module Lita module Handlers class Coffee < Handler # TODO: money - probably in a separate handler and maybe it already exists?? # Dependencies require 'json' # Configuration # default_group - the name of the default group in which users will order a coffee # default_coffee - the coffee we will order if users don't specify what they would like config :default_group, type: String, default: 'coffee-lovers' config :default_coffee, type: String, default: 'Single origin espresso' on :loaded, :set_constants def set_constants(payload) @@DEFAULT_GROUP = config.default_group @@DEFAULT_COFFEE = config.default_coffee end route( /^\(?coffee\)?(\s+\-[bcdgist]?|\s+\+)?(.*)/i, :coffee, help: { 'coffee' => "List the orders for your group", 'coffee -i' => "Display your profile", 'coffee -s Colombian Filter' => "Set your coffee preference", 'coffee -g Cool Kids' => "Change your group", 'coffee +' => "Order a coffee", 'coffee -c' => "Cancel your order", 'coffee -b You owe me one!' => "Buy coffee for your group, clear the orders and send a message to each coffee drinker", 'coffee -t' => "Display system settings", 'coffee -d' => "Delete you from the coffee system", } ) def coffee(response) get_settings = response.matches[0][0].strip == "-i" rescue false set_coffee = response.matches[0][0].strip == "-s" rescue false change_group = response.matches[0][0].strip == "-g" rescue false order = response.matches[0][0].strip == "+" rescue false cancel = response.matches[0][0].strip == "-c" rescue false buy_coffee = response.matches[0][0].strip == "-b" rescue false system_settings = response.matches[0][0].strip == "-t" rescue false delete_me = response.matches[0][0].strip == "-d" rescue false preference = response.matches[0][1].strip rescue nil my_user = group = get_group(my_user) # Setup new users response.reply("Welcome to coffee! You have been added to the #{@@DEFAULT_GROUP} group with an order of #{@@DEFAULT_COFFEE}. Type help coffee for help.") if initialize_user_redis(my_user) == :new_user # Retrieve my preference if get_settings settings = get_settings(my_user) response.reply("Your current coffee is #{settings['coffee']}. You are in the #{settings['group']} group.") # Set my coffee elsif set_coffee result = set_coffee(my_user,preference) if result == "OK" response.reply("Coffee set to #{preference}") else response.reply("(sadpanda) Failed to set your coffee for some reason: #{result.inspect}") end # Delete me altogether elsif delete_me result = delete_user(my_user) if result == 1 response.reply("You have been deleted from coffee") else response.reply("(sadpanda) Failed to delete you from coffee for some reason: #{result.inspect}") end # Change my coffee group elsif change_group result = set_coffee_group(my_user,preference) if result == "OK" response.reply("Group set to #{preference}") else response.reply("(sadpanda) Failed to set your coffee group for some reason: #{result.inspect}") end # Order a coffee elsif order result = order_coffee(my_user) if result == "OK" response.reply("Ordered you a coffee") else response.reply("(sadpanda) Failed to order your coffee for some reason: #{result.inspect}") end # Cancel a coffee elsif cancel result = cancel_coffee(my_user) if result == "OK" response.reply("Cancelled your coffee") else response.reply("(sadpanda) Failed to cancel your coffee for some reason: #{result.inspect}") end # Buy the coffees and clear the orders elsif buy_coffee response.reply("Thanks for ordering the coffee for #{group}!\n--") get_orders(group).each do |order| response.reply("#{order}: #{get_coffee(order)}") send_coffee_message(order,my_user,preference) unless order == my_user end result = clear_orders(group) if result == "OK" response.reply("Cleared all orders for #{group}") else response.reply("(sadpanda) Failed to clear the orders for some reason: #{result.inspect}") end # tests elsif system_settings response.reply("Default coffee: #{@@DEFAULT_COFFEE}, Default group: #{@@DEFAULT_GROUP}") # List the orders else response.reply("Current orders for #{group}:-\n--") get_orders(group).each do |order| response.reply("#{order}: #{get_coffee(order)}") end end end ####### private ####### def initialize_user_redis(user) if redis.get("settings-#{user}").nil? redis.set("settings-#{user}",{group: @@DEFAULT_GROUP, coffee: @@DEFAULT_COFFEE}.to_json) return :new_user else return :existing_user end end def delete_user(user) redis.del("settings-#{user}") end def get_settings(user) JSON.parse(redis.get("settings-#{user}")) rescue {group: @@DEFAULT_GROUP, coffee: @@DEFAULT_COFFEE} end def get_orders(group) JSON.parse(redis.get("#{group}-orders")) rescue [] end def get_coffee(user) JSON.parse(redis.get("settings-#{user}"))['coffee'] rescue @@DEFAULT_COFFEE end def get_group(user) JSON.parse(redis.get("settings-#{user}"))['group'] rescue @@DEFAULT_GROUP end def set_coffee(user,coffee) my_settings = get_settings(user) my_settings[:coffee] = coffee redis.set("settings-#{user}",my_settings.to_json) end def set_coffee_group(user,group) my_settings = get_settings(user) my_settings[:group] = group redis.set("settings-#{user}",my_settings.to_json) end def order_coffee(user) group = get_group(user) Lita.logger.debug("Group: #{group}") orders = get_orders(group) Lita.logger.debug("Orders: #{orders}") orders << user orders.uniq! Lita.logger.debug("New orders: #{orders}") redis.set("#{group}-orders",orders.to_json) end def cancel_coffee(user) group = get_group(user) orders = get_orders(group) orders.delete(user) redis.set("#{group}-orders",orders.to_json) end def clear_orders(group) redis.set("#{group}-orders",[]) end def send_coffee_message(user,purchaser,message) myuser = Lita::User.find_by_name(user) msg =,'', myuser)) msg.reply("#{purchaser} has bought you a coffee!") msg.reply(message) # what happens if message is nil? rescue => e Lita.logger.error("Coffee#send_coffee_message raised #{e.class}: #{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace}") end end Lita.register_handler(Coffee) end end