describe "JSONSelect", "conformance" do %w( basic ).each do |test| selectors = "../fixtures/#{test}_*.selector" selectors = Dir[File.expand_path(selectors, __FILE__)] describe "(#{test})" do let(:input) do path = File.expand_path("../fixtures/#{test}.json", __FILE__) Yajl::Parser.parse( end selectors.each do |selector| basename = File.basename(selector, '.selector') name = basename[(test.size + 1)..-1] output = File.expand_path("../fixtures/#{basename}.output", __FILE__) ast = File.expand_path("../fixtures/#{basename}.ast", __FILE__) describe "(#{name})" do it "parses the selector" do ast = Yajl::Parser.parse( s = JSONSelect( s.should be_a(JSONSelect::Selector) s.ast.should == ast end it "produces the correct output" do s = JSONSelect( e = [] Yajl::Parser.parse( { |o| e << o } s.evaluate(input).should == e end end end end end end