# Autowow #### Set of commands to [auto]mate [w]ay [o]f [w]orking Status and support - ✔ stable - ✔ supported - ✔ ongoing development <!--- Version informartion --> *You are viewing the README of version [v0.17.1](https://github.com/thisismydesign/autowow/releases/tag/v0.17.1). You can find other releases [here](https://github.com/thisismydesign/autowow/releases).* <!--- Version informartion end --> | Branch | Status | | ------ | ------ | | Release | [](https://travis-ci.org/thisismydesign/autowow) [](https://coveralls.io/github/thisismydesign/autowow?branch=release) [](https://badge.fury.io/rb/autowow) [](https://rubygems.org/gems/autowow) | | Development | [](https://travis-ci.org/thisismydesign/autowow) [](https://coveralls.io/github/thisismydesign/autowow?branch=master) [](https://www.bountysource.com/issues/52798961-all-changes-have-been-pushed-doesn-t-take-uncommitted-changes-into-account?utm_source=52798961&utm_medium=shield&utm_campaign=ISSUE_BADGE) | ## Disclaimer Commands are purposefully opinionated. Use it on your own responsibility. ## Usage Install from source as `rake install`. Run `autowow` or `aw` to see available commands. ## Commands Commands in general * start by outputting the status before execution * end by outputting the status after execution * are safe * only touch files via other commands (e.g. `git`) * do not cause conflicted state * hard check for prerequisites * store and restore uncommitted changes * output executed commands that cause any change * execute in current directory * retain original output color ### VCS Commands related to version control systems. Currently only Git and the GitHub API are supported. #### Branch merged `aw bm` / `autowow branch_merged` * Switches to master and pulls your merged changes * Removes local working branch Prerequisites: not on master #### Update projects `aw up` / `autowow update_projects` * Updates local repositories * Updates remote forks * Searches for repositories on paths: `.`, `./*/` Prerequisites: no uncommitted changes on master #### Clear branches `aw cb` / `autowow clear_branches` * Removes branches without not pushed changes * Keeps current and master branches #### Add upstream `aw au` / `autowow add_upstream` * Adds parent repository as remote 'upstream' Prerequisites: doesn't have remote called 'upstream' #### Hi `aw hi` / `autowow hi` Day starter routine * Updates projects (runs 'Update projects') * Shows latest and deprecated repos * Shows deprecated Ruby versions Prerequisites: in a directory that contains git repos, not in the repo itself #### Hi! `aw hi!` / `autowow hi!` Day starter routine for a new start * Runs 'Add upstream' and 'Clear branches' for all projects * Runs 'Hi' #### Open `aw open` / `autowow open` * Opens project in browser #### Force pull `aw fp` / `autowow force_pull` * Runs `git fetch --all` * Runs `git reset --hard origin/<current_branch_name>` ### Gem - Gem release - `aw grls` - `autowow gem_release` - [doc](doc/grls.md) - Ruby check - `aw rc` - `autowow ruby_check` - [doc](doc/rc.md) - Gem install source - `aw gis` - `autowow gem_install_local` - [doc](doc/gis.md) - DB migrate reset - `aw dbmr` - `autowow db_migrate_reset` - [doc](doc/dbmr.md) #### Gem clean `aw gc` / `autowow gem_clean` * Removes unused gems #### Rubocop parallel autocorrect `aw rpa` / `autowow rubocop_parallel_autocorrect` * Runs `rubocop` in parallel mode, autocorrects offenses on single thread #### Bundle exec `aw be <cmd>` / `autowow bundle_exec <cmd>` * Runs `cmd` with `bundle exec` prefixed ### Ruby #### Ruby versions `aw rv` / `autowow ruby_versions` * Shows Ruby versions in use * Searches for repositories on paths: `.`, `./*/` ### Misc #### Execute `aw e` / `autowow execute` * Executes given command ## Contribution and feedback This project is built around known use-cases. If you have one that isn't covered don't hesitate to open an issue and start a discussion. Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/thisismydesign/autowow. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## Conventions This project follows [C-Hive guides](https://github.com/c-hive/guides) for code style, way of working and other development concerns. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).