require "active_support" require "strong_migrations/database_tasks" require "strong_migrations/migration" require "strong_migrations/railtie" if defined?(Rails) require "strong_migrations/unsafe_migration" require "strong_migrations/version" module StrongMigrations class << self attr_accessor :auto_analyze, :start_after, :error_messages end self.auto_analyze = false self.start_after = 0 self.error_messages = { add_column_default: "Adding a column with a non-null default causes the entire table to be rewritten. Instead, add the column without a default value, then change the default. def up add_column :users, :some_column, :text change_column_default :users, :some_column, \"default_value\" end def down remove_column :users, :some_column end More info:", add_column_json: "Use jsonb instead.", add_column_json_legacy: "There's no equality operator for the json column type. Replace all calls to uniq with a custom scope. scope :uniq_on_id, -> { select(\"DISTINCT ON ( your_table.*\") } Once it's deployed, wrap this step in a safety_assured { ... } block.", change_column: "Changing the type of an existing column requires the entire table and indexes to be rewritten. If you really have to: 1. Create a new column 2. Write to both columns 3. Backfill data from the old column to the new column 4. Move reads from the old column to the new column 5. Stop writing to the old column 6. Drop the old column", remove_column: "ActiveRecord caches attributes which causes problems when removing columns. Be sure to ignore the column: class User < ApplicationRecord self.ignored_columns = %w(some_column) end Once that's deployed, wrap this step in a safety_assured { ... } block. More info:", rename_column: "If you really have to: 1. Create a new column 2. Write to both columns 3. Backfill data from the old column to new column 4. Move reads from the old column to the new column 5. Stop writing to the old column 6. Drop the old column", rename_table: "If you really have to: 1. Create a new table 2. Write to both tables 3. Backfill data from the old table to new table 4. Move reads from the old table to the new table 5. Stop writing to the old table 6. Drop the old table", add_reference: "Adding a non-concurrent index locks the table. Instead, use: disable_ddl_transaction! def change add_reference :users, :reference, index: false add_index :users, :reference_id, algorithm: :concurrently end", add_index: "Adding a non-concurrent index locks the table. Instead, use: disable_ddl_transaction! def change add_index :users, :some_column, algorithm: :concurrently end", add_index_columns: "Adding an index with more than three columns only helps on extremely large tables. If you're sure this is what you want, wrap it in a safety_assured { ... } block.", change_table: "The strong_migrations gem does not support inspecting what happens inside a change_table block, so cannot help you here. Please make really sure that what you're doing is safe before proceeding, then wrap it in a safety_assured { ... } block.", create_table: "The force option will destroy existing tables. If this is intended, drop the existing table first. Otherwise, remove the option.", execute: "The strong_migrations gem does not support inspecting what happens inside an execute call, so cannot help you here. Please make really sure that what you're doing is safe before proceeding, then wrap it in a safety_assured { ... } block.", change_column_null: "The last argument replaces existing NULLs with another value. This runs a single UPDATE query, which can cause downtime. Backfill NULLs manually in batches instead. More info:" } end ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do ActiveRecord::Migration.prepend(StrongMigrations::Migration) if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 5 StrongMigrations.error_messages[:remove_column] = "ActiveRecord caches attributes which causes problems when removing columns. Be sure to ignore the column: class User < ActiveRecord::Base def self.columns super.reject { |c| == \"some_column\" } end end Once that's deployed, wrap this step in a safety_assured { ... } block. More info:" end if defined?(ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks) ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.singleton_class.prepend(StrongMigrations::DatabaseTasks) end end