class SlackSmartBot # help: ---------------------------------------------- # help: `leaderboard` # help: `ranking` # help: `podium` # help: `leaderboard from YYYY/MM/DD` # help: `leaderboard from YYYY/MM/DD to YYYY/MM/DD` # help: `leaderboard PERIOD` # help: It will present some useful information about the use of the SmartBot in the period specified. # help: If no 'from' and 'to' specified then it will be considered 'last week' # help: PERIOD: today, yesterday, last week, this week, last month, this month, last year, this year # help: The results will exclude master admins and routines. # help: For a more detailed data use the command `bot stats` # help: Examples: # help: _leaderboard_ # help: _podium from 2021/05/01_ # help: _leaderboard from 2021/05/01 to 2021/05/31_ # help: _ranking today_ # help: # help: def leaderboard(from, to, period) exclude_masters = true exclude_routines = true require 'csv' if config.stats message = [] else message = ["You need to set stats to true to generate the stats when running the bot instance."] end save_stats(__method__) if !File.exist?("#{config.stats_path}.#{"%Y-%m")}.log") message<<'No stats' else if period == '' message << "*Leaderboard SmartBot <##@channel_id> from #{from} to #{to}*\n" else message << "*Leaderboard SmartBot <##@channel_id> #{period}* (#{from} -> #{to})\n" end from_short = from to_short = to from_file = from[0..3] + '-' + from[5..6] to_file = to[0..3] + '-' + to[5..6] from+= " 00:00:00 +0000" to+= " 23:59:59 +0000" rows = [] users_id_name = {} users_name_id = {} count_users = {} count_channels_dest = {} count_commands_uniq_user = {} # to translate global and enterprise users since sometimes was returning different names/ids if from[0..3]=='2020' # this was an issue only on that period Dir["#{config.stats_path}.*.log"].sort.each do |file| if file >= "#{config.stats_path}.#{from_file}.log" or file <= "#{config.stats_path}.#{to_file}.log" CSV.foreach(file, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol, converters: :numeric) do |row| unless users_id_name.key?(row[:user_id]) users_id_name[row[:user_id]] = row[:user_name] end unless users_name_id.key?(row[:user_name]) users_name_id[row[:user_name]] = row[:user_id] end end end end end master_admins = config.masters.dup if users_id_name.size > 0 config.masters.each do |u| if users_id_name.key?(u) master_admins << users_id_name[u] elsif users_name_id.key?(u) master_admins << users_name_id[u] end end end Dir["#{config.stats_path}.*.log"].sort.each do |file| if file >= "#{config.stats_path}.#{from_file}.log" and file <= "#{config.stats_path}.#{to_file}.log" CSV.foreach(file, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol, converters: :numeric) do |row| row[:date] = row[:date].to_s if row[:dest_channel_id].to_s[0]=='D' row[:dest_channel] = 'DM' elsif row[:dest_channel].to_s == '' row[:dest_channel] = row[:dest_channel_id] end if users_name_id.size > 0 row[:user_name] = users_id_name[row[:user_id]] row[:user_id] = users_name_id[row[:user_name]] else users_id_name[row[:user_id]] ||= row[:user_name] end if !exclude_masters or (exclude_masters and !master_admins.include?(row[:user_name]) and !master_admins.include?(row[:user_id]) and !@master_admin_users_id.include?(row[:user_id])) if !exclude_routines or (exclude_routines and !row[:user_name].match?(/^routine\//) ) if row[:bot_channel_id] == @channel_id if row[:date] >= from and row[:date] <= to count_users[row[:user_id]] ||= 0 count_users[row[:user_id]] += 1 rows << row.to_h count_channels_dest[row[:dest_channel]] ||= 0 count_channels_dest[row[:dest_channel]] += 1 count_commands_uniq_user[row[:user_id]] ||= [] count_commands_uniq_user[row[:user_id]] << row[:command] unless count_commands_uniq_user[row[:user_id]].include?(row[:command]) end end end end end end end total = rows.size if total > 0 users = rows.user_id.uniq.sort count_user = {} users.each do |user| count = rows.count {|h| h.user_id==user} count_user[user] = count end mtc = nil mtu = [] i = 0 count_user.sort_by {|k,v| -v}.each do |user, count| if i >= 3 break elsif mtc.nil? or mtc == count or i < 3 mtu << "*<@#{users_id_name[user]}>* (#{count})" mtc = count else break end i+=1 end message << "\t :boom: Users that called more commands: \n\t\t\t\t#{mtu.join("\n\t\t\t\t")}" mtc = nil mtu = [] i = 0 count_commands_uniq_user.sort_by {|k,v| -v.size}.each do |user, cmds| if i >= 3 break elsif mtc.nil? or mtc == cmds.size or i < 3 mtu << "*<@#{users_id_name[user]}>* (#{cmds.size})" mtc = cmds.size else break end i+=1 end message << "\t :stethoscope: Users that called more different commands: \n\t\t\t\t#{mtu.join("\n\t\t\t\t")}" commands_attachment = [] commands = rows.command.uniq.sort count_command = {} commands.each do |command| count = rows.count {|h| h.command==command} count_command[command] = count end mtu = [] count_command.sort_by {|k,v| -v}[0..2].each do |command, count| mtu << "*`#{command.gsub('_',' ')}`* (#{count})" end message << "\t :four_leaf_clover: Most used commands: \n\t\t\t\t#{mtu.join("\n\t\t\t\t")}" count_channels_dest = count_channels_dest.sort_by(&:last).reverse.to_h count_channels_dest.keys[0..0].each do |ch| if ch=='DM' message << "\t :star: Most used channel: *DM* (#{(count_channels_dest[ch].to_f*100/total).round(2)}%)" else message << "\t :star: Most used channel: *<##{@channels_id[ch]}>* (#{(count_channels_dest[ch].to_f*100/total).round(2)}%)" end end types = rows.type_message.uniq.sort count_type = {} types.each do |type| count = rows.count {|h| h.type_message==type} count_type[type] = count end count_type.sort_by {|k,v| -v}[0..0].each do |type, count| message << "\t :house_with_garden: Most calls came from *#{type}* (#{(count.to_f*100/total).round(2)}%)" end else message << 'No data yet' end end respond "#{message.join("\n")}" end end