class SlackSmartBot # help: ---------------------------------------------- # help: `run repl SESSION_NAME` # help: `run repl SESSION_NAME ENV_VAR=VALUE ENV_VAR=VALUE` # help: `run live SESSION_NAME` # help: `run irb SESSION_NAME` # help: # help: Will run the repl session specified and return the output. # help: You can supply the Environmental Variables you need for the Session # help: It will return only the values that were print out on the repl with puts, print, p or pp # help: Example: # help: _run repl CreateCustomer LOCATION=spain HOST=''_ # help: def run_repl(dest, user, session_name, env_vars, rules_file) #todo: add tests from = if config[:allow_access].key?(__method__) and !config[:allow_access][__method__].include?( and !config[:allow_access][__method__].include?( and (!user.key?(:enterprise_user) or ( user.key?(:enterprise_user) and !config[:allow_access][__method__].include?(user[:enterprise_user].id))) respond "You don't have access to use this command, please contact an Admin to be able to use it: <@#{config.admins.join(">, <@")}>" else save_stats(__method__) Dir.mkdir("#{config.path}/repl") unless Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/repl") Dir.mkdir("#{config.path}/repl/#{@channel_id}") unless Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/repl/#{@channel_id}") if File.exist?("#{config.path}/repl/#{@channel_id}/#{session_name}.run") if @repls.key?(session_name) and @repls[session_name][:type] == :private and @repls[session_name][:creator_name]! and !config.admins.include?( respond "The REPL with session name: #{session_name} is private", dest else if @repls.key?(session_name) #not temp @repls[session_name][:accessed] = if @repls[session_name].creator_name == @repls[session_name][:runs_by_creator] += 1 else @repls[session_name][:runs_by_others] += 1 end update_repls() end content = env_vars.join("\n") content += "\nrequire 'nice_http'\n" unless rules_file.empty? # to get the project_folder begin eval( if File.exist?(config.path+rules_file) end end if File.exist?("#{project_folder}/.smart-bot-repl") content +="#{project_folder}/.smart-bot-repl") content += "\n" end content +="#{config.path}/repl/#{@channel_id}/#{session_name}.run").gsub(/^(quit|exit|bye)$/i,'') #todo: remove this gsub, it will never contain it Dir.mkdir("#{project_folder}/tmp") unless Dir.exist?("#{project_folder}/tmp") Dir.mkdir("#{project_folder}/tmp/repl") unless Dir.exist?("#{project_folder}/tmp/repl") File.write("#{project_folder}/tmp/repl/#{session_name}.rb", content, mode: "w+") process_to_run = "ruby #{project_folder}/tmp/repl/#{session_name}.rb" process_to_run = ("cd #{project_folder} && #{process_to_run}") if defined?(project_folder) respond "Running REPL #{session_name}" stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(process_to_run) if stderr == "" if stdout == "" respond "*#{session_name}*: Nothing returned." else respond "*#{session_name}*: #{stdout}" end else respond "*#{session_name}*: #{stdout} #{stderr}" end end else respond "The REPL with session name: #{session_name} doesn't exist on this Smart Bot Channel", dest end end end end