# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rumale/validation' require 'rumale/base/base_estimator' require 'rumale/base/evaluator' require 'rumale/base/splitter' require 'rumale/pipeline/pipeline' module Rumale module ModelSelection # GridSearchCV is a class that performs hyperparameter optimization with grid search method. # # @example # rfc = Rumale::Ensemble::RandomForestClassifier.new(random_seed: 1) # pg = { n_estimators: [5, 10], max_depth: [3, 5], max_leaf_nodes: [15, 31] } # kf = Rumale::ModelSelection::StratifiedKFold.new(n_splits: 5) # gs = Rumale::ModelSelection::GridSearchCV.new(estimator: rfc, param_grid: pg, splitter: kf) # gs.fit(samples, labels) # p gs.cv_results # p gs.best_params # # @example # rbf = Rumale::KernelApproximation::RBF.new(random_seed: 1) # svc = Rumale::LinearModel::SVC.new(random_seed: 1) # pipe = Rumale::Pipeline::Pipeline.new(steps: { rbf: rbf, svc: svc }) # pg = { rbf__gamma: [32.0, 1.0], rbf__n_components: [4, 128], svc__reg_param: [16.0, 0.1] } # kf = Rumale::ModelSelection::StratifiedKFold.new(n_splits: 5) # gs = Rumale::ModelSelection::GridSearchCV.new(estimator: pipe, param_grid: pg, splitter: kf) # gs.fit(samples, labels) # p gs.cv_results # p gs.best_params # class GridSearchCV include Base::BaseEstimator include Validation # Return the result of cross validation for each parameter. # @return [Hash] attr_reader :cv_results # Return the score of the estimator learned with the best parameter. # @return [Float] attr_reader :best_score # Return the best parameter set. # @return [Hash] attr_reader :best_params # Return the index of the best parameter. # @return [Integer] attr_reader :best_index # Return the estimator learned with the best parameter. # @return [Estimator] attr_reader :best_estimator # Create a new grid search method. # # @param estimator [Classifier/Regresor] The estimator to be searched for optimal parameters with grid search method. # @param param_grid [Array] The parameter sets is represented with array of hash that # consists of parameter names as keys and array of parameter values as values. # @param splitter [Splitter] The splitter that divides dataset to training and testing dataset on cross validation. # @param evaluator [Evaluator] The evaluator that calculates score of estimator results on cross validation. # If nil is given, the score method of estimator is used to evaluation. # @param greater_is_better [Boolean] The flag that indicates whether the estimator is better as # evaluation score is larger. def initialize(estimator: nil, param_grid: nil, splitter: nil, evaluator: nil, greater_is_better: true) check_params_type(Rumale::Base::BaseEstimator, estimator: estimator) check_params_type(Rumale::Base::Splitter, splitter: splitter) check_params_type_or_nil(Rumale::Base::Evaluator, evaluator: evaluator) check_params_boolean(greater_is_better: greater_is_better) @params = {} @params[:param_grid] = valid_param_grid(param_grid) @params[:estimator] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(estimator)) @params[:splitter] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(splitter)) @params[:evaluator] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(evaluator)) @params[:greater_is_better] = greater_is_better @cv_results = nil @best_score = nil @best_params = nil @best_index = nil @best_estimator = nil end # Fit the model with given training data and all sets of parameters. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The training data to be used for fitting the model. # @param y [Numo::NArray] (shape: [n_samples, n_outputs]) The target values or labels to be used for fitting the model. # @return [GridSearchCV] The learned estimator with grid search. def fit(x, y) x = check_convert_sample_array(x) init_attrs param_combinations.each do |prm_set| prm_set.each do |prms| report = perform_cross_validation(x, y, prms) store_cv_result(prms, report) end end find_best_params @best_estimator = configurated_estimator(@best_params) @best_estimator.fit(x, y) self end # Call the decision_function method of learned estimator with the best parameter. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to compute the scores. # @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples]) Confidence score per sample. def decision_function(x) x = check_convert_sample_array(x) @best_estimator.decision_function(x) end # Call the predict method of learned estimator with the best parameter. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to obtain prediction result. # @return [Numo::NArray] Predicted results. def predict(x) x = check_convert_sample_array(x) @best_estimator.predict(x) end # Call the predict_log_proba method of learned estimator with the best parameter. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to predict the log-probailities. # @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_classes]) Predicted log-probability of each class per sample. def predict_log_proba(x) x = check_convert_sample_array(x) @best_estimator.predict_log_proba(x) end # Call the predict_proba method of learned estimator with the best parameter. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to predict the probailities. # @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_classes]) Predicted probability of each class per sample. def predict_proba(x) x = check_convert_sample_array(x) @best_estimator.predict_proba(x) end # Call the score method of learned estimator with the best parameter. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) Testing data. # @param y [Numo::NArray] (shape: [n_samples, n_outputs]) True target values or labels for testing data. # @return [Float] The score of estimator. def score(x, y) x = check_convert_sample_array(x) @best_estimator.score(x, y) end # Dump marshal data. # @return [Hash] The marshal data about GridSearchCV. def marshal_dump { params: @params, cv_results: @cv_results, best_score: @best_score, best_params: @best_params, best_index: @best_index, best_estimator: @best_estimator } end # Load marshal data. # @return [nil] def marshal_load(obj) @params = obj[:params] @cv_results = obj[:cv_results] @best_score = obj[:best_score] @best_params = obj[:best_params] @best_index = obj[:best_index] @best_estimator = obj[:best_estimator] nil end private def valid_param_grid(grid) raise TypeError, 'Expect class of param_grid to be Hash or Array' unless grid.is_a?(Hash) || grid.is_a?(Array) grid = [grid] if grid.is_a?(Hash) grid.each do |h| raise TypeError, 'Expect class of elements in param_grid to be Hash' unless h.is_a?(Hash) raise TypeError, 'Expect class of parameter values in param_grid to be Array' unless h.values.all? { |v| v.is_a?(Array) } end grid end def param_combinations @param_combinations ||= @params[:param_grid].map do |prm| x = Hash[prm.sort].map { |k, v| [k].product(v) } x[0].product(*x[1...x.size]).map { |v| Hash[v] } end end def perform_cross_validation(x, y, prms) est = configurated_estimator(prms) cv = CrossValidation.new(estimator: est, splitter: @params[:splitter], evaluator: @params[:evaluator], return_train_score: true) cv.perform(x, y) end def configurated_estimator(prms) estimator = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(@params[:estimator])) if @params[:estimator].is_a?(Rumale::Pipeline::Pipeline) prms.each do |k, v| est_name, prm_name = k.to_s.split('__') estimator.steps[est_name.to_sym].params[prm_name.to_sym] = v end else prms.each { |k, v| estimator.params[k] = v } end estimator end def init_attrs @cv_results = %i[mean_test_score std_test_score mean_train_score std_train_score mean_fit_time std_fit_time params].map { |v| [v, []] }.to_h @best_score = nil @best_params = nil @best_index = nil @best_estimator = nil end def store_cv_result(prms, report) test_scores = Numo::DFloat[*report[:test_score]] train_scores = Numo::DFloat[*report[:train_score]] fit_times = Numo::DFloat[*report[:fit_time]] @cv_results[:mean_test_score].push(test_scores.mean) @cv_results[:std_test_score].push(test_scores.stddev) @cv_results[:mean_train_score].push(train_scores.mean) @cv_results[:std_train_score].push(train_scores.stddev) @cv_results[:mean_fit_time].push(fit_times.mean) @cv_results[:std_fit_time].push(fit_times.stddev) @cv_results[:params].push(prms) end def find_best_params @best_score = @params[:greater_is_better] ? @cv_results[:mean_test_score].max : @cv_results[:mean_test_score].min @best_index = @cv_results[:mean_test_score].index(@best_score) @best_params = @cv_results[:params][@best_index] end end end end