class FileAssetsController < ApplicationController include Hydra::AccessControlsEnforcement include Hydra::AssetsControllerHelper include Hydra::FileAssetsHelper include Hydra::RepositoryController include MediaShelf::ActiveFedoraHelper include Blacklight::SolrHelper before_filter :require_solr, :only=>[:index, :create, :show, :destroy] # need to include this after the :require_solr/fedora before filters because of the before filter that the workflow provides. include Hydra::SubmissionWorkflow prepend_before_filter :sanitize_update_params helper :hydra_uploader def index =begin Removed from file_assets/index.html.haml -# javascript_includes << infusion_javascripts(:inline_edit, :extras=>[:inline_editor_integrations], :debug=>true, :render_html=>false) -# javascript_includes << ['../infusion/framework/core/js/ProgressiveEnhancement.js', '../infusion/InfusionAll.js', {:cache=>true, :plugin=>"fluid-infusion"}] - javascript_includes << "" - javascript_includes << 'custom' - javascript_includes << "catalog/edit" - javascript_includes << "jquery.hydraMetadata.js" - javascript_includes << "/plugin_assets/fluid-infusion/infusion/components/undo/js/Undo.js" - javascript_includes << "jquery.form.js" =end if params[:layout] == "false" # action = "index_embedded" layout = false end if params[:asset_id].nil? # @solr_result = ActiveFedora::SolrService.instance.conn.query('has_model_field:info\:fedora/afmodel\:FileAsset', @search_params) @solr_result = FileAsset.find_by_solr(:all) else container_uri = "info:fedora/#{params[:asset_id]}" escaped_uri = container_uri.gsub(/(:)/, '\\:') extra_controller_params = {:q=>"is_part_of_s:#{escaped_uri}"} @response, @document_list = get_search_results( extra_controller_params ) # Including this line so permissions tests can be run against the container @container_response, @document = get_solr_response_for_doc_id(params[:asset_id]) # Including these lines for backwards compatibility (until we can use Rails3 callbacks) @container = ActiveFedora::Base.load_instance(params[:asset_id]) @solr_result = @container.file_objects(:response_format=>:solr) end # Load permissions_solr_doc based on params[:asset_id] load_permissions_from_solr(params[:asset_id]) render :action=>params[:action], :layout=>layout end def new =begin From file_assets/_new.html.haml =render :partial=>"fluid_infusion/uploader" =render :partial=>"fluid_infusion/uploader_js" =end render :partial=>"new", :layout=>false end # Creates and Saves a File Asset to contain the the Uploaded file # If container_id is provided: # * the File Asset will use RELS-EXT to assert that it's a part of the specified container # * the method will redirect to the container object's edit view after saving def create if params.has_key?(:number_of_files) and params[:number_of_files] != "0" return redirect_to({:controller => "catalog", :action => "edit", :id => params[:id], :wf_step => :files, :number_of_files => params[:number_of_files]}) elsif params.has_key?(:number_of_files) and params[:number_of_files] == "0" return redirect_to( {:controller => "catalog", :action => "edit", :id => params[:id]}.merge(params_for_next_step_in_wokflow) ) end if params.has_key?(:Filedata) @file_assets = create_and_save_file_assets_from_params notice = [] @file_assets.each do |file_asset| apply_depositor_metadata(file_asset) notice << "The file #{file_asset.label} has been saved in #{}." if !params[:container_id].nil? associate_file_asset_with_container(file_asset,'info:fedora/' + params[:container_id]) end ## Apply any posted file metadata unless params[:asset].nil? logger.debug("applying submitted file metadata: #{@sanitized_params.inspect}") apply_file_metadata end # If redirect_params has not been set, use {:action=>:index} logger.debug "Created #{}." end flash[:notice] = notice.join("
") unless notice.blank? else flash[:notice] = "You must specify a file to upload." end unless params[:container_id].nil? redirect_params = {:controller => "catalog", :action => "edit", :id => params[:container_id]}.merge(params_for_next_step_in_wokflow) end redirect_params ||= {:controller => "catalog", :action => "index"} redirect_to redirect_params end # Common destroy method for all AssetsControllers def destroy # The correct implementation, with garbage collection: # if params.has_key?(:container_id) # container = ActiveFedora::Base.load_instance(params[:container_id]) # container.file_objects_remove(params[:id]) # FileAsset.garbage_collect(params[:id]) # else # The dirty implementation (leaves relationship in container object, deletes regardless of whether the file object has other containers) ActiveFedora::Base.load_instance(params[:id]).delete flash[:notice] = "Deleted #{params[:id]} from #{params[:container_id]}." if !params[:container_id].nil? redirect_params = {:controller => "catalog", :action => "edit", :id => params[:container_id], :anchor => "file_assets"} end redirect_params ||= {:action => 'index', :q => nil , :f => nil} redirect_to redirect_params end def show @file_asset = FileAsset.find(params[:id]) if (@file_asset.nil?) logger.warn("No such file asset: " + params[:id]) flash[:notice]= "No such file asset." redirect_to(:action => 'index', :q => nil , :f => nil) else # get array of parent (container) objects for this FileAsset @id_array = @file_asset.containers(:response_format => :id_array) @downloadable = false # A FileAsset is downloadable iff the user has read or higher access to a parent @id_array.each do |pid| @response, @permissions_solr_document = get_solr_response_for_doc_id(pid) if reader? @downloadable = true break end end if @downloadable if @file_asset.datastreams_in_memory.include?("DS1") send_datastream @file_asset.datastreams_in_memory["DS1"] end else flash[:notice]= "You do not have sufficient access privileges to download this document, which has been marked private." redirect_to(:action => 'index', :q => nil , :f => nil) end end end end