class YouTubeG # The goal of the classes in this module is to build the request URLs for each type of search module Request class BaseSearch attr_reader :url def base_url "" end end class UserSearch < BaseSearch def initialize(params, options={}) @url = base_url return @url << "#{options[:user]}/favorites" if params == :favorites @url << "#{params[:user]}/uploads" if params[:user] end def base_url super << "users/" end end class StandardSearch < BaseSearch TYPES = [ :most_viewed, :top_rated, :recently_featured, :watch_on_mobile ] TIMES = [ :all_time, :today, :this_week, :this_month ] def initialize(type, options={}) if TYPES.include?(type) @url = base_url << type.to_s @url << "?time=#{CGI.escape(options.delete(:time).to_s)}" if TIMES.include?(options[:time]) else raise "Invalid type, must be one of: #{ { |t| t.to_s }.join(", ") }" end end def base_url super << "standardfeeds/" end end class VideoSearch < BaseSearch # From here: ONLY_EMBEDDABLE = 5 attr_reader :max_results # max_results attr_reader :order_by # orderby, ([relevance], viewCount, published, rating) attr_reader :offset # start-index attr_reader :query # vq attr_reader :response_format # alt, ([atom], rss, json) attr_reader :tags # /-/tag1/tag2 attr_reader :categories # /-/Category1/Category2 attr_reader :video_format # format (1=mobile devices) attr_reader :racy # racy ([exclude], include) attr_reader :author def initialize(params={}) # XXX I think we want to delete the line below return if params.nil? # initialize our various member data to avoid warnings and so we'll # automatically fall back to the youtube api defaults @max_results = nil @order_by = nil @offset = nil @query = nil @response_format = nil @video_format = nil @racy = nil @author = nil # build up the url corresponding to this request @url = base_url # return @url << "/" << params[:video_id] if params[:video_id] @url << "/-/" if (params[:categories] || params[:tags]) @url << categories_to_params(params.delete(:categories)) if params[:categories] @url << tags_to_params(params.delete(:tags)) if params[:tags] params.each do |key, value| name = key.to_s instance_variable_set("@#{name}", value) if respond_to?(name) end if( params[ :only_embeddable ] ) @video_format = ONLY_EMBEDDABLE end @url << build_query_params(to_youtube_params) end def base_url super << "videos" end def to_youtube_params { 'max-results' => @max_results, 'orderby' => @order_by, 'start-index' => @offset, 'vq' => @query, 'alt' => @response_format, 'format' => @video_format, 'racy' => @racy, 'author' => @author } end private # Convert category symbols into strings and build the URL. GData requires categories to be capitalized. # Categories defined like: categories => { :include => [:news], :exclude => [:sports], :either => [..] } # or like: categories => [:news, :sports] def categories_to_params(categories) if categories.respond_to?(:keys) and categories.respond_to?(:[]) s = "" s << categories[:either].map { |c| c.to_s.capitalize }.join("%7C") << '/' if categories[:either] s << categories[:include].map { |c| c.to_s.capitalize }.join("/") << '/' if categories[:include] s << ("-" << categories[:exclude].map { |c| c.to_s.capitalize }.join("/-")) << '/' if categories[:exclude] s else { |c| c.to_s.capitalize }.join("/") << '/' end end # Tags defined like: tags => { :include => [:football], :exclude => [:soccer], :either => [:polo, :tennis] } # or tags => [:football, :soccer] def tags_to_params(tags) if tags.respond_to?(:keys) and tags.respond_to?(:[]) s = "" s << tags[:either].map { |t| CGI.escape(t.to_s) }.join("%7C") << '/' if tags[:either] s << tags[:include].map { |t| CGI.escape(t.to_s) }.join("/") << '/' if tags[:include] s << ("-" << tags[:exclude].map { |t| CGI.escape(t.to_s) }.join("/-")) << '/' if tags[:exclude] s else { |t| CGI.escape(t.to_s) }.join("/") << '/' end end def build_query_params(params) # nothing to do if there are no params return '' if (!params || params.empty?) # build up the query param string, tacking on every key/value # pair for which the value is non-nil u = '?' item_count = 0 params.keys.each do |key| value = params[key] next if value.nil? u << '&' if (item_count > 0) u << "#{CGI.escape(key.to_s)}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" item_count += 1 end # if we found no non-nil values, we've got no params so just # return an empty string (item_count == 0) ? '' : u end end end end