Given(/^a test app with the default configuration$/) do TestApp.install end Given(/^a test app without any configuration$/) do TestApp.create_test_app end Given(/^servers with the roles app and web$/) do begin vagrant_cli_command("up") rescue nil end end Given(/^a linked file "(.*?)"$/) do |file| # ignoring other linked files TestApp.append_to_deploy_file("set :linked_files, ['#{file}']") end Given(/^file "(.*?)" exists in shared path$/) do |file| file_shared_path = TestApp.shared_path.join(file) run_vagrant_command("mkdir -p #{file_shared_path.dirname}") run_vagrant_command("touch #{file_shared_path}") end Given(/^all linked files exists in shared path$/) do TestApp.linked_files.each do |linked_file| step %Q{file "#{linked_file}" exists in shared path} end end Given(/^file "(.*?)" does not exist in shared path$/) do |file| file_shared_path = TestApp.shared_path.join(file) run_vagrant_command("mkdir -p #{TestApp.shared_path}") run_vagrant_command("touch #{file_shared_path} && rm #{file_shared_path}") end Given(/^a custom task to generate a file$/) do TestApp.copy_task_to_test_app("spec/support/tasks/database.rake") end Given(/^a task which executes as root$/) do TestApp.copy_task_to_test_app("spec/support/tasks/root.rake") end Given(/config stage file has line "(.*?)"/) do |line| TestApp.append_to_deploy_file(line) end Given(/^the configuration is in a custom location$/) do TestApp.move_configuration_to_custom_location("app") end Given(/^a custom task that will simulate a failure$/) do safely_remove_file(TestApp.shared_path.join("failed")) TestApp.copy_task_to_test_app("spec/support/tasks/fail.rake") end Given(/^a custom task to run in the event of a failure$/) do safely_remove_file(TestApp.shared_path.join("failed")) TestApp.copy_task_to_test_app("spec/support/tasks/failed.rake") end Given(/^a stage file named (.+)$/) do |filename| TestApp.write_local_stage_file(filename) end Given(/^I make (\d+) deployments$/) do |count| step "all linked files exists in shared path" @release_paths = (1..count.to_i).map do TestApp.cap("deploy") stdout, _stderr = run_vagrant_command("readlink #{TestApp.current_path}") stdout.strip end end Given(/^(\d+) valid existing releases$/) do |num| a_day = 86_400 # in seconds (1...num).each_slice(100) do |num_batch| dirs = do |i| offset = -(a_day * i) TestApp.release_path(TestApp.timestamp(offset)) end run_vagrant_command("mkdir -p #{dirs.join(' ')}") end end Given(/^an invalid release named "(.+)"$/) do |filename| run_vagrant_command("mkdir -p #{TestApp.release_path(filename)}") end