# wxRuby2 Sample Code. Copyright (c) 2007-???? Mario J. Steele # Freely reusable code: see SAMPLES-LICENSE.TXT for details if /darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM $LOCALHOST_NAME = "" else $LOCALHOST_NAME = "localhost" end class SocketGUI < Wx::Frame @@constants = [] def initialize(*args) super icon_file = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'res', 'message-new.png') self.icon = Wx::Icon.new(icon_file,Wx::BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) @il = Wx::ImageList.new(16,16) # User icon courtesy of http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/ icon_file = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'res', 'user.png') @il.add( Wx::Bitmap.new(icon_file, Wx::BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) ) hbox = Wx::BoxSizer.new(Wx::HORIZONTAL) vbox = Wx::BoxSizer.new(Wx::VERTICAL) # For display of Text Events @output = Wx::TextCtrl.new( self, :style => Wx::TE_RICH2| Wx::TE_READONLY|Wx::SUNKEN_BORDER| Wx::TE_MULTILINE|Wx::TE_AUTO_URL) # List of Users @users = Wx::ListCtrl.new( self, :style => Wx::LC_REPORT| Wx::LC_NO_HEADER|Wx::LC_SINGLE_SEL) @users.set_image_list(@il,Wx::IMAGE_LIST_SMALL) @users.insert_column(0,"Users") # For Input from the User @input = Wx::TextCtrl.new(self, :style => Wx::TE_PROCESS_ENTER) vbox.add(@output,2,Wx::EXPAND) vbox.add(@input,0,Wx::GROW) hbox.add(vbox,2,Wx::EXPAND) hbox.add(@users,0,Wx::GROW) self.sizer = hbox @@constants.each_with_index do |const,i| self.class.const_set(const,1001+i) end create_menus() create_status_bar() on_init() @font = Wx::Font.new(10,Wx::FONTFAMILY_TELETYPE,Wx::NORMAL,Wx::NORMAL) @progStyle = Wx::TextAttr.new(Wx::BLUE, Wx::YELLOW, @font) @defStyle = Wx::TextAttr.new(Wx::BLACK, Wx::WHITE, @font) @errStyle = Wx::TextAttr.new(Wx::RED, Wx::GREEN, @font) self.set_size([640,480]) end def add_user(user) #@users.append_item(@root,user,0) @users.insert_item(0,user,0) end def clear_users() @users.delete_all_items end def create_menus() # Holder Function end def on_init() # Holder Function end def append_text(msg) @output.freeze c, sl = @output.position_to_xy(@output.get_last_position) @output.append_text(msg) @output.thaw c, el = @output.position_to_xy(@output.get_last_position) @output.scroll_lines((el-sl)+2) unless sl == nil || el == nil end def append_prog_msg(msg) @output.set_default_style(@progStyle) msg += "\n" if msg[-1].chr != "\n" append_text(msg) end def append_msg(msg) @output.set_default_style(@defStyle) msg += "\n" if msg[-1].chr != "\n" append_text(msg) end def append_error(msg) @output.set_default_style(@errStyle) msg += "\n" if msg[-1].chr != "\n" append_text(msg) end end