module Dense; class << self def get(o, path) pa = Dense::Path.make(path) r = pa.gather(o).inject([]) { |a, e| a << e[2][e[3]] if e.first; a } pa.narrow(r) end def fetch(o, path, default=::KeyError, &block) pa = Dense::Path.make(path) r = pa.gather(o).partition(&:first) if r[0].empty? return pa.narrow( r[1].collect { |m| call_default_block(o, path, block, m) } ) if block return pa.narrow( r[1].collect { |m| default } ) if default != KeyError fail miss_error(path, r[1].first) end pa.narrow(r[0].collect { |e| e[2][e[3]] }) end def set(o, path, value) Dense::Path.make(path) .gather(o) .each { |hit| fail_miss_error(path, hit) if hit[0] == false hit[2][hit[3]] = value } value end def unset(o, path, nofail=false) pa = Dense::Path.make(path) hits = pa.gather(o) hits.each { |h| fail miss_error(path, h) unless h[0] } unless nofail r = hits .sort_by { |e| "#{e[2].hash}|#{e[3]}" } .reverse .inject([]) { |a, e| next a.push(nil) unless e[0] k = e[3] a.push(e[2].is_a?(Array) ? e[2].delete_at(k) : e[2].delete(k)) } .reverse pa.narrow(r) end def force_set(o, path, value) Dense::Path.make(path) .gather(o) .each { |hit| if hit[0] == false n = hit[4].first fail_miss_error(path, hit) \ if n.nil? && ! key_matches_collection?(hit[3], hit[2]) hit[2][hit[3]] = if n.is_a?(String) {} else [] end return force_set(o, path, value) end hit[2][hit[3]] = value } value end def insert(o, path, value) Dense::Path.make(path) .gather(o) .each { |hit| fail_miss_error(path, hit) if hit[0] == false if hit[2].is_a?(Array) hit[2].insert(hit[3], value) else hit[2][hit[3]] = value end } value end def has_key?(o, path) !! Dense::Path.make(path).gather(o).find { |m| m[0] } end def path(path) Dense::Path.make(path) end def gather(o, path) Dense::Path.make(path).gather(o) end protected def key_matches_collection?(k, c) (c.is_a?(Hash) && k.is_a?(String)) || (c.is_a?(Array) && k.is_a?(Integer)) end module DenseError attr_accessor :full_path, :miss # Used by some "clients" (like flor) to relabel (change the error message) # a reraise. # def relabel(message) err = class << err; include DenseError; end err.set_backtrace(self.backtrace) err.full_path = self.full_path err.miss = self.miss err end end def make_error(error_class, message, path, miss) err = class << err; include DenseError; end err.full_path = path err.miss = miss err end def key_error(path, miss) path1 = Dense::Path.make(miss[1] + [ miss[3] ]).to_s.inspect path2 = Dense::Path.make(miss[4]).to_s.inspect msg = "found nothing at #{path1}" msg = "#{msg} (#{path2} remains)" if path2 != '""' make_error(KeyError, msg, path, miss) end def type_error(path, miss) key = miss[3].inspect cla = miss[2].class pat = miss[1].empty? ? 'root' : Dense::Path.make(miss[1]).to_s.inspect make_error(TypeError, "no key #{key} for #{cla} at #{pat}", path, miss) end def miss_error(path, miss) if miss[2].is_a?(Array) && ! miss[3].is_a?(Integer) type_error(path, miss) else key_error(path, miss) end end def fail_miss_error(path, miss) fail miss_error(path, miss) \ if miss[4].any? fail type_error(path, miss) \ if miss[2].is_a?(Array) && ! miss[2].is_a?(Integer) end def call_default_block(o, path, block, miss) # [ collection, path, # path before miss, collection at miss, key at miss, path after miss ] # args = [ o, path, Dense::Path.make(miss[1]), miss[2], miss[3], Dense::Path.make(miss[4]) ][0, block.arity]*args) end end; end # Dense