#include "texture.h" #include #include "rays/exception.h" #include "rays/bitmap.h" #include "rays/debug.h" #include "opengl.h" #include "color_space.h" #include "frame_buffer.h" namespace Rays { struct Texture::Data { GLuint id = 0; int width, height, width_pow2, height_pow2; ColorSpace color_space; bool smooth, modified; Data () { clear(); } ~Data () { clear(); } void clear () { delete_texture(); width = height = width_pow2 = height_pow2 = 0; color_space = COLORSPACE_UNKNOWN; smooth = false; modified = false; } void delete_texture () { if (!has_id()) return; glDeleteTextures(1, &id); OpenGL_check_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); id = 0; } bool has_id () const { return id > 0; } };// Texture::Data static int min_pow2 (int num) { int n = 1; while (n < num) n *= 2; return n; } template static inline void copy_pixel (uchar* dest, const uchar* src) { *dest = *src; copy_pixel(dest + 1, src + 1); } template <> inline void copy_pixel<1> (uchar* dest, const uchar* src) { *dest = *src; } template <> inline void copy_pixel<2> (uchar* dest, const uchar* src) { assert(sizeof(ushort) == 2); *(ushort*) dest = *(ushort*) src; } template <> inline void copy_pixel<4> (uchar* dest, const uchar* src) { assert(sizeof(uint) == 4); *(uint*) dest = *(uint*) src; } template static inline void copy_pixels ( size_t width, uchar* dest, size_t dest_stride, const uchar* src, size_t src_stride) { if (!dest) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (!src) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (dest_stride <= 0) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); if ( src_stride <= 0) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); while (width--) { copy_pixel(dest, src); dest += dest_stride; src += src_stride; } } static inline void copy_pixels ( size_t Bpp, size_t width, uchar* dest, size_t dest_stride, const uchar* src, size_t src_stride) { switch (Bpp) { case 1: copy_pixels<1>(width, dest, dest_stride, src, src_stride); break; case 2: copy_pixels<2>(width, dest, dest_stride, src, src_stride); break; case 3: copy_pixels<3>(width, dest, dest_stride, src, src_stride); break; case 4: copy_pixels<4>(width, dest, dest_stride, src, src_stride); break; } } static void copy_pixels (Bitmap* dest, const Bitmap& src) { assert(dest); if (!src) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); int width = std::min(src.width(), dest->width()); int height = std::min(src.height(), dest->height()); int src_Bpp = src.color_space().Bpp(); int dest_Bpp = dest->color_space().Bpp(); for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { copy_pixels( src_Bpp, width, dest->at(0, y), dest_Bpp, src. at(0, y), src_Bpp); } } static std::shared_ptr resize_bitmap (const Bitmap& bitmap, int width, int height) { std::shared_ptr bmp( new Bitmap(width, height, bitmap.color_space())); if (!*bmp) rays_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); copy_pixels(bmp.get(), bitmap); return bmp; } static void setup_texture ( Texture::Data* self, int width, int height, const ColorSpace& cs, bool smooth = false, const Bitmap* bitmap = NULL, bool npot = false) { assert(self && !self->has_id()); glGenTextures(1, &self->id); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self->id); if (glIsTexture(self->id) == GL_FALSE) opengl_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "failed to create texture."); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, smooth ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST); GLenum format, type; ColorSpace_get_gl_format_and_type(&format, &type, cs); if (npot) { // create non-power-of-two texture glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, width, height, 0, format, type, bitmap ? bitmap->pixels() : NULL); npot = OpenGL_has_error(); } if (!npot) { // create power-of-two texture int width_pow2 = min_pow2(width); int height_pow2 = min_pow2(height); glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, width_pow2, height_pow2, 0, format, type, bitmap ? resize_bitmap(*bitmap, width_pow2, height_pow2)->pixels() : NULL); OpenGL_check_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); self->width_pow2 = width_pow2; self->height_pow2 = height_pow2; } self->width = width; self->height = height; self->color_space = cs; self->smooth = smooth; self->modified = true; } Texture::Texture () { } Texture::Texture (int width, int height, const ColorSpace& cs, bool smooth) { if (width <= 0) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (height <= 0) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (!cs) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); setup_texture(self.get(), width, height, cs, smooth); } Texture::Texture (const Bitmap& bitmap, bool smooth) { if (!bitmap) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); setup_texture( self.get(), bitmap.width(), bitmap.height(), bitmap.color_space(), smooth, &bitmap); } Texture& Texture::operator = (const Bitmap& bitmap) { if (!bitmap) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); int w = bitmap.width(), h = bitmap.height(); if (w != width()) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "the width of bitmap does not match"); if (h != height()) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "the height of bitmap does not match"); GLenum format, type; ColorSpace_get_gl_format_and_type(&format, &type, bitmap.color_space()); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self->id); glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, w, h, format, type, bitmap.pixels()); return *this; } Texture::~Texture () { } int Texture::width () const { return self->width; } int Texture::reserved_width () const { int w = self->width_pow2; return w > 0 ? w : self->width; } int Texture::height () const { return self->height; } int Texture::reserved_height () const { int h = self->height_pow2; return h > 0 ? h : self->height; } const ColorSpace& Texture::color_space () const { return self->color_space; } bool Texture::smooth () const { return self->smooth; } GLuint Texture::id () const { return self->id; } void Texture::set_modified (bool modified) { self->modified = modified; } bool Texture::modified () const { return self->modified; } Texture::operator bool () const { return self->has_id() && self->width > 0 && self->height > 0 && self->color_space; } bool Texture::operator ! () const { return !operator bool(); } }// Rays