output Format

Create a sample initializer, by doing a:

$ rails generate rails_dt     # Rails 3
$ script/generate rails_dt    # Rails 2

In config/initializers/dt.rb you’ll see something like:

# Customize your DT output.
#DT.log_prefix = "[DT <%= file_rel %>:<%= line %>] "
#DT.console_prefix = "[DT <%= file_rel %>:<%= line %>] "
#DT.web_prefix = '<a href="txmt://open?url=file://<%= file %>&line=<%= line %>"><%= file_rel %>:<%= line %></a> '

Uncomment and edit lines appropriately. Restart server for changes to take effect.

Values are in ERB format. The following macros are available:

You can also disable particular output target by setting its prefix to nil:

DT.console_prefix = nil     # Disable console output.


Send bug reports, suggestions and criticisms through project’s page on GitHub.