Getting There - Busses

Buses are being provided to Buffalo, Binghamton, Cornell, and Albany. If you are eligible, you will be given an option to sign up on the RSVP form. You must RSVP and sign up for the bus to guarantee a seat!

If you live near these areas but don't see the bus sign-up option, please email

Getting There - Driving

If there isn't a bus available for your school, don't fret! We encourage you to carpool with others from your school.

A car pool list is available at the below link. If you're driving and would be open to taking a few more attendees with you, please list yourself!

<% raise 'Carpool link missing' if ENV['CARPOOL_LINK'].blank? %>


For those driving, you can put 1 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623 into your GPS. This will take you to the main RIT entrance, which will include a roundabout. Take the third exit off the roundabout and park in either lot to your left or right.

Unfortunately we are unable to provide travel reimbursements due to university policy.

<% if asset_available? 'brickhack-parking.png' %>

<%= link_to image_tag('brickhack-parking.png', width: '400px').html_safe, image_url('brickhack-parking.png') %>

<%= link_to 'Full-size Image »'.html_safe, image_url('brickhack-parking.png') %>

<% end %>