require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') include Savage describe Parser do it 'should have a parse method' do Parser.respond_to?(:parse).should == true end describe '.parse' do it 'should accept a single string as argument' do lambda { Parser.parse }.should raise_error lambda { Parser.parse("M100 200") }.should_not raise_error lambda { Parser.parse(2) }.should raise_error end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing one move_to when the string is only a move_to command' do path = Parser.parse("M100 200") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.last.class.should == Directions::MoveTo end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing a move_to and a line_to when the string is a move_to command followed by a line_to command' do path = Parser.parse("M100 200l-342.65 21") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 2 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].class.should == Directions::MoveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].should_not be_absolute path.subpaths.last.directions[1].class.should == Directions::LineTo end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing a move_to and a horizontal_to when the string is a move_to command followed by a horizontal_to command' do path = Parser.parse("M100 200H-342.65") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 2 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].class.should == Directions::MoveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].class.should == Directions::HorizontalTo end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing a move_to and a vertical_to when the string is a move_to command followed by a vertical_to command' do path = Parser.parse("M100 200V-342.65") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 2 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].class.should == Directions::MoveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].class.should == Directions::VerticalTo end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing a move_to and a full cubic_curve_to when the string is a move_to command followed by a full cubic_curve_to command' do path = Parser.parse("M100 200C-342.65-32 1.233-34 255 12") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 2 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].class.should == Directions::MoveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].class.should == Directions::CubicCurveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].command_code.should == 'C' end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing a move_to and a short cubic_curve_to when the string is a move_to command followed by a short cubic_curve_to command' do path = Parser.parse("M100 200S1.233-34 255 12") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 2 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].class.should == Directions::MoveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].class.should == Directions::CubicCurveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].command_code.should == 'S' end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing a move_to and a full quadratic_curve_to when the string is a move_to command followed by a full quadratic_curve_to command' do path = Parser.parse("M100 200Q1.233-34 255 12") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 2 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].class.should == Directions::MoveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].class.should == Directions::QuadraticCurveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].command_code.should == 'Q' end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing a move_to and a short quadratic_curve_to when the string is a move_to command followed by a short quadratic_curve_to command' do path = Parser.parse("M100 200T255 12") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 2 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].class.should == Directions::MoveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].class.should == Directions::QuadraticCurveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].command_code.should == 'T' end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing a move_to and an arc_to when the string is a move_to command followed by an arc_to command' do path = Parser.parse("M100 200A255 12-123 1 0 23-93.4") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 2 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].class.should == Directions::MoveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].class.should == Directions::ArcTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].command_code.should == 'A' end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing a move_to, a line_to, and a close_path command when the string is a move_to command followed by a line_to followed by a close_path command' do path = Parser.parse("M100 200l-342.65 21Z") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 3 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].class.should == Directions::MoveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].class.should == Directions::LineTo path.subpaths.last.directions[2].class.should == Directions::ClosePath path.subpaths.last.closed?.should == true end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing two line_to directions when the string is a line_to command followed by implicit coordinates' do path = Parser.parse("L100 200 300 400") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 2 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].class.should == Directions::LineTo path.subpaths.last.directions[0].target.x.should == 100 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].target.y.should == 200 path.subpaths.last.directions[1].class.should == Directions::LineTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].target.x.should == 300 path.subpaths.last.directions[1].target.y.should == 400 end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing two line_to directions when the string is a line_to command followed by implicit coordinates' do path = Parser.parse("L100 200 300 400") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 2 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].class.should == Directions::LineTo path.subpaths.last.directions[0].target.x.should == 100 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].target.y.should == 200 path.subpaths.last.directions[1].class.should == Directions::LineTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].target.x.should == 300 path.subpaths.last.directions[1].target.y.should == 400 end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing a move_to and a line_to direction when the string is a move_to command followed by implicit coordinates' do path = Parser.parse("M100 200 300 400") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 2 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].class.should == Directions::MoveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[0].target.x.should == 100 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].target.y.should == 200 path.subpaths.last.directions[1].class.should == Directions::LineTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].target.x.should == 300 path.subpaths.last.directions[1].target.y.should == 400 end it 'should return a path object with one subpath containing a move_to and two line_to directions when the string is a move_to command followed by more than one set of implicit coordinates' do path = Parser.parse("M100 200 300 400 500 600 ") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 1 path.subpaths.last.directions.length.should == 3 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].class.should == Directions::MoveTo path.subpaths.last.directions[0].target.x.should == 100 path.subpaths.last.directions[0].target.y.should == 200 path.subpaths.last.directions[1].class.should == Directions::LineTo path.subpaths.last.directions[1].target.x.should == 300 path.subpaths.last.directions[1].target.y.should == 400 path.subpaths.last.directions[2].class.should == Directions::LineTo path.subpaths.last.directions[2].target.x.should == 500 path.subpaths.last.directions[2].target.y.should == 600 end it 'should return a path object with two subpaths containing one line_to directions each when the string is two move_to commands each followed by a line_to command' do path = Parser.parse("M100 200 332 -12.3M594 230-423 11.1") path.class.should == Path path.subpaths.length.should == 2 path.subpaths[0].directions.length.should == 2 path.subpaths[0].directions[0].class.should == Directions::MoveTo path.subpaths[0].directions[0].target.x.should == 100 path.subpaths[0].directions[0].target.y.should == 200 path.subpaths[0].directions[1].class.should == Directions::LineTo path.subpaths[0].directions[1].target.x.should == 332 path.subpaths[0].directions[1].target.y.should == -12.3 path.subpaths[1].directions[0].class.should == Directions::MoveTo path.subpaths[1].directions[0].target.x.should == 594 path.subpaths[1].directions[0].target.y.should == 230 path.subpaths[1].directions[1].class.should == Directions::LineTo path.subpaths[1].directions[1].target.x.should == -423 path.subpaths[1].directions[1].target.y.should == 11.1 end it 'should generate the same string given to it (assuming float values are used), if not changed in the interim' do path_string = "M100.0 200.0A255.0 12.0-123.0 1 0 23.0-93.4L100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0Q1.233-34.0 255.0 12.0T255.0 12.0H-342.65Z" path = Parser.parse(path_string) path.to_command.should == path_string end end end