# frozen_string_literal: true require "concurrent/executor/thread_pool_executor" require "concurrent/executor/timer_set" require "concurrent/scheduled_task" require "concurrent/utility/processor_counter" module GoodJob # :nodoc: # # Schedulers are generic thread pools that are responsible for # periodically checking for available tasks, executing tasks within a thread, # and efficiently scaling active threads. # # Every scheduler has a single {JobPerformer} that will execute tasks. # The scheduler is responsible for calling its performer efficiently across threads managed by an instance of +Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor+. # If a performer does not have work, the thread will go to sleep. # The scheduler maintains an instance of +Concurrent::TimerTask+, which wakes sleeping threads and causes them to check whether the performer has new work. # class Scheduler # Defaults for instance of Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor # The thread pool executor is where work is performed. DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_OPTIONS = { name: name, min_threads: 0, max_threads: Configuration::DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS, auto_terminate: true, idletime: 60, max_queue: Configuration::DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS, fallback_policy: :discard, }.freeze # In CRuby, this sets the thread quantum to ~12.5ms ( 100ms * 2^(-3) ). LOW_THREAD_PRIORITY = -3 # @!attribute [r] instances # @!scope class # List of all instantiated Schedulers in the current process. # @return [Array<GoodJob::Scheduler>, nil] cattr_reader :instances, default: Concurrent::Array.new, instance_reader: false # Human readable name of the scheduler that includes configuration values. # @return [String] attr_reader :name # Whether to lower the thread priority to a fixed value # @return [Boolean] attr_accessor :lower_thread_priority # @param performer [GoodJob::JobPerformer] # @param max_threads [Numeric, nil] number of seconds between polls for jobs # @param max_cache [Numeric, nil] maximum number of scheduled jobs to cache in memory # @param warm_cache_on_initialize [Boolean] whether to warm the cache immediately, or manually by calling +warm_cache+ # @param cleanup_interval_seconds [Numeric, nil] number of seconds between cleaning up job records # @param cleanup_interval_jobs [Numeric, nil] number of executed jobs between cleaning up job records # @param lower_thread_priority [Boolean] whether to lower the thread priority of execution threads def initialize(performer, max_threads: nil, max_cache: nil, warm_cache_on_initialize: false, cleanup_interval_seconds: nil, cleanup_interval_jobs: nil, lower_thread_priority: false) raise ArgumentError, "Performer argument must implement #next" unless performer.respond_to?(:next) @performer = performer @max_cache = max_cache || 0 @executor_options = DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_OPTIONS.dup if max_threads.present? @executor_options[:max_threads] = max_threads @executor_options[:max_queue] = max_threads end @name = "GoodJob::Scheduler(queues=#{@performer.name} max_threads=#{@executor_options[:max_threads]})" @executor_options[:name] = name @cleanup_tracker = CleanupTracker.new(cleanup_interval_seconds: cleanup_interval_seconds, cleanup_interval_jobs: cleanup_interval_jobs) @executor_options[:name] = name self.lower_thread_priority = lower_thread_priority create_executor warm_cache if warm_cache_on_initialize self.class.instances << self end # Tests whether the scheduler is running. # @return [Boolean, nil] delegate :running?, to: :executor, allow_nil: true # Tests whether the scheduler is shutdown and no tasks are running. # @return [Boolean, nil] def shutdown? @executor.nil? || (executor.shutdown? && !executor.shuttingdown?) end # Shut down the scheduler. # This stops all threads in the thread pool. # Use {#shutdown?} to determine whether threads have stopped. # @param timeout [Numeric, nil] Seconds to wait for actively executing jobs to finish # * +nil+, the scheduler will trigger a shutdown but not wait for it to complete. # * +-1+, the scheduler will wait until the shutdown is complete. # * +0+, the scheduler will immediately shutdown and stop any active tasks. # * A positive number will wait that many seconds before stopping any remaining active tasks. # @return [void] def shutdown(timeout: -1) return if executor.nil? || (executor.shutdown? && !executor.shuttingdown?) instrument("scheduler_shutdown_start", { timeout: timeout }) instrument("scheduler_shutdown", { timeout: timeout }) do if executor.running? @timer_set.shutdown executor.shutdown end if executor.shuttingdown? && timeout executor_wait = timeout.negative? ? nil : timeout return if executor.wait_for_termination(executor_wait) instrument("scheduler_shutdown_kill", { active_job_ids: @performer.performing_active_job_ids.to_a }) executor.kill executor.wait_for_termination end end end # Restart the Scheduler. # When shutdown, start; or shutdown and start. # @param timeout [Numeric] Seconds to wait for actively executing jobs to finish; shares same values as {#shutdown}. # @return [void] def restart(timeout: -1) raise ArgumentError, "Scheduler#restart cannot be called with a timeout of nil" if timeout.nil? instrument("scheduler_restart_pools") do shutdown(timeout: timeout) @performer.reset_stats create_executor warm_cache end end # Wakes a thread to allow the performer to execute a task. # @param state [Hash, nil] Contextual information for the performer. See {JobPerformer#next?}. # @return [Boolean, nil] Whether work was started. # * +nil+ if the scheduler is unable to take new work, for example if the thread pool is shut down or at capacity. # * +true+ if the performer started executing work. # * +false+ if the performer decides not to attempt to execute a task based on the +state+ that is passed to it. def create_thread(state = nil) return nil unless executor.running? if state.present? return false unless performer.next?(state) fanout = state&.fetch(:fanout, nil) if state[:count] # When given state for multiple jobs, try to create a thread for each one. # Return true if a thread can be created for all of them, nil if partial or none. state_without_count = state.without(:count) result = state[:count].times do value = create_thread(state_without_count) break(value) unless value end return result.nil? ? nil : true end if state[:scheduled_at] scheduled_at = if state[:scheduled_at].is_a? String Time.zone.parse state[:scheduled_at] else state[:scheduled_at] end delay = [(scheduled_at - Time.current).to_f, 0].max end end delay ||= 0 run_now = delay <= 0.01 if run_now return nil unless executor.ready_worker_count.positive? elsif @max_cache.positive? return nil unless remaining_cache_count.positive? end create_task(delay, fanout: fanout) run_now ? true : nil end # Invoked on completion of ThreadPoolExecutor task # @!visibility private # @return [void] def task_observer(time, output, thread_error) result = output.is_a?(GoodJob::ExecutionResult) ? output : nil unhandled_error = thread_error || result&.unhandled_error GoodJob._on_thread_error(unhandled_error) if unhandled_error instrument("finished_job_task", { result: output, error: thread_error, time: time }) return unless output @cleanup_tracker.increment if @cleanup_tracker.cleanup? cleanup else create_task end end # Information about the Scheduler # @return [Hash] def stats available_threads = executor.ready_worker_count { name: name, queues: performer.name, max_threads: @executor_options[:max_threads], active_threads: @executor_options[:max_threads] - available_threads, available_threads: available_threads, max_cache: @max_cache, active_cache: cache_count, available_cache: remaining_cache_count, }.merge!(@performer.stats.without(:name)) end # Preload existing runnable and future-scheduled jobs # @return [void] def warm_cache return if @max_cache.zero? future = Concurrent::Future.new(args: [self, @performer], executor: executor) do |thr_scheduler, thr_performer| Rails.application.executor.wrap do thr_performer.next_at( limit: @max_cache, now_limit: @executor_options[:max_threads] ).each do |scheduled_at| thr_scheduler.create_thread({ scheduled_at: scheduled_at }) end end end observer = lambda do |_time, _output, thread_error| GoodJob._on_thread_error(thread_error) if thread_error create_task # If cache-warming exhausts the threads, ensure there isn't an executable task remaining end future.add_observer(observer, :call) future.execute end # Preload existing runnable and future-scheduled jobs # @return [void] def cleanup @cleanup_tracker.reset future = Concurrent::Future.new(args: [self, @performer], executor: executor) do |_thr_scheduler, thr_performer| Rails.application.executor.wrap do thr_performer.cleanup end end observer = lambda do |_time, _output, thread_error| GoodJob._on_thread_error(thread_error) if thread_error create_task end future.add_observer(observer, :call) future.execute end private attr_reader :performer, :executor, :timer_set # @return [void] def create_executor instrument("scheduler_create_pool", { performer_name: performer.name, max_threads: @executor_options[:max_threads] }) do @timer_set = TimerSet.new @executor = ThreadPoolExecutor.new(@executor_options) end end # @param delay [Integer] # @param fanout [Boolean] Whether to eagerly create a 2nd execution thread if a job is found. # @return [void] def create_task(delay = 0, fanout: false) future = Concurrent::ScheduledTask.new(delay, args: [self, performer], executor: executor, timer_set: timer_set) do |thr_scheduler, thr_performer| Thread.current.name = Thread.current.name.sub("-worker-", "-thread-") if Thread.current.name Thread.current[:good_job_scheduler] = thr_scheduler Thread.current.priority = -3 if thr_scheduler.lower_thread_priority Rails.application.reloader.wrap do thr_performer.next do |found| thr_scheduler.create_thread({ fanout: fanout }) if found && fanout end end end future.add_observer(self, :task_observer) future.execute end # @param name [String] # @param payload [Hash] # @return [void] def instrument(name, payload = {}, &block) payload = payload.reverse_merge({ scheduler: self, process_id: GoodJob::CurrentThread.process_id, thread_name: GoodJob::CurrentThread.thread_name, }) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("#{name}.good_job", payload, &block) end def cache_count timer_set.length end def remaining_cache_count @max_cache - cache_count end # Custom sub-class of +Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor+ to add additional worker status. # @private class ThreadPoolExecutor < ::Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor # Number of inactive threads available to execute tasks. # https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby/issues/684#issuecomment-427594437 # @return [Integer] def ready_worker_count synchronize do if Concurrent.on_jruby? @executor.getMaximumPoolSize - @executor.getActiveCount else workers_still_to_be_created = @max_length - @pool.length workers_created_but_waiting = @ready.length workers_still_to_be_created + workers_created_but_waiting end end end end # Custom sub-class of +Concurrent::TimerSet+ for additional behavior. # @private class TimerSet < ::Concurrent::TimerSet # Number of scheduled jobs in the queue # @return [Integer] def length @queue.length end # Clear the queue # @return [void] def reset synchronize { @queue.clear } end end end end