# encoding: utf-8 require_relative "../spec_helper" require "logstash/filters/grok" describe LogStash::Filters::Grok do subject { described_class.new(config) } let(:config) { {} } let(:event) { LogStash::Event.new(data) } let(:data) { { "message" => message } } before(:each) do subject.register subject.filter(event) end def self.sample(message, &block) # mod = RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers.module_for(self) # mod.attr_reader :message # # mod.__send__(:define_method, :message) { message } # it("matches: #{message}") { @message = message; block.call } describe message do let(:message) { message } it("groks", &block) end end describe "simple syslog line" do let(:config) { { "match" => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGLINE}" }, "overwrite" => [ "message" ] } } let(:message) { 'Mar 16 00:01:25 evita postfix/smtpd[1713]: connect from camomile.cloud9.net[]' } it "matches pattern" do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("logsource") ).to eql "evita" expect( event.get("timestamp") ).to eql "Mar 16 00:01:25" expect( event.get("message") ).to eql "connect from camomile.cloud9.net[]" expect( event.get("program") ).to eql "postfix/smtpd" expect( event.get("pid") ).to eql "1713" end %w(v1 v8).each do |ecs_mode| context "in ecs mode #{ecs_mode}" do let(:config) { super().merge('ecs_compatibility' => ecs_mode) } it "matches pattern" do expect( event.get("host") ).to eql "hostname"=>"evita" expect( event.get("process") ).to eql "name"=>"postfix/smtpd", "pid"=>1713 expect( event.get("message") ).to eql "connect from camomile.cloud9.net[]" end end end context 'with target' do let(:config) { { "match" => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGLINE}" }, "target" => "grok" } } it "matches pattern" do expect( event.get("message") ).to eql message expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("grok") ).to_not be nil expect( event.get("[grok][timestamp]") ).to eql "Mar 16 00:01:25" expect( event.get("[grok][message]") ).to eql "connect from camomile.cloud9.net[]" expect( event.get("[grok][pid]") ).to eql "1713" end end context 'with [deep] target' do let(:config) { { "match" => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGLINE}" }, "target" => "[@metadata][grok]" } } it "matches pattern" do expect( event.get("message") ).to eql message expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("grok") ).to be nil expect( event.get("[@metadata][grok][logsource]") ).to eql "evita" expect( event.get("[@metadata][grok][message]") ).to eql "connect from camomile.cloud9.net[]" end end end describe "ietf 5424 syslog line" do let(:config) { { "match" => { "message" => "%{SYSLOG5424LINE}" } } } sample "<191>1 2009-06-30T18:30:00+02:00 paxton.local grokdebug 4123 - [id1 foo=\"bar\"][id2 baz=\"something\"] Hello, syslog." do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_pri") ).to eql "191" expect( event.get("syslog5424_ver") ).to eql "1" expect( event.get("syslog5424_ts") ).to eql "2009-06-30T18:30:00+02:00" expect( event.get("syslog5424_host") ).to eql "paxton.local" expect( event.get("syslog5424_app") ).to eql "grokdebug" expect( event.get("syslog5424_proc") ).to eql "4123" expect( event.get("syslog5424_msgid") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_sd") ).to eql "[id1 foo=\"bar\"][id2 baz=\"something\"]" expect( event.get("syslog5424_msg") ).to eql "Hello, syslog." end sample "<191>1 2009-06-30T18:30:00+02:00 paxton.local grokdebug - - [id1 foo=\"bar\"] No process ID." do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_pri") ).to eql "191" expect( event.get("syslog5424_ver") ).to eql "1" expect( event.get("syslog5424_ts") ).to eql "2009-06-30T18:30:00+02:00" expect( event.get("syslog5424_host") ).to eql "paxton.local" expect( event.get("syslog5424_app") ).to eql "grokdebug" expect( event.get("syslog5424_proc") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_msgid") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_sd") ).to eql "[id1 foo=\"bar\"]" expect( event.get("syslog5424_msg") ).to eql "No process ID." end sample "<191>1 2009-06-30T18:30:00+02:00 paxton.local grokdebug 4123 - - No structured data." do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_pri") ).to eql "191" expect( event.get("syslog5424_ver") ).to eql "1" expect( event.get("syslog5424_ts") ).to eql "2009-06-30T18:30:00+02:00" expect( event.get("syslog5424_host") ).to eql "paxton.local" expect( event.get("syslog5424_app") ).to eql "grokdebug" expect( event.get("syslog5424_proc") ).to eql '4123' expect( event.get("syslog5424_msgid") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_sd") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_msg") ).to eql "No structured data." end sample "<191>1 2009-06-30T18:30:00+02:00 paxton.local grokdebug - - - No PID or SD." do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_pri") ).to eql "191" expect( event.get("syslog5424_ver") ).to eql "1" expect( event.get("syslog5424_ts") ).to eql "2009-06-30T18:30:00+02:00" expect( event.get("syslog5424_host") ).to eql "paxton.local" expect( event.get("syslog5424_app") ).to eql "grokdebug" expect( event.get("syslog5424_proc") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_msgid") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_sd") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_msg") ).to eql "No PID or SD." end sample "<191>1 2009-06-30T18:30:00+02:00 paxton.local grokdebug 4123 - Missing structured data." do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_proc") ).to eql '4123' expect( event.get("syslog5424_msgid") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_sd") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_msg") ).to eql "Missing structured data." end sample "<191>1 2009-06-30T18:30:00+02:00 paxton.local grokdebug 4123 - - Additional spaces." do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_app") ).to eql "grokdebug" expect( event.get("syslog5424_proc") ).to eql '4123' expect( event.get("syslog5424_msgid") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_sd") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_msg") ).to eql "Additional spaces." end sample "<191>1 2009-06-30T18:30:00+02:00 paxton.local grokdebug 4123 - Additional spaces and missing SD." do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_app") ).to eql "grokdebug" expect( event.get("syslog5424_proc") ).to eql '4123' expect( event.get("syslog5424_msgid") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_sd") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_msg") ).to eql "Additional spaces and missing SD." end sample "<30>1 2014-04-04T16:44:07+02:00 osctrl01 dnsmasq-dhcp 8048 - - Appname contains a dash" do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_pri") ).to eql "30" expect( event.get("syslog5424_ver") ).to eql "1" expect( event.get("syslog5424_ts") ).to eql "2014-04-04T16:44:07+02:00" expect( event.get("syslog5424_host") ).to eql "osctrl01" expect( event.get("syslog5424_app") ).to eql "dnsmasq-dhcp" expect( event.get("syslog5424_proc") ).to eql "8048" expect( event.get("syslog5424_msgid") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_sd") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_msg") ).to eql "Appname contains a dash" end sample "<30>1 2014-04-04T16:44:07+02:00 osctrl01 - 8048 - - Appname is nil" do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_pri") ).to eql "30" expect( event.get("syslog5424_ver") ).to eql "1" expect( event.get("syslog5424_ts") ).to eql "2014-04-04T16:44:07+02:00" expect( event.get("syslog5424_host") ).to eql "osctrl01" expect( event.get("syslog5424_app") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_proc") ).to eql "8048" expect( event.get("syslog5424_msgid") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_sd") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog5424_msg") ).to eql "Appname is nil" end end describe "parsing an event with multiple messages (array of strings)", if: false do let(:config) { { "message" => "(?:hello|world) %{NUMBER}" } } let(:message) { [ "hello 12345", "world 23456" ] } it "matches them all" do expect( event.get("NUMBER") ).to eql [ "12345", "23456" ] end end describe "coercing matched values" do let(:config) { { "match" => { "message" => "%{NUMBER:foo:int} %{NUMBER:bar:float}" } } } let(:message) { '400 454.33' } it "coerces matched values" do expect( event.get("foo") ).to be_a Integer expect( event.get("foo") ).to eql 400 expect( event.get("bar") ).to be_a Float expect( event.get("bar") ).to eql 454.33 end end describe "in-line pattern definitions" do let(:config) { { "match" => { "message" => "%{FIZZLE=\\d+}" }, "named_captures_only" => false } } sample "hello 1234" do expect( event.get("FIZZLE") ).to eql '1234' end end describe "processing selected fields" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "%{WORD:word}", "examplefield" => "%{NUMBER:num}" }, 'break_on_match' => false } } let(:data) { { "message" => "hello world", "examplefield" => "12345" } } it "processes declared matches" do expect( event.get("word") ).to eql 'hello' expect( event.get("examplefield") ).to eql '12345' end end describe "adding fields on match" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "matchme %{NUMBER:fancy}" }, 'add_field' => [ "new_field", "%{fancy}" ] } } sample "matchme 1234" do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("new_field") ).to eql "1234" end sample "this will not be matched" do expect( event.get("tags") ).to include("_grokparsefailure") expect( event ).not_to include 'new_field' end end context "empty fields" do describe "drop by default" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "1=%{WORD:foo1} *(2=%{WORD:foo2})?" } } } sample "1=test" do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event ).to include 'foo1' # Since 'foo2' was not captured, it must not be present in the event. expect( event ).not_to include 'foo2' end end describe "keep if keep_empty_captures is true" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "1=%{WORD:foo1} *(2=%{WORD:foo2})?" }, 'keep_empty_captures' => true } } sample "1=test" do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil # use .to_hash for this test, for now, because right now # the Event.include? returns false for missing fields as well # as for fields with nil values. expect( event.to_hash ).to include 'foo1' expect( event.to_hash ).to include 'foo2' end end end describe "when named_captures_only == false" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "Hello %{WORD}. %{WORD:foo}" }, 'named_captures_only' => false } } sample "Hello World, yo!" do expect( event ).to include 'WORD' expect( event.get("WORD") ).to eql "World" expect( event ).to include 'foo' expect( event.get("foo") ).to eql "yo" end end describe "using oniguruma named captures (?regex)" do context "plain regexp" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "(?\\w+)" } } } sample "hello world" do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("foo") ).to eql "hello" end end context "grok patterns" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "(?%{DATE_EU} %{TIME})" } } } sample "fancy 12-12-12 12:12:12" do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("timestamp") ).to eql "12-12-12 12:12:12" end end end describe "grok on integer types" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "status" => "^403$" }, 'add_tag' => "four_oh_three" } } let(:data) { Hash({ "status" => 403 }) } it "parses" do expect( event.get("tags") ).not_to include "_grokparsefailure" expect( event.get("tags") ).to include "four_oh_three" end end describe "grok on float types" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "version" => "^1.0$" }, 'add_tag' => "one_point_oh" } } let(:data) { Hash({ "version" => 1.0 }) } it "parses" do expect( event.get("tags") ).not_to include "_grokparsefailure" expect( event.get("tags") ).to include "one_point_oh" end end describe "grok on %{LOGLEVEL}" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "%{LOGLEVEL:level}: error!" } } } log_level_names = %w( trace Trace TRACE debug Debug DEBUG notice Notice Notice info Info INFO warn warning Warn Warning WARN WARNING err error Err Error ERR ERROR crit critical Crit Critical CRIT CRITICAL fatal Fatal FATAL severe Severe SEVERE emerg emergency Emerg Emergency EMERG EMERGENCY ) log_level_names.each do |level_name| sample "#{level_name}: error!" do expect( event.get("level") ).to eql level_name end end end describe "timeout on failure" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "(.*a){30}" }, 'timeout_millis' => 100 } } sample "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" do expect( event.get("tags") ).to include("_groktimeout") expect( event.get("tags") ).not_to include("_grokparsefailure") end end describe "no timeout on failure with multiple patterns (when timeout not grouped)" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => [ "(.*f){20}", "(.*e){20}", "(.*d){20}", "(.*c){20}", "(.*b){20}", "(.*a){25}", "(.*a){24}", "(.*a){23}", "(.*a){22}", "(.*a){21}", "(.*a){25}", "(.*a){24}", "(.*a){23}", "(.*a){22}", "(.*a){21}", "(.*a){25}", "(.*a){24}", "(.*a){23}", "(.*a){22}", "(.*a){21}", "(.*a){20}" ] }, 'timeout_millis' => 750, 'timeout_scope' => 'pattern' } } sample( 'b' * 15 + 'c' * 15 + 'd' * 15 + 'e' * 15 + ' ' + 'a' * 20 ) do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil end end describe "timeout on grouped (multi-pattern) failure" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => [ "(.*f){20}", "(.*e){20}", "(.*d){20}", "(.*c){20}", "(.*b){20}", "(.*a){25}", "(.*a){24}", "(.*a){23}", "(.*a){22}", "(.*a){21}", "(.*a){25}", "(.*a){24}", "(.*a){23}", "(.*a){22}", "(.*a){21}", "(.*a){25}", "(.*a){24}", "(.*a){23}", "(.*a){22}", "(.*a){21}", "(.*a){20}" ] }, 'timeout_millis' => 750, 'timeout_scope' => 'event' } } sample( 'b' * 15 + 'c' * 15 + 'd' * 15 + 'e' * 15 + ' ' + 'a' * 20 ) do expect( event.get("tags") ).to include("_groktimeout") expect( event.get("tags") ).not_to include("_grokparsefailure") end end describe "tagging on failure" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "matchme %{NUMBER:fancy}" }, 'tag_on_failure' => 'not_a_match' } } sample "matchme 1234" do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil end sample "this will not be matched" do expect( event.get("tags") ).to include("not_a_match") end end describe "captures named fields even if the whole text matches" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "%{DATE_EU:stimestamp}" } } } sample "11/01/01" do expect( event.get("stimestamp") ).to eql "11/01/01" end end describe "allow dashes in capture names" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "%{WORD:foo-bar}" } } } sample "hello world" do expect( event.get("foo-bar") ).to eql "hello" end end describe "single value match with duplicate-named fields in pattern" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "%{INT:foo}|%{WORD:foo}" } } } sample "hello world" do expect( event.get("foo") ).to be_a(String) end sample "123 world" do expect( event.get("foo") ).to be_a(String) end end describe "break_on_match default should be true" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "%{INT:foo}", "somefield" => "%{INT:bar}" } } } let(:data) { Hash("message" => "hello world 123", "somefield" => "testme abc 999") } it 'exits filter after first match' do expect( event.get("foo") ).to eql '123' expect( event.get("bar") ).to be nil end end describe "break_on_match when set to false" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "%{INT:foo}", "somefield" => "%{INT:bar}" }, 'break_on_match' => false } } let(:data) { Hash("message" => "hello world 123", "somefield" => "testme abc 999") } it 'should try all patterns' do expect( event.get("foo") ).to eql '123' expect( event.get("bar") ).to eql '999' end end context "break_on_match default for array input with single grok pattern" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "%{INT:foo}" }, 'break_on_match' => false } } describe 'fully matching input' do let(:data) { Hash("message" => ["hello world 123", "line 23"]) } # array input -- it 'matches' do expect( event.get("foo") ).to eql ["123", "23"] expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil end end describe 'partially matching input' do let(:data) { Hash("message" => ["hello world 123", "abc"]) } # array input, one of them matches it 'matches' do expect( event.get("foo") ).to eql "123" expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil end end end describe "break_on_match = true (default) for array input with multiple grok pattern" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => ["%{INT:foo}", "%{WORD:bar}"] } } } describe 'matching input' do let(:data) { Hash("message" => ["hello world 123", "line 23"]) } # array input -- it 'matches' do expect( event.get("foo") ).to eql ["123", "23"] expect( event.get("bar") ).to be nil expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil end end describe 'partially matching input' do let(:data) { Hash("message" => ["hello world", "line 23"]) } # array input, one of them matches it 'matches' do expect( event.get("bar") ).to eql 'hello' expect( event.get("foo") ).to eql "23" expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil end end end describe "break_on_match = false for array input with multiple grok pattern" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => ["%{INT:foo}", "%{WORD:bar}"] }, 'break_on_match' => false } } describe 'fully matching input' do let(:data) { Hash("message" => ["hello world 123", "line 23"]) } # array input -- it 'matches' do expect( event.get("foo") ).to eql ["123", "23"] expect( event.get("bar") ).to eql ["hello", "line"] expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil end end describe 'partially matching input' do let(:data) { Hash("message" => ["hello world", "line 23"]) } # array input, one of them matches it 'matches' do expect( event.get("bar") ).to eql ["hello", "line"] expect( event.get("foo") ).to eql "23" expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil end end end describe "grok with unicode" do let(:config) { { #'match' => { "message" => "<%{POSINT:syslog_pri}>%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslog_timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:syslog_hostname} %{PROG:syslog_program}(?:\[%{POSINT:syslog_pid}\])?: %{GREEDYDATA:syslog_message}" } 'match' => { "message" => "<%{POSINT:syslog_pri}>%{SPACE}%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslog_timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:syslog_hostname} %{PROG:syslog_program}(:?)(?:\\[%{GREEDYDATA:syslog_pid}\\])?(:?) %{GREEDYDATA:syslog_message}" } } } sample "<22>Jan 4 07:50:46 mailmaster postfix/policy-spf[9454]: : SPF permerror (Junk encountered in record 'v=spf1 mx a:mail.domain.no ip4: �all'): Envelope-from: email@domain.no" do expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil expect( event.get("syslog_pri") ).to eql "22" expect( event.get("syslog_program") ).to eql "postfix/policy-spf" end end describe "grok with nil coerced value" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "test (N/A|%{BASE10NUM:duration:float}ms)" } } } sample "test 28.4ms" do expect( event.get("duration") ).to eql 28.4 expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil end sample "test N/A" do expect( event.to_hash ).not_to include("duration") expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil end sample "test abc" do expect( event.get("duration") ).to be nil expect( event.get("tags") ).to eql ["_grokparsefailure"] end end describe "grok with nil coerced value and keep_empty_captures" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "test (N/A|%{BASE10NUM:duration:float}ms)" }, 'keep_empty_captures' => true } } sample "test N/A" do expect( event.to_hash ).to include("duration") expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil end end describe "grok with no coercion" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "test (N/A|%{BASE10NUM:duration}ms)" }, } } sample "test 28.4ms" do expect( event.get("duration") ).to eql '28.4' expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil end sample "test N/A" do expect( event.get("duration") ).to be nil expect( event.get("tags") ).to be nil end end describe "opening/closing" do let(:config) { { "match" => {"message" => "A"} } } let(:message) { 'AAA' } it "should close cleanly" do expect { subject.do_close }.not_to raise_error end end describe "after grok when the event is JSON serialised the field values are unchanged" do let(:config) { { 'match' => ["message", "Failed password for (invalid user |)%{USERNAME:username} from %{IP:src_ip} port %{BASE10NUM:port}"], 'remove_field' => ["message","severity"], 'add_tag' => ["ssh_failure"] } } sample('{"facility":"auth","message":"Failed password for testuser from port 22"}') do expect( event.get("username") ).to eql "testuser" expect( event.get("port") ).to eql "22" expect( event.get("src_ip") ).to eql "" expect( LogStash::Json.dump(event.get('username')) ).to eql "\"testuser\"" expect( event.to_json ).to match %r|"src_ip":""| expect( event.to_json ).to match %r|"@timestamp":"#{Regexp.escape(event.get('@timestamp').to_s)}"| expect( event.to_json ).to match %r|"port":"22"| expect( event.to_json ).to match %r|"@version":"1"| expect( event.to_json ).to match %r|"username"|i expect( event.to_json ).to match %r|"testuser"| expect( event.to_json ).to match %r|"tags":\["ssh_failure"\]| end end describe "grok with inline pattern definition successfully extracts fields" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "%{APACHE_TIME:timestamp} %{LOGLEVEL:level} %{MY_PATTERN:hindsight}" }, 'pattern_definitions' => { "APACHE_TIME" => "%{DAY} %{MONTH} %{MONTHDAY} %{TIME} %{YEAR}", "MY_PATTERN" => "%{YEAR}" } } } sample "Mon Dec 26 16:22:08 2016 error 2020" do expect( event.get("timestamp") ).to eql "Mon Dec 26 16:22:08 2016" expect( event.get("level") ).to eql "error" expect( event.get("hindsight") ).to eql "2020" end end describe "grok with inline pattern definition overwrites existing pattern definition" do let(:config) { { 'match' => { "message" => "%{APACHE_TIME:timestamp} %{LOGLEVEL:level}" }, # loglevel was previously ([Aa]lert|ALERT|[Tt]... 'pattern_definitions' => { "APACHE_TIME" => "%{DAY} %{MONTH} %{MONTHDAY} %{TIME} %{YEAR}", "LOGLEVEL" => "%{NUMBER}" } } } sample "Mon Dec 26 16:22:08 2016 9999" do expect( event.get("timestamp") ).to eql "Mon Dec 26 16:22:08 2016" expect( event.get("level") ).to eql "9999" end end context 'when timeouts are explicitly disabled' do let(:config) do { "timeout_millis" => 0 } end context 'when given a pathological input', slow: true do let(:message) { "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"} let(:config) { super().merge("match" => { "message" => "(.*a){30}" }) } it 'blocks for at least 3 seconds' do blocking_exception_class = Class.new(::Exception) # avoid RuntimeError expect do Timeout.timeout(3, blocking_exception_class) do subject.filter(event) end end.to raise_exception(blocking_exception_class) end end end end describe LogStash::Filters::Grok do subject(:grok_filter) { described_class.new(config) } let(:config) { {} } context 'when initialized with `ecs_compatibility => v8`' do let(:config) { super().merge("ecs_compatibility" => "v8", "match" => ["message", "%{SYSLOGLINE}"]) } context '#register' do let(:logger_stub) { double('Logger').as_null_object } before(:each) { allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger_stub)} it 'logs a helpful warning about the unreleased v8' do grok_filter.register expect(logger_stub).to have_received(:warn).with(a_string_including "preview of the unreleased ECS v8") end end end end describe LogStash::Filters::Grok do describe "(LEGACY)" do describe "patterns in the 'patterns/' dir override core patterns" do let(:pattern_dir) { File.join(LogStash::Environment::LOGSTASH_HOME, "patterns") } let(:has_pattern_dir?) { Dir.exist?(pattern_dir) } before do FileUtils.mkdir(pattern_dir) unless has_pattern_dir? @file = File.new(File.join(pattern_dir, 'grok.pattern'), 'w+') @file.write('WORD \b[2-5]\b') @file.close end let(:config) do 'filter { grok { match => { "message" => "%{WORD:word}" } } }' end sample("message" => 'hello') do expect(subject.get("tags")).to eql ["_grokparsefailure"] end after do File.unlink @file FileUtils.rm_rf(pattern_dir) if has_pattern_dir? end end describe "patterns in custom dir override those in 'patterns/' dir" do let(:tmpdir) { Stud::Temporary.directory } let(:pattern_dir) { File.join(LogStash::Environment::LOGSTASH_HOME, "patterns") } let(:has_pattern_dir?) { Dir.exist?(pattern_dir) } before do FileUtils.mkdir(pattern_dir) unless has_pattern_dir? @file1 = File.new(File.join(pattern_dir, 'grok.pattern'), 'w+') @file1.write('WORD \b[2-5]\b') @file1.close @file2 = File.new(File.join(tmpdir, 'grok.pattern'), 'w+') @file2.write('WORD \b[0-1]\b') @file2.close end let(:config) do "filter { grok { patterns_dir => \"#{tmpdir}\" match => { \"message\" => \"%{WORD:word}\" } } }" end sample("message" => '0') do expect(subject.get("tags")).to be nil end after do File.unlink @file1 File.unlink @file2 FileUtils.remove_entry tmpdir FileUtils.rm_rf(pattern_dir) unless has_pattern_dir? end end describe "patterns with file glob" do let(:tmpdir) { Stud::Temporary.directory } before do @file3 = File.new(File.join(tmpdir, 'grok.pattern'), 'w+') @file3.write('WORD \b[0-1]\b') @file3.close @file4 = File.new(File.join(tmpdir, 'grok.pattern.old'), 'w+') @file4.write('WORD \b[2-5]\b') @file4.close end let(:config) do "filter { grok { patterns_dir => \"#{tmpdir}\" patterns_files_glob => \"*.pattern\" match => { \"message\" => \"%{WORD:word}\" } } }" end sample("message" => '0') do expect(subject.get("tags")).to be nil end after do File.unlink @file3 File.unlink @file4 FileUtils.remove_entry tmpdir end end describe "patterns with file glob on directory that contains subdirectories" do let(:tmpdir) { Stud::Temporary.directory } before do @file3 = File.new(File.join(tmpdir, 'grok.pattern'), 'w+') @file3.write('WORD \b[0-1]\b') @file3.close Dir.mkdir(File.join(tmpdir, "subdir")) end let(:config) do "filter { grok { patterns_dir => \"#{tmpdir}\" patterns_files_glob => \"*\" match => { \"message\" => \"%{WORD:word}\" } } }" end sample("message" => '0') do expect(subject.get("tags")).to be nil end after do File.unlink @file3 FileUtils.remove_entry tmpdir end end describe "LOGSTASH-1547 - break_on_match should work on fields with multiple patterns" do config <<-CONFIG filter { grok { match => { "message" => ["%{GREEDYDATA:name1}beard", "tree%{GREEDYDATA:name2}"] } break_on_match => false } } CONFIG sample "treebranch" do expect(subject.get("name2")).to eql "branch" end sample "bushbeard" do expect(subject.get("name1")).to eql "bush" end sample "treebeard" do expect(subject.get("name1")).to eql "tree" expect(subject.get("name2")).to eql "beard" end end end end