# fog-bouncer ![fog-bouncer](https://github.com/dylanegan/fog-bouncer/raw/master/bouncer.jpg) A simple way to define and manage security groups for AWS with the backing support from fog. ## Usage ### Installation ``` gem install fog-bouncer ``` ### Doorlists Create a doorlist to manage. Drop it in your project or anywhere on your filesystem. For the following lets assume it is at `/tmp/fog-bouncer.rb`. ``` Fog::Bouncer.security :private do account "user", "1234567890" group "base", "Base Security Group" do source "" do icmp 8..0 end source "" do tcp 80, 22, 8080..8081 end end group "other", "Other Security Group" do source "default@user" do tcp 22 end end end ``` ### Console ``` ➜ ~ export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=... \ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=... \ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=... ➜ ~ irb 1.9.3p0 :001 > require 'fog/bouncer' => true 1.9.3p0 :002 > doorlist = Fog::Bouncer.load('/tmp/fog-bouncer.rb') 1.9.3p0 :003 > doorlist.import_remote_groups 1.9.3p0 :004 > doorlist.sync ``` ### CLI (TBD) ``` ➜ ~ export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=... \ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=... \ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=... ➜ ~ fog-bouncer sync --list private --file /tmp/fog-bouncer.rb ``` ## Environment * `AWS_ACCOUNT_ID` - your Amazon Web Services account ID * `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` - your Amazon Web Services access key ID * `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` - your Amazon Web Services secret access key * `PROVIDER_REGION` - your Amazon Web Services region. Defaults to us-east-1.